Month: May 2022

May 31, 2022 – She’s All Mine

I got my bicycle back last week from the shop. This time, it wasn’t just a tune up but changes that I have been wanting to make for the last 30 years. I started researching bicycles in 1993. I wanted to get involved in a new-ish phenomenon called mountain biking. I was a high school athlete that fancied myself an outdoors enthusiast. This seemed like a perfect combination for me. I did quite a bit of research actually and talked to all of the local bike shops before I made my decision.

My first bicycle I bought in April 1993. I had it until it was stolen in the first of May 1994 (it was fully locked in front of the dorm). I had done a little bit of mountain biking through the year, so I decided to upgrade to a better model. This is still the bike I have now.

At this time, there were very few bikes with suspension. Front suspension had just been invented and there were only a handful of full suspension bikes. The arms race was not all the things you could add to your bike but how well built it was. So, for instance, this is a steel bike that weighs in at 24lbs. There were a few Aluminum frame bikes and there were also a couple Titanium frame bikes as well. Believe or not, I saw a couple carbon fiber frames even.

I think now, most of the performance bikes are Aluminum, not steel. Thoughts on that type of metallurgy is that it is more prone to stress cracking because it is more rigid than steel. I would say that is much more likely when you are riding over bumps and causing additional unintended force. I think if you add suspension, then some of that potential damage is mitigated.

It was always my intent to buy the best bike I could, then upgrade it as time went on. Interest and use had waned over the years. There was a time when I got my bike ready to ride as my kids were of the age of but after using it a couple of times it sat for another season and stopped working again. Another way of saying it was I couldn’t use it when I wanted to without another trip to the bike shop.

One of the things that I wanted to change were the pedals. Mine originally came with what are called toe clips. They were supposed to partially lock your feet into the pedals and give the rider the ability to get power on the pull and the push stroke. The problem with the casual rider is that you needed to wear full shoes, so a casual ride with sandals wasn’t possible. You could flip the clips upside down, but then the clips were frequently dragging, It was annoying and therefore, I replaced them.

I would call my bike ‘higher end’ at the time. Being so, it was intended for more rugged use. This also meant that the rider geometry was aggressive. Conventional wisdom at the time was that a rider would get used to the position. I definitely never got used to it and it wasn’t comfortable to ride over longer distances, even when I was young. I changed the rider positioning with the neck and new handle bar so that I was sitting more upright. Lest be honest, I will be lucky to ride the bike, let alone race it.

I have always enjoyed riding my bike. It needs to work in order for me to do so. My kids are of the age that they will be driving soon so it was worth it to me to spend some money on it.

I am considering possibly making some additional changes (but not this year). I always wanted to upgrade the front forks to a suspension setup. I am also waffling on having a bike that I can use around town to pick-up a few items at the grocery store, rather than driving. That would mean the ability to carry things and probably have some rain protection and less aggressive tires.

To me, the question would be buying a separate bike to setup for town use or modify this one some more. I am leaning toward buying a cheaper second bike and setting it up for around town use. I like the idea of riding my bike to the store rather than driving. It is not about the effort, but the time even though the store is only a 1/4 mile away and a bike would go along way to eliminating the time factor. However, let’s not put the cart before the horse and see how this year goes.

End Your Programming Routine: There is no doubt that this was an expensive job. I spent $350 on the total project. My wife thought that I should have bought a new bike instead of spending the money on all this. In my mind, the changes were worth it considering the quality of the bike ($800 in 1994) to begin with and at least in my mind, a $400 bike is probably a two year bike. Most of the labor cost needed to be done anyway, I added $100 in parts. I hope to get some use out of it this year.

May 30, 2022 – Remember the Ultimate Sacrifice

Fortunately for me, I don’t know of anyone that has died in combat. I do know someone that took their own life as a result of PTSD which, while extremely sad is not quite the same (I will get to this later). If you remember my stance I took in 2020 this is not Veterans Day or First Responders appreciation. This is the day to remember those that gave all.

I will have the barbeque going and I will enjoy some family time as well as a day off. I will be thankful that I don’t know anyone that has died in combat. I will also be slightly pissed off that our soldiers died in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, UAE, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Bosnia, Serbia and Kuwait to name the ones that we know about. I will be sad that kids were brainwashed into believing in the mission so strongly that they didn’t realize they were the pawns and casualties in a power struggle beyond their wildest imagination. I will be boggled and disgusted by a culture that can’t tell the difference between a veteran and a combat death.

This is all to say that we need to be very careful in our moral superiority complex. We must not confuse advancing Liberty and Freedom with the actions of a bully. This is not a benevolent bully either. This is a bend to our submission so that we can remain at the top of the heap. Our dollar is worth more, our gas tanks are filled first, we eat first, we piss upstream of everyone else.

When I hear the phrase “fighting for your freedom” I want to throw up a little bit. In a small way, that is true. It is not freedom per se, but my ability to leverage my superior economic status over yours, or my manifest destiny, or protecting my business interests in a location that is not governed by my country. There have only been three occasions where this has truly been the case, the war of Independence, the war of 1812 and the Civil War.

I could be persuaded to give Korea and Vietnam a pass to a point. But one, we should now know that proxy wars are not protecting our freedom and two after we have seen those failures we keep doing the same thing (Afghanistan). Or, how about the ‘We fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here’ stance? Here’s an idea, if we stopped pushing people around all together maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with this nonsense constantly.

Remember the accusations that Russia would dare to mettle in our elections? How many elections do you suppose we have manipulated? How about the invasion of Haiti to restore a dictator that was disposed by a military coup? The same guy that was assassinated last year, how did that work out for him or us for that matter? There is nothing like a constant power display to build contempt so that they get to the point that they would rather blow themselves up than keep on keeping on.

I would like to think that my people are the god fearing, flag waving, not apologizing for shit, Toby Keith types. I used be one of those for sure. But, part of being god fearing is looking at the situation from a different points of view. At this point, I can’t endorse any sort of non-defensive military aggression.

I do not blame the soldier. In theory, they were used to advance agenda of economic superiority using propaganda masked as patriotism. This is the real tragedy of Memorial Day. To put a final point to this, the ultimate sacrifice was not self sacrifice exclusively but a willing sacrifice for someone else’s prosperity without the full knowledge of the situation. It is no small coincidence that combat veterans suffer from a high degree of PTSD. No only did they do things they regret, they intimately understand the whole cabal after it is too late.

End Your Programming Routine: My heart goes to you if you had a loved one die in the line of duty. About ten years ago, we met a husband and wife that were up in the woods. We were looking for a specific grove of old growth timber called ‘Valley of the Giants’ but they were up there because their son was killed in Vietnam and buried in a town called Valsetz that no longer exists. They were near the old townsite to get a connection on Memorial Day. Fortunately, they were more than willing to lead us to our destination which we would not likely found simply wandering in the woods.

May 27, 2022 – I Want to Be Transparent…

As we head toward Memorial weekend, I was thinking about what I was going to try accomplish over the weekend. I also had a juxtaposing thought that I talk some about things that I am going to do but never any update on where I am at or what ever happened.

I talked about transparency with leadership so you know that I think it is important. Being transparent, most of those things never got started. Here is a list of things that I have introduced but have made no progress

  • Wine Cellar
  • Front Yard Garden
  • Sofa Table for my stereo system
  • Shop siding replacement
  • (Now) Adirondack chairs
  • Build a Kitchen Table
  • AltF4 business plan
  • podcasting testing

You know this subconsciously because if I had done what I said, I would be writing about it more than likely. I have a couple of other things that I have started, but never completed. And like all humans, I pick an choose things I would rather do or are motivated to do. Seems like lately, I just don’t have the energy or the drive to do things after work with so many family activities happening.

To be fair, the siding is going to be done this summer. I had to go to the dump last weekend to clear out my trailer so I had room to do the demo. So, that is progress; that I didn’t report on. In this current week, I have been making trips to Goodwill so I can clean out the garage to get my son’s car in so that we can have some paver work done. Not on my want list, but my need list.

All of that garbage and donation stuff has clogged my garage and shop all winter and spring. This is not an excuse, but a very real obstacle to me working on my projects. That logjam is unclogging finally.

Last year, I replaced the derailleur on my son’s bike but I never did the final gear adjustment, I was getting five of the seven rear gears. He was complaining that the handle grips were sliding off. I bought some new ones and when I went to slide all the mechanicals down the handle bar, the cables came loose. I went to try and fix it by taking the bike to a park and using the stand, but then I found that the derailleur bracket was bent, I didn’t have the tools and I wasn’t sure of the right correction. In my heart, I could have fiddled with it more and gotten it licked. But, not having a stand at home just led me to finally take the bike in.

The truth is my own bike has been only partially functional for years. I have always hated the pedal clips, the rider geometry has me too bent over to be comfortable and the worst part is that the shifters have been partially seized. I decided to take both bikes in. Like I was saying a couple of weeks ago, it’s not that I couldn’t do these things but at this point, I would rather ride the bike than work on it. This is especially true because my precious time is going to be focused on my siding project over the summer. Having the ability to just jump on my bike and go makes me much more likely to do so than spend the same time fooling over new parts.

I have no good reason why I haven’t done my business plan or podcast testing. When I have talked about this before, I have talked about my intent by announcing something and accountability. Since no one is really communicating with me over this channel, there is no real accountability. What keeps me writing everyday is my drive to want to do it. Since no one is asking and I am happy with where I am at, I haven’t been motivated to do anything different.

Transparency to me is admitting that I am not perfect. Not everything I write about turns out to be a dream. I have a pile of video on things that I was planning to create video on, but didn’t work out. I am not sure if I should go ahead and edit and publish to be real or just delete them as stuff that didn’t work. For now, I am just holding on to it.

To be sure, I am going to keep being me. I am going to write about things that I intend to do when I write them because maybe they inspire someone to do something similar on their own. I am going to maintain a list of things that someday I want to get to. I am going to keep pushing myself to try things I have no experience doing to learn and try to teach or coach.

I am not going to apologize for follow through until I get some sort of dialog where I find out that I am disappointing people. As far as I know, nobody is routinely reading this anyway. If that day comes, then I will have true accountability and I promise that I will do a more careful job of follow through with my announcements and projects. There is no doubt in my mind that I will have the proper motivation when I know people are waiting for me.

Like everyone, I get tired. I want to check out sometimes. I find things I would rather do. I have obligations that I didn’t realize before I thought I was going to do something. It is cold in my shop without the heat on. I don’t want to start something to get interrupted by something else. I have a myriad of excuses and reasons I haven’t done the things that I probably should have. I also have on my list a bunch of things I don’t want to do but need to, so this problem is not exclusive to just my personal goals.

I feel like I am the true master of none. I am a very amateur woodworker, mechanic, shooter, woodsman, scientist, gardener, brewer, etc. I think I am a decent cook and carpenter but I don’t always have a project or feel like sharing dinner. My interests are in learning, teaching and following my desires are what drive me. I hope that my courage to try is inspiring to others.

End Your Programming Routine: My original title for this site was going to be Polymath Daily, not AltF4 because of the wide variety of topics. I am glad that I went with the latter rather than the former because it allows for more emphasis on opinion and less on hard skills. At this point in my life, I am going to prioritize family and relationship over hardcore projects and skills but that doesn’t mean I am going to quit trying. I hope you have something planned for this holiday weekend that fulfills you.

May 26, 2022 – ‘Tacticool’ Thursday

This is a rewrite. I already had this entire week written by Tuesday but unfortunately something came up and this was the best day to interrupt the flow. You all know what that something is… a school shooting in Texas where 19 children and two adults were killed. This is the biggest tragedy and eerily similar to Sandy Hook (2012).

I am going to spare the hard lines of party talking points today. I see all kinds of people talking out of their asses about the situation. I see a lot of people that have their own contingency of personal security using this event to push their personal agenda. I am talking about NBA coaches, TV hosts and US politicians.

With all things, what do you do with this? I want to say, I cant blame all people for being angry. Someone very close to me said yesterday that they wanted to get some training and start carrying. I think that is actually the proper response not because I want a militarization of our culture but because we are our own first responders.

I have said this before, if I knew that there was going to be a fight somewhere then I would not go to that place. It is just smart. That leaves us with being caught unaware anytime something like this happens. If you are unaware, then how prepared are you really going to be? And if you are not prepared, it is only luck that keeps you alive.

My kids had a band concert a couple nights ago. Oregon SB554 was passed in 2021 in direct response to 2011 appeals court dismissal of college’s ability to prohibit firearms. The reason for this is Oregon has a preemption clause in the constitution which means that only the legislature can make laws that contradict the Bill of Rights. Or in other words, administrative bodies cannot arbitrarily create rules that are in contradiction to the constitution. This is a long way of saying firearms are banned at all schools in our district.

Had that circumstance in Texas occurred in my town, the results would have likely been the same or worse. 1) This is not Texas with the same sense of individualism 2) we don’t have a bunch of border protection officers just hanging around town. The sheriff has two – six deputies on duty, municipal police have two on duty and the adjacent town has two on duty. State police are fifteen miles away at best.

If the ‘good guys’ are following the laws and the ‘bad guys’ are not, then what is the result? The result is a defenseless shooting gallery. Did you also know that Great Britain is implementing knife restrictions as a result of a huge rise in knife crime? On one hand, the firearm is a better tool for killing but you see from the data that the problem is not the tool. Nor is the problem a lack of laws. The problem is sick and deranged people.

The story is still being written on this. 2020 followed by 2021 were the biggest firearms sales years for a reason. The largest segment of that population were first time gun owners. People know when something is wrong, defund the police being one example. This country is literally disintegrating before our eyes and people don’t realize what is wrong, only that it doesn’t feel right.

Since this is a complicated problem and I don’t want to disrespect the situation with simple solutions, I can only offer my opinion. It is a shame that we should abdicate our children’s safety and quite frankly their minds to a system that is counter-intuitive and unnatural. Instead of learning critical thinking and problem solving, we are training safety by bureaucracy and administration.

The question is not “how is this prevented” but “how do I survive”. You see, that flips the script on me imposing my will on you to you taking responsibility for yourself. I don’t think it will ever be prevented, but I do believe that there are steps I can take to potentially mitigate the damage. In a hypothetical situation, whether I am killed because I am disarmed or I am killed because my opponent was a better/quicker shot the result is still the same. But which one provides better odds?

I am not going to say whether I obey the no guns in school policy. What I will say is that this is not my first day after a school shooting. And, I will also say that my human right to self preservation exceeds any kind of policy. That is the basis of civil disobedience. If I did have a weapon and I was in the situation, my first priority is to get out of harm, not stop the threat or even engage.

End Your Programming Routine: If Whoopi Goldberg wants to come here and try to punch me, then I would like to see her try. Quite frankly, assault is acceptable grounds for self defense. Mind you, I think it would be more lucrative to let her hit me and then I can take this to civil court for a nice, fat judgement. Despite all of that, I stand for her right to be an idiot and say whatever she wants on TV. That goes for everyone, I stand with your rights to think and speak. Don’t mess with mine.

May 25, 2022 – I Don’t Need Another Project

I am mulling around an idea (I will get to in a minute). I have talked about how we are paying to have our fence replaced. We have signed the contract and put down half of the money. I think it is going to be another month or so before it actually happens.

Switching gears for a minute, we were at our wine pick-up last weekend and sitting in some plastic Adirondack chairs enjoying the weather, music and some samples. We had one (or two chairs) of our own that lasted about a year. I think they came from Dollar General and the sun will destroy that cheap plastic. The chair broke and it went to the landfill.

My wife was talking about how she likes the wooden ones, but that they were expensive. That got my mind working. If I salvaged some of the fence boards, I would have a good start on material to build my own chairs. Ideally, I would be selective and take the best ones. But this all depends…

The whole deal includes tearing down the old fence. If this happens while we are home, then of course I don’t think they will mind me taking some of the waste (and picking my boards). If it happens while we are in Spain, I may miss the boat on this whole thing.

The truth is, I would like to do some test work and see if the boards can even be salvaged, but, I don’t want to tear the fence down to do so. I think I can run them through the planer and resize and they would be fine for making plenty of chairs. I do have some reservations however.

Looking at the fence, none of the boards are clear (knot free). Some of them are pretty rough. I suspect that there is going to be a high degree of waste due to wood failure or brittleness and deep weather wear. But, I won’t know that until I do some test work.

The other thing I am not sure of is they are cedar. Depending on the grain pattern, cedar can be rough. So, I am concerned about the possible splinter factor. Some species can have pretty tight grain patterns but I think this fence started out rough sawn which make me think that there is a smaller probability that these boards will make good chairs. Once again, I would like to investigate.

As woodworking projects go, this is a pretty simple one. I would guess that I can knock out a chair in a couple of hours. It means that whatever plans I have wouldn’t be derailed significantly to build a couple of chairs. I am thinking that I would use a semi-transparent stain as well. This project will require some new wood as the structural pieces and I would like to blend the overall look to something more uniform.

I suppose the other option is that I could laminate pieces to make thicker stock, but again this would be another experiment. I am not a huge fan of glues and outdoor exposure, but it would be an option and require less new material. Maybe I will selectively remove a couple of boards to check for viability before I commit to this.

End Your Programming Routine: I hate the idea that all of this wood will simply go to the landfill. I would rather see it turned into firewood rather than simply hauled off to the dump. The real problem is that time is money. Nobody from a job perspective has time to break all the panels down, pull the nails and stack it, cut it, store it and market it or even give it away. To top it off, cedar is not the best firewood by a long shot. That being said, if I can efficiently use it that would be my preference.

May 24, 2022 – The Tor Browser and Experiments With Privacy

Admittedly, I haven’t used the browser a lot. The reason being is that there are some hidden issues with trying to maintain privacy. Today, I will talk about some of my observations.

  1. Many websites are tracking your IP address. When you try to access ‘anonymously’, you are denied access at all. Tor claims that the resolution is re-establish a new VPN connection and try again but I have not ever been successful getting onto Craigslist with Tor. Other sites like newspapers give you three free tastes, but when you come in anonymously you are also denied.

2. Privacy works on every screen. So for example, I selected my store so that I could check inventory but after a page refresh so does your store selection. I haven’t played with it enough to sort of get the rhythm of things so it might work if you do things in the right order, but I could see that action getting old if you were looking for something in particular.

3. There is some behavior that I might describe as ‘buggy’. Honestly, I don’t know if it is a service denial or some sort of technical issue. Because of the number of hops, and obscurity, pages are often very slow to load as well. We are talking minutes sometimes for search results to paint images. This is in addition to all of the other gyrations to setup for clearing of cache.

I am not in love with the Tor push to use Duck Duck Go as a search engine either. While they claim to protect privacy, they also got caught manipulating results in favor of pro Ukraine/Anti Russia results. That is simply against my values. The options are pretty meager otherwise, Twitter, Youtube or Wikipedia? Those are not search engines for the entire web to my knowledge. I have switched to Yahoo for now.

I have spoke in the past about my desire for things to just work. I am not going to expend the patience to keep reconnecting or rerouting for a low probability of someone stitching together data on me. Always the surest way to go is to not participate. I know that isn’t always preferable, but lets be honest this world didn’t exist 30 years ago so some selective participation might be healthy.

End Your Programming Routine: I haven’t completely given up on Tor, but the chances are low that it will work out for me. Unfortunately, as the tracking gets tighter and better, I just don’t see this mechanism working well. It is probably time to keep working on finding a service rather than something free. I think it is a good idea that cant keep up against stronger technology.

May 23, 2022 – How the Heck does a Toaster Work?

The truth is, I am not really sure. I have the fairly expensive toaster that has been around 15 years or so and it stopped working for some reason. I am going to take it apart to try and figure it out.

Our first reaction was to replace the toaster. I didn’t do any of the looking but my wife said that reviews were all over the place and generally bad. That got me wondering if I could figure out the problem. To first understand what is wrong, we have to understand how it works.

I can’t speak for all toasters, but it appears this one has got some electrical and electronic components. This one appears to lock the mechanism down with an electromagnet (white circles). When the mechanism gets to a certain depth, it triggers a switch that turns on the coils for toasting (yellow circle). Additionally, it seems that there is a temperature sensor on the side. Just guessing but either the electronics run a timer to release the magnet or the temperature sensor acts as a cutoff switch and once power is removed to the magnet, the mechanism pops up.

Our particular problem was that the mechanism did not lock down and therefore there was no toasting. After taking the cover off, I found tons of crumbs on the inside. I am speculating that a cleaning would remove obstructions from the magnet holding and the switch making a connection. So, first I set to clean it out.

From what I learned with chainsaws and other things, it is best to test it without fully re-assembling, if possible. In my case, after blowing all the crumbs out with compressed air, I plugged the toaster in and everything worked like it should. So, I diagnose the problem as crumbs interfering with the magnet. It is possible that I could have soldered a broken connection but something like a faulty switch or electronic component would probably have been too much.

After I verified it was working the way I wanted it to, I reassembled and tested again. The toaster was still working as I expected. Success, I saved $10-hundreds of dollars. We weren’t going to buy a cheap replacement.

End Your Programming Routine: Before this date, I had never seen inside of a toaster before. I have my doubts that they all operate as electronically as this one. I figured, worst case scenario we going to throw it away anyway so it was worth a try. When it comes to junk, don’t be scared to try and figure it out. You might just save yourself some money and who knows, maybe disappointment too.

May 20, 2022 – Leadership Qualities and Why They Matter

I have been thinking about this quite a bit lately. I won’t bore with all the details but my current project is not going well. Despite all of the technical problems, the issue is not a lack of capable doers, but a failure of leadership. Before I go too far, I will expose my bias. I am a firm believer that accountability for success/failure always goes uphill.

If there are capable doer’s then why does leadership matter? I would say that it certainly makes the job easier, but leaders are responsible for delivering bad news as well as good. Leaders are the voice of skepticism as well as support. They are encouraging and coaching, admonishing and pushing, representing and cooperating. All of those opposing forces are difficult to juxtapose well.

Just so you don’t think I am just a finger pointer, leaders are at all levels. In my own case, I can visibly see areas where my own work is suffering from my personal leadership failures. My particular group has a manager and a good leader in her own right. However, the trend of matrix organizations has led to an ambiguous level of decision making and accountability which has given rise (and a pass) to poor leadership on a project level.

Sticking with the theme of matrix organizations and my own role, I recognize that my peers operate largely in a vacuum. We all tend to do what we think is best and it doesn’t seem to have any level of coordination or follow through, once again responsibilities of leadership. Knowing this, it is a perfect opportunity for someone to take the responsibilities (without a title). This is exactly what natural leaders do: recognize a problem and take action without requiring more pay or recognition.

There is one additional component to successful leadership and that is trust or willingness to follow. In order to actually build that, it takes one of two things. It is either time for natural trust to build or an organizational appointment of a person to a role. Both have their advantages and disadvantages and the best case is when you have both; an appointment of someone that the group trusts.

We can all think of our view of good and poor leaders. I would say that our list of desirable qualities might be all over the place. Unfortunately, our bias often blinds us to the actual facts of situation and once we take a position it is very difficult to un-entrench ourselves from our position. Despite the fact that this is a business conversation, politics are an easy comparison.

By now, you can probably guess that I lean right. You also probably should know that I am a strict constitutionalist. That means that I have accepted the current definition of the Bill of Rights and apply that to all aspects of my opinion. So, lets take a look at some recent Presidents and apply my filter to get a judgement.

  1. Bill Clinton – I found him to be a deplorable person. That being said, in a rank of recent presidents relatively little damage was done. Only minor conflicts like the Balkan intervention, no major fiscal expansion, the 1992 Assault Weapons Ban (that actually sunset) were notable occurrences in his tenure. Grade B
  2. George W. Bush – I want to like the guy, conservative Christian with high marks as a governor. On the surface, a good choice. Let me count the ways that he screwed this country: Medicare Part D, creating a new department of the government, a multi-front boondoggle of a war, Patriot Act, and Too Big to Fail bank bailouts from their own reckless fiscal policy. Grade F
  3. Barack Obama – He seemed likable enough, certainly a change from the previous president. The damage that was done was not on the traditional aspects and size of government but to the culture of country. That being said from the Healthcare tax to race baiting and sexual ambiguity I find the fabric of the country irreparably changed. Grade D
  4. Donald Trump – This is a guy that is a dichotomy. On one hand, he spoke the truth and on the other he couldn’t stop talking and it was often intertwined with as many lies. All in all, policy was largely acceptable including initiating the withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan and tax reform (heavily in favor of business). I think he could be good if he wanted to, but more often chose to behave childish and solidified the damage done during the Obama administration. Grade C

I wrote all of that to say my bias clearly reflects my opinion. You might want to live in a socialist utopia and would definitely flip my grades. However, when I look objectively the person that should have been my highest choice actually got my lowest grade by a mile. And, the president that I wanted to hate actually got my highest grade. There are a couple key characteristics that I want to talk about below.

Leadership requires vision. That being said, what we interpret as clear may not be the same to everyone else. Only time will tell if leaders make the right decision, especially if it is extremely contrary to the popular or accepted direction.

The second property requires leaders to take a position on any and every relevant issue. This can be a tricky situation when you are uneducated on the subject or even unaware of the topic. But, it can be done tactfully and most of the time you can change that stance if provided clear reasons for doing so. The reason this is important is that it sets the tone for the group to follow.

I think the third and most important property is transparency. This supports trust, builds vision and explains positioning. I think it is worth noting that transparency is not truthfulness. There is a time to protect the group and there is time to provide the facts. But, transparency explains the situation when the time is right. Generally speaking, I am also being truthful, but there are are good reasons not to be at times.

Applying our properties to the presidents and adding my layer of speculation I put together this analysis.

PresidentVisionNominal PositionTransparency
ClintonWhat can I getPopulistNo
BushFinish What Daddy StartedEgalitarianNo
ObamaSocial JusticeSocialistSomewhat
TrumpTell Me I’m the BestPopulistNo

Generally speaking, most of the poor leaders I have observed lack number one and number three. Truthfully, the worst leaders are strong in opinions yet don’t have vision or transparency and they fail to build trust. That being said, transparency without vision or position leaves the group listless.

I suppose to round out my work here, I think that there are some characteristics that are not required to be a good leader, for instance a good communicator. I rank this as helpful and certainly can accelerate trust. It also can more easily turn from a leader to a despot and you don’t even know it until it is too late.

How about having a winning record? I suppose that depends on the context. A platoon leader better have a winning record or their leadership is over. But even in that case, winning doesn’t necessarily translate into a good leader. Leadership is not about the objective and the result, it is about motivating others to work toward the same goal and to be content that it is an acceptable way of doing it.

In many ways, the parallels between leadership and sales go hand in hand. In one way, the salesperson is convincing you that this is the best item for the circumstances. Once you are convinced for whatever reason, you are likely to be brand loyal or even salesperson loyal. Leadership is the same way, you are convincing the others in the group of the best approach, best way to organize data, the best technical path forward, etc.

End Your Programming Routine: Coming full circle here, my experience within the matrix organization, the ‘leaders’ lack all three of these properties. Without leaders to front the effort, it turns into a mess like I referenced in the first paragraph. In their defense, they are way out of their league. For the most part the organization is trying to do something that is really not within the realm of experience or competency and I am not in a position to change this despite my counsel to the contrary. All that being said, good leaders will overcome these circumstances because they have the properties that make a successful leader.

May 19, 2022 – ‘Tacticool’ Thursday

The league trap season is over. There is the state tournament remaining, but unfortunately, we will be on our way home from Spain, so we will miss it. We have another sporting clays event for fun coming up in the next two weeks. I am pretty sure that I will talk about sporting clays after we do it but today I thought I would talk about my son’s first season.

I think it is starting to sink in. Getting the stock to fit was the foundation, coaching, experience and consistency were the building blocks. On the first day of practice, he shot a 2 and a 7 (out of 25). Yesterday, he shot two 17s. I think another season and he will be shooting in the 20s. That is a pretty good bench mark and will put him in the upper echelon of shooters at the state tournament.

The previous years, I was a parent and didn’t hear all of the coaching. This year, I paid attention to what they were saying to the kids and I learned quite a bit. I learned that body position at your station is important. For instance, you want your body positioned for hard lefts on station 1. That means your core is angled away even though your shotgun is positioned pointed at the left corner of the trap house.

I heard a podcast recently from a (Olympic level) shotgun shooter. It was her contention that trap shooting was relatively easy because there are only so many variables unlike skeet or sporting clays. She said, it is easier to make a good all around shooter a great trap shooter then to go the other way around. What was being encouraged is to shoot the other disciplines to get more experience.

To a large degree, I think all of that is true. Muscle memory is the number one factor for success. Further to that point, I can hear all of the coaching tips and tricks but if I don’t apply them, I don’t see the feedback. With that, they are already better shooters than me and probably always will be. Only having an interest and never any coaching, how could I possibly get better?

Two years ago, spring trap was cancelled (because of Covid). Last year, we had a total team size of seven shooters. Most of them are back this year. But, the daily average score started off around 10 and by the time the season ended it was more like 18. This year, I would say that we started off at 15 and now averaging 19. This is a total team composite, so some are averaging much higher, while others are much lower.

End Your Programming Routine: With everything else going on and the weather being poor all season I am glad that we are coming to the end. I really do enjoy the game and I find being a coach rewarding as well. That being said, the 10 weeks of commitment certainly cuts into the other things that I want to do. It’s difficult to sit around and watch week after week as well. We did usually get a chance to shoot each week, but we always had something more pressing to do. I am looking forward to go back to the rifle range as well.

May 18, 2022 – Used Book Sale

Despite the fact that I have aspirations to do some serious Alt-F4 pertinent reviewing, I am taking the opportunity to read fiction as it comes up. My wife has been a reader of James Patterson and he is a prolific writer. His books are also very quick to read. When I was traveling heavy, I would take a book and finish it before I got back fro my trip. I kind of lost track of where I was in order of the various series that he has.

That tradition still follows me though. Most of my reading happens when I am away from the home. Mostly because when my head hits the pillow at home, I am out. Last weekend, we were at the library looking at the local garden club’s plant sale. But, the friends of the library were also having a book sale. There are some books that I am looking to read like Fahrenheit 454, Animal Farm, Atlas Shrugged, etc. I didn’t find any of those but some fiction that I was interested in. And, they were in the free box.

In not too many weeks, we are on our way to Spain. That is going to be a long plane ride. So, ideally I can bring a long book. I found the perfect one ”The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown. It is almost 700 pages and light enough that I don’t have to concentrate on every paragraph. Plus it is entertaining and thought provoking.

When I first left my job, I started checking out books at the library and Dan Brown was one of the authors I read. ”Angels and Demons” and ”The Davinci Code” were two that I enjoyed. I also read some of the books that I want to review as well. So, in a roundabout way the two are related.

I also got another John Grisham book. I am not as excited about it but my son was. I made him a deal that if he would read it as well, I would take it. It was free after all and it will be worth the time, meaning I will get more enjoyment then other things I could do with the time, particularly on an airplane.

The third book, ”The Song of Solomon” I am finishing up. My son bought it for my birthday and it is a little meatier than I was anticipating. I suspect that this was someone’s college literature assignment with a bunch of notes in the margins. By their assessment, this has some religious correlations. I am not sure that I buy that assessment. Maybe I will review it some day, I finished it on my flight home.

Speaking of which, I took an informal poll when I was on the plane and I observed that almost every person was watching the on board entertainment system if not sleeping or playing games on personal electronics. I saw many people with a book in hand or nearby, but not a single one of them actually reading. I guess what I take of that is given the choice, people would rather watch a screen then read their own selected book. I myself usually flip through the selections and decide that there is nothing that catches my eye and then open my book.

End Your Programming Routine: I realize that I have always been a little more of an odd duck. My preference to books over movies go all the way back to childhood when our TV time was restricted but reading time really wasn’t. I did enjoy spending time with my boys browsing over all of the used books and they picked out some so I feel like there is a little bit of my oddness in them too. I guess in some small way, I feel like it bonds me to them even if we don’t share the same degree of passion.