Month: December 2023

December 29, 2023 – Slaughterhouse – Five, Conclusion

This is the end friends, for the book and the year. The reason that I got turned on to this book was I was looking at reading lists related to 1984 and Fahrenheit 451. Most of the books that I have been working on for the last two years have been on that list. This one, I can see that it is a very distant cousin at best.

It’s not that I didn’t enjoy the book, I certainly did. It is just that the book wasn’t what I expected. The truth is that I didn’t really know what to expect. Or maybe more specifically, I expected it to be more dystopian that it was. This was an acid trip on the horrors of war.

I enjoyed the dark humor and satire throughout the book. It reminded me a lot of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe” but set in a more historical setting. I guess I don’t follow the alien encounters interlaced throughout the book. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say it was either to lighten up the darkness or make the whole story of war a farce. I am not sure which.

The main character Billy Pilgrim is made out to be a buffoon. In many ways, it was hard to empathize with him. The only thing that really changes this is that many of the other characters are even more dislikable. The sci-fi author Trout is a two-bit hustler, Billy’s wife Valencia is a glutton, most of the different soldiers were blood lustful jerks as examples. It makes the hapless Billy much more likeable compared to everyone else he encounters.

Does this book fit into the AltF4 reading list? I am gong to say no if you are following along. I would say that if this is the first book you read with me, then maybe. As far as it goes with changing your programming, you should already know that I am pretty anti-war. Even if we give World War II a pass as a ‘just’ war, it more than likely wouldn’t have happened without our meddling.

You had Churchill begging the US to get involved. You had the neutral US running arms and ammunition to the allies while at the same time embargoing raw materials to imperial Japan. And Hitler’s rise to power was a direct result of the World War I settlement and punitive policies that the US was instrumental in codifying. Sure, the Nazis were disgusting but they were only following our lead on our progressive, eugenics ideas. Using hindsight, who didn’t think that we were going to get involved?

Ever seen the movie where the bully antagonizes someone until they get fed-up and strike? We are the bully. Let me be clear, this is not what the book is about but the time to fight is actually before we get to the fight, not when we get in theater. It is too late by that point and then we have Billy’s account.

Now that we know what the book is not about, let me give a quick opinion on what I think about the book. Many pundits think that this is Vonnegut’s view of war through his personal experience. I can buy that. Kurt is Billy and arrives to the scene by what he feels as unprepared. As the “F’n New Guy”, not only is he scared and unprepared but also not battle hardened. So, everything that he sees seems revolting, including all of the people that he meets that are tempered by war. This is exemplified by the war winding down and people acting out of anger making things seem more senseless than in the context of battle.

I liken this book to all the flashbacks that Kurt sees as the result of PTSD. Whether he really had that or not, he probably had seemingly unrelated triggers bringing him back to those horrible days in the war. Truthfully, I think that a movie like “Platoon” does a better job transcribing the horrors to the uninitiated than this book. But the book is not so depressing and a lot more humorous than “Platoon”.

End Your Programming Routine: “Slaughterhouse – Five” does not make the AltF4 reading list. But, after reading it, I am more interested in more of Vonnegut’s work. There is nothing wrong reading a recognized author for entertainment. It just doesn’t quite bring the punch of foreshadowing deceptiveness as many of the other titles I have read in this vein. It is only the lens that I am evaluating the work that causes this opinion. “Slaughterhouse – Five” is a unique book with a good message that entertains along the way.

December 28, 2023 – 2023 Year In Review

Last podcast for the year. I cover the highlights of the year by month plus some of my favorite things that I did. I also get into what I am planning for 2024. I am wishing you all a happy New Year. Lets hope that this year is better than the last. But, let us not let fate determine that alone but do something about it.

December 22, 2023 – Slaughterhouse – Five, Chapters 7-10

We have reached the end of another book. This was a different sort of book then the ones I have been reading in this series. I would say that it is the lightest of all of them but before I get carried away with the totality of the work, today I am going to focus on the last four chapters.

Here is a quick section summary of these chapters. There is a crash of the plane full of optometrists in Vermont. Billy was the only survivor. Then the bombing actually happens. Billy’s wife Valencia dies of carbon monoxide poisoning on her way to visit Billy in the hospital. The war ends for Billy as the Germans flee the Russians

I am struggling to perform a linear read a chapter, note the theme and then write about it. So much so that I went to read what other people was saying about the chapters. The story jumps around so much that it is hard to draw any sort of direct correlation to a strong point.

Some of the analysis I read talked about things like Tralfamadorian theory and drawing analogies to Einstein with four dimensions (X, Y, Z plus time). There was also the very strong antiwar theme, that one seems obvious and is the one that I would pick overall. There is also a bunch of symbolism that is pretty heavily abstracted.

For instance, on analysis I read said that the bird at the end represents the nonsensical-ness of war. I suppose that because the bird is the last thing written and not a character in the book, then maybe I could buy that it does mean something. But there were other speculations where Billy’s hatred of the barbershop quartet was related to the faces of the singers versus the faces of the Germans when they first saw the destruction of Dresden. Have you ever seen the ‘Gilmore Girls’? The show is annoying enough but then when you have the random barbershop quartet interlude into your conversation, it is downright obnoxious. In my experience, a barbershop quartet can be wonderful or downright inappropriate.

I missed this when I read the previous chapter block, the significance of the title. Before I read the book, I made an assumption was the title was going to be something like five individuals participated in some sort of urban firefight. As it turns out, the title is actually the POW’s address. This comes up several times in Billy’s delusional dreams as he goes back and forth between being in the war and other random events in his life.

End Your Programming Routine: I am struggling to find meaningful, consistent themes so I am going to cut it here. I definitely have more to say next week and I don’t think I will be so blasé. Distinguishing a very non-linear story with a specific portion of the book makes it hard to pick appropriate anecdotes. So it goes.

December 21, 2023 – Winter Break Ahead

I am going to do something that I haven’t done with, I am taking a break. Tomorrow will be the last four chapters of Slaughterhouse – Five. I will still have my conclusion to the book next week as well because I want to end the book with the year. I have yet to decide, I may do some sort of year in review next week. The truth is I would like to, but it is a matter if I can find the time.

Other than that, I am going to break until January 2, 2024. I am tired and I need a little distance to recharge my batteries. Christmas season is hard because just one more thing is pretty much how it goes with everything. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I will see you next Year.

December 20, 2023 – First Action Movie

A friend recently gave me a sourdough starter. Actually, he gave it to my wife because she often makes comments to be polite. Well he did it and when I gave it to my wife, she said “He gave me a gift for you?” Anyway, this is one of those things that I find very heartfelt. Now, I have to really take care of it to do the gift justice.

I was listening to Keith Snow the other day (“Harvest Eating Podcast”) and he was talking about pandemic fads. Sourdough was one of them. I hear that this particular starter has been around for over thirty years. Don’t be fooled, it is not the starter that makes the bread good but the technique.

I am trying to scale back carbohydrates in our house. I want to get to the point that we can have bread but we need to make it. I know that will significantly limit our consumption. I also believe that the sourdough fermentation is a better starch conversion for those sensitive. I suspect that my family is.

End Your Programming Routine: The best part about sourdough is that when the world collapses, you can eliminate a need. As long as you have flour and water, then you will always have yeast. With a baker in the house, I am surprised at how fast a jar goes when used routinely. Oh, it tastes good too.

December 19, 2023 – A New Camera: Coleman Conquest 3

Not long after I started my new job in September, I got an email saying that it was employee appreciation month. As such, they were going to be drawings for prizes. I of course didn’t have anything better to do so I registered for the drawing. About a week later, I was sent an email saying that I had won a prize. Truth be told, I forgot about it because it didn’t arrive for several months.

What am I going to do with this? Well, I thought that I would try it out and make videos. One time, I used the kids’ GoPro to make a video and it was nice to have two hands free rather than trying to hold the phone in one hand and do the rest of the work in the other.

In the box that it came with were straps to mount it to my person. A waterproof case, a remote control, different mounting platforms to put the camera on handlebars and pretty much wherever you want to put it. I have a planned a video for tomorrow so that I can break it in.

I am under no illusion that this is equal to the GoPro in performance. It was stated that any gifts over $100, we (the employees) would be taxed on the value of that prize. I think the stated value was $99.99. It is still cool and it is still better than nothing. I would say that if this proves to be worth it, I will use it until I reach the limitations and then at that point consider upgrading to a more refined device.

The question might be asked, do I feel appreciated? The truth is that I suspect every person that entered got a prize. In the application process, I selected all of the things I didn’t want which were largely things that I already have or don’t really need or want. I will test my theory next year and potentially get something that I might give away. But, to answer the question, not particularly appreciated because they gave me a gift. That being said, I have never had anything like this happen before.

The truth is that my phone is starting to get tired. I have had this iPhone X for five years now. I find lately that the lens is smudgy and shows a glare on many of the pictures that I take. This causes me to retake them. Additionally, transferring the raw clips are very cumbersome. It takes a lot of bandwidth to move them from my phone to One Drive where I keep all of that stuff and start editing. I often have to do this in multiple iterations for all but the smallest of clips. I welcome the ability to take content directly from the device via a wire.

End Your Programming Routine: As of the time of writing I haven’t done anything but charge the battery and power the camera on. I have no concept about how well it will really do, but like I said I will use it until I see the limitations. But hey, it is better than a stick in the eye (or a pink slip). So, I can appreciate what new dimensions this will bring to AltF4.

December 18, 2023 – Festivus 2023

I’ve got a lot of problems with you people; welcome to Festivus 2023. Unfortunately, this year contains some dark subject matter but it is truly my feelings on the subject and I want to be nothing but genuine. Despite that, We have some ridiculous commentary as well. Enjoy.

December 15, 2023 – Slaughterhouse – Five, Chapters 4-6

Here we go trucking along, one more week before the end of the book. I am still enjoying this psychedelic trip into the mind of a WWII vet. Even after all this book is supposed to be about, the prisoners of war finally arrive at Dresden at the very end of chapter six. So lets do a quick plot summary.

We have a whole diatribe where Billy goes on a long distance trip with aliens. After being shown off in a zoo like an animal, he is flashed back to being in a mental institution to a honeymoon night to a prisoner of war. Finally, in chapter six is all about his war comrades and their personal delusions.

I am getting the sense from reading different analyses of this book that there is more inferred than is written. There are strong biblical references combined with alien references as well as the horrors of war. If all of this is to be believed, then this thing has more dimensions than the Twilight Zone. I am going to reserve stating my opinion for after the book but you literary types can interpret this as foreshadowing.

I am not feeling it today. I am not sure what I think yet, but one thing that does drive me crazy is trying to make something out of nothing. And I am saying that I have nothing so far. I remember from my school days how we would spend the entire hour trying to force all of this innuendo into books that we would read. I am going to resist the urge to do that at this moment.

End Your Programming Routine: For this reason, we will consider this week a check-in. This isn’t the first week I have felt this way, but it is the first week that I realized that I am approaching that point of trying to force something. With that, I hope that you are enjoying the book as I am.

December 14, 2023 – And Now, Performance

I was looking through my stuff and I realized that I had six different cans of white spray paint. I don’t exactly know why that is the case but I was going to paint a project that I was working on white and I wanted to see what I had. As it turns out, three of those cans started spraying and then plugged up. I tried to clean them and figure out their day had passed.

I was going to throw them away, but I didn’t want to do so pressurized. I also didn’t want to poke a hole in them pressurize because that is a good way to have white paint sprayed everywhere. So, decided to shoot them with my pellet rifles. I thought I would use the same pellet in three different rifles to see the performance difference at three different power levels.

What I learned was actually not as much as I thought I would. All three rifles shot through both sides of each can. I have the energy calculations for each combo but when that exceeds the standard, it doesn’t tell much about performance. For a while now, I have been thinking about how I would test performance of these difference rifle/pellet combinations.

I have the pictures in order of power where the first one to the left is the lowest. One other thing you might observe is not every shot is dead center. This is because I don’t have every rifle sighted in for this pellet weight. But, I will say that this is an honest to goodness, three shots. There were no misses.

The first shot (left) was the most fun. When it hit, it twisted out of the box and sprayed paint all over the place. This is why the term reactive target exists. The target is hit and reacts. I thought that all three might do that, but that wasn’t the case. Since I have shot spray paint with 22lr before, I was kind of expecting it. This is why I had them inside a box to contain the mess.

I have heard from others that cans of shaving cream will do this as well. The advantage of those is the foam dissipates with the addition of rain. In my case, the small amount of paint on the grass will eventually get mowed and collected. But, if you are going to do something like this, be sure you have a good radius between your target and anything you wouldn’t want sprayed with paint.

End Your Programming Routine: I will continue to collect energy information and that is a good baseline to know. But I will also continue to look for a way to quantify what energy means against some sort of target. It appears that spray paint cans are not the answer, but I kind of wish that I had some more.