Fortunately for me, I don’t know of anyone that has died in combat. I do know someone that took their own life as a result of PTSD which, while extremely sad is not quite the same (I will get to this later). If you remember my stance I took in 2020 this is not Veterans Day or First Responders appreciation. This is the day to remember those that gave all.

I will have the barbeque going and I will enjoy some family time as well as a day off. I will be thankful that I don’t know anyone that has died in combat. I will also be slightly pissed off that our soldiers died in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, UAE, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Bosnia, Serbia and Kuwait to name the ones that we know about. I will be sad that kids were brainwashed into believing in the mission so strongly that they didn’t realize they were the pawns and casualties in a power struggle beyond their wildest imagination. I will be boggled and disgusted by a culture that can’t tell the difference between a veteran and a combat death.

This is all to say that we need to be very careful in our moral superiority complex. We must not confuse advancing Liberty and Freedom with the actions of a bully. This is not a benevolent bully either. This is a bend to our submission so that we can remain at the top of the heap. Our dollar is worth more, our gas tanks are filled first, we eat first, we piss upstream of everyone else.

When I hear the phrase “fighting for your freedom” I want to throw up a little bit. In a small way, that is true. It is not freedom per se, but my ability to leverage my superior economic status over yours, or my manifest destiny, or protecting my business interests in a location that is not governed by my country. There have only been three occasions where this has truly been the case, the war of Independence, the war of 1812 and the Civil War.

I could be persuaded to give Korea and Vietnam a pass to a point. But one, we should now know that proxy wars are not protecting our freedom and two after we have seen those failures we keep doing the same thing (Afghanistan). Or, how about the ‘We fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here’ stance? Here’s an idea, if we stopped pushing people around all together maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with this nonsense constantly.

Remember the accusations that Russia would dare to mettle in our elections? How many elections do you suppose we have manipulated? How about the invasion of Haiti to restore a dictator that was disposed by a military coup? The same guy that was assassinated last year, how did that work out for him or us for that matter? There is nothing like a constant power display to build contempt so that they get to the point that they would rather blow themselves up than keep on keeping on.

I would like to think that my people are the god fearing, flag waving, not apologizing for shit, Toby Keith types. I used be one of those for sure. But, part of being god fearing is looking at the situation from a different points of view. At this point, I can’t endorse any sort of non-defensive military aggression.

I do not blame the soldier. In theory, they were used to advance agenda of economic superiority using propaganda masked as patriotism. This is the real tragedy of Memorial Day. To put a final point to this, the ultimate sacrifice was not self sacrifice exclusively but a willing sacrifice for someone else’s prosperity without the full knowledge of the situation. It is no small coincidence that combat veterans suffer from a high degree of PTSD. No only did they do things they regret, they intimately understand the whole cabal after it is too late.

End Your Programming Routine: My heart goes to you if you had a loved one die in the line of duty. About ten years ago, we met a husband and wife that were up in the woods. We were looking for a specific grove of old growth timber called ‘Valley of the Giants’ but they were up there because their son was killed in Vietnam and buried in a town called Valsetz that no longer exists. They were near the old townsite to get a connection on Memorial Day. Fortunately, they were more than willing to lead us to our destination which we would not likely found simply wandering in the woods.