Month: September 2023

September 29, 2023 – We, Records 26-30

This week, we have finally gotten a glimpse on what is going on with the book. In unrelated news, we were picking up some wine last weekend and the owner of the winery asked me if I was willing to lead the Culinary Book club. Of course I said yes, but I feel like the commitment will lead me to prioritize those activities over others. So far, in the past I have always treated it like an active member and not necessarily responsible for making it work. We will see how it goes, I am already a book behind as it is.

It is finally revealed what I-330 is up to. She is leaving the Green Wall and conferencing with some indigenous people. This would be descendants of people that did not migrate to city as a result of the 200 years war. Basically, they are on the outside, in the shadows and unknown to exist (at least to most). They are called the Mephi.

All this talk about D-503’s hairy hands in the book seems to be a reference to the Mephi. It seems that they have evolved as hairy people in order to survive outside of the city wall. His appearance and position is possibly what has attracted I-330 to D-503. In fact, the plan is for D-503 to sabotage the initial test of the Invictus in order to initiate a revolution of sorts.

It is the theory of I-330 that once the Invictus is operational, then the door to the spread of the style of life that the United State represents is about to proliferate and possibly be impossible to contain. We will have to stay tuned to the future to see if he actually does it. There was one other thing that I wanted to talk about this week and that was the encounter between D-503 and O-90.

If you recall a few reviews ago, O-90 came to the recognition that D-503 had fallen for I-330 and their relationship was over. In her madness, she wanted to have an illegal baby with D-503. This is an offense punishable by death. It is clearly spelled out in the book that O-90 has ‘baby glow’ and is beginning to visibly show signs of pregnancy. D-503 tries to offer her a new life by smuggling her outside the Green Wall and she responds that she would rather die.

I want to take a logical look at this. I hold strong feelings about freedom and personal choice. That being said, am I so blindsided by my own beliefs that I am willing to die for them? I guess I say that depends but for the sake of this discussion, no. So lets say that the last vestiges common sense leaves this state. I am already looking at moving to another state but I am not going to go kamikaze to make a point.

Let’s say that moving is not an option because the entire country is no different. I am still not going to sacrifice myself. I believe in a higher power and a better eternity. I would be extremely disappointed that we ruined the best things going, but then I also have to believe that there is a reason and that I have a role. God will tell me when it is time and it would be a direction from God if my actions were justifiable in advancing those values.

I get it, there are others that believe the faster they get to eternity, the better. But, that goes against my beliefs. I suppose to put it more crudely, I think that it is just wasteful slaughter. To put a finer point on all of this, I think that there are people that are so caught up in their emotion, they are willing to go forward despite facts to the contrary.

To use a lessor example: my wife and family went to a college football game a couple of weeks ago. On our walk back to the car I observed a person. It was a sunny day, temperatures in the upper seventies. The person was sitting in the shade at a table outside at a facility termed ‘community center’. I didn’t ask the pronouns but I assume it was a he based on the way he was dressed. He was sitting in the shade with a personal umbrella over the table, wearing long clothes and a facemask outside.

This told me a number of things. He was scared to be exposed to the sun and he was doing his part to protect us all from germs (outside). I freely admit that I am making assumptions without the facts but it illustrates the point that I believe. Some people are so wholly engulfed in a political agenda that they are scared of their own shadow.

These were the former double maskers. When one mask was proven to not work, the recommendation was to double down and add a second mask, that was our social responsibility after all. Once again without data to support the recommendation. I don’t know this for a fact, but I suspect the revolution is going to happen before O-90 gets caught and everything turns out OK. We will see.

End Your Programming Routine: My assessment of the actions of O-90 were reckless rather than heroic or even romantic. I suppose the interpretation is in the eye of the beholder so you are free to disagree. Whether I like it or not, my opinions on freedom and personal choice are becoming a minority of opinion in society. Most people cannot stomach that fact that I support the right to descent from my opinion even if it is to my own demise. I hate it but guess that is my baby.

September 28, 2023 – They Did It… Gun Shows Are Dead in Oregon

The gun range that I belong to hosts two gun shows a year. By many’s account, this is the best show in the state. I really have nothing to do with it so I cannot claim any credit but it does make me feel good that my peeps know how to do it.

So, why has this been the case? It is really about what is not there as much as what is. I’ve of course been to other shows too. There is the snack man, the Beenie Baby collectors, the Pakistani knife dealer etc. Those have been largely missing from this show.

Today, we had all of those and more. Something new to me, there were at least five custom knife makers there. Don’t get me wrong, they did beautiful work and the prices reflected it at $150-300. I respect that a lot and I am sure the craftsmanship is worth the price, but this is a gun show. I have never seen more than one at this show in the past. The reason to go to gun shows in the past were to 1) find deals 2) see and handle things because of vast selection 3) buy guns. I will address these individually.

There are no deals to be had. This really is nothing new since the proliferation of the internet. Anything can be researched at anytime of the day and everyone knows what the price is. What I actually see is instead of a gun show discount, there is more like a gun show premium. I find things to be significantly more expensive at the show then day to day. Think about it, I pay an entry fee and then I pay a higher price than market.

Speaking of selection, I would estimate that this show only had a third of the tables as firearms dealers. I have never seen this, I would estimate that the last show was 2/3 dealers. It seems like there was table after table of junk. When I say junk, I mean that it looked the tables were full of parts that were removed from personal firearms.

I have plenty of firearms so I don’t really need any old gun. In fact, I should probably focus on upgrading rather than adding. But, because of that I am looking for some niche items like a Savage 99 in 300 Savage from the 1950s. If I do end up buying one, I want it to be in original configuration. I want the steel butt plate and the rear sight intact. It is not a rare firearm but the options are extremely limited when there are half the normal number of dealers. Add to that the gun show premium and I am not really interested in the ones I saw.

Last and certainly not least to buy guns. Since the passage of Measure 114, everyone is holding their breath for the results of litigation (which is happening while I type). Background check results are not less than three days. Under federal law, if you are not approved or denied after 72 hours, the dealer can release the firearm to you. That means that you are not walking away from a gun show with a firearm. If you are lucky, the dealer you are purchasing from is reasonably local. In three days (best case scenario) you can drive to the dealer you paid for your firearm and pick it up.

What has happened? To me, I think that all of the uncertainly around what will happen with Measure 114 has driven dealers out. The buying frenzy that resulted consumed inventory, low margin or small dealers folded. Others decided not to release firearms after the 72 hour hold. When the red flag laws were implemented a couple of years ago, private sales disappeared and now dealers have given in.

They won; we should not kid ourselves anyway. To think that law abiding and freedom loving people are going to withstand a barrage against our rights over generations is a fools errand. The ocean wears down rock, it seems improbable and incomprehensible but it happens. Consequently, I say that the gun show is dead. Yes, it is still physically there, but it has terminal cancer and it is only a matter of time before it is gone completely

End Your Programming Routine: Do you know who I don’t meet? I don’t meet the person that says ‘I am not a gun owner, never will be but I understand and support your right to do so’. I am more likely to meet ‘I am a gun owner and I believe that only these guns should be permitted’. They tend to side with the anti-gunners because they are not going to ban their guns (yet). To be honest, the only reason I went in the first place is that I get in for free and I was already in town for trap. When it is time for the spring show, I am not planning on going unless all the factors align again like this one.

September 27, 2023 – Summer is Over, Officially

September 23 is the first day of Fall. So we can now officially declare it to be true. Major rain has come and the daylight has hit the less than 12 hours per day. For several weeks I have been working to clean-up things in order to prepare for the season. To me that means brining in the outdoor furniture, hoses and things and get everything off the floor of the basement.

Last week, my wife hired an organizer to redo storage in the kitchen pantry. This of course drove more stuff into the basement that I had to find a home for. Before we hosted the German exchange student and before my son went to Taiwan, he packed up his entire room and brought all that stuff into the basement. Also, moving my gun safe into the shop moved a lot of my tools that I had in the shop into the basement. Consequently, despite all of my efforts last year to get organized, I need to start over.

I think that I mentioned in August that I was gathering stuff to go to the dump. That is still true. I took an entire car load to donate and I am getting close to another. I just feel overwhelmed with stuff. I of course have my specific items but then there are other things. I have to keep thinking that if we do decide to move then we are are going to be needing to do this anyway.

I have decided that the lynchpin to organization is two pronged. One is purging things that we don’t want like the second vacuum, baby gates, coat tree etc. But the other is building the wine cellar. I can not only clear shelf space but also consolidate like items like brewing equipment, the keezer, kegs, carboys, etc.

I need to move the brewing stuff because my seed starting station is in the way to bring in all of the outdoor furniture. I didn’t say that but that is where my tools went when I had to move them to accommodate the gun safe in the shop. Can you see how exhausting all of this is?

There are a number of things that I would like to get rid of. To be fair, we all share the space so as much as I would like to get rid of things, I have to consider others opinions as well. Some things silently disappear while most end up in a conversation about the value and disposition. That makes this process a delicate dance of compromise. All that being said, If or when we move, the changes will more likely go my way then they are going now.

What can we learn from all of this? Well, I am starting to get to the point of thinking before purchasing. I need to know that I have room or a place to put something before I convince myself that I want something. I have also started considering that it is so much easier to buy things than it is to get rid of them. I hate to throw away things that have value, so I want to consider the lifecycle of items.

If you have missed the boat and already have too much stuff like me, then apply the litmus test of usage. Have I used this in a year? Do I have plans to use this? I have three brand new crab traps that I got for my birthday in 2007 when we had a boat. I hold on to them thinking that I would like to have a boat again. But, the boat that I want and the boat that my wife wants have two different purposes and I don’t want to buy a boat that I wouldn’t take crabbing. That being said, I really need these crab traps out of my way and 16 years is way too long on a hope. I do want to get a couple dollars for them though.

You don’t want this process to take all year but you don’t have to do it in a weekend. Set yourself some milestone goals. For instance, I am putting stuff to go to the dump in the back of my pick-up. I need that to be empty before I leave for deer hunting in about two weeks. So, either I will be done with this part of the process or I will be moving more stuff around before I go. Ideally, I will have everything identified and disposed of by that date.

End Your Programming Routine: This is the second time around that I have declared this project to begin. This will be a marathon, not a sprint. I may have other projects start before this is finished. My wife is pushing me for several woodworking projects as well. But, believe it or not I needed to clean-up in order to get to my wood pile. I have so much to do.

September 26, 2023 – Goldy’s Kitchen Cookbook: Cooking, Writing, Family, Life

Goldy’s Kitchen Cookbook by Diane Mott Davidson was the August co-selection for the Left Coast Culinary Book Club. The reason is that it was the co-selection is that our group is going through some trials and tribulations and is a little listless at this time. Unfortunately, two members died last month and we really haven’t been in an organized fashion this year. As a result, two books were ‘suggested’. I will talk about the other one after I read it.

Part of the reason that I like being part of the Left Coast Culinary Book Club is that other people do the work. That is, they are the ones to suggest ‘I think we should read this’. Most of the selections I would never pick in a million years but I like the fact that it provides a diverse view to what I would normally read or gravitate to.

This choice is an interesting one. Diane Mott Davidson is a long time author, publishing a series of mystery books dating all the way back to the early 1990s. Her primary character is a caterer and nearly every recipe in this cookbook has been published in each of Diane’s numerous books. This is a compilation of all the recipes throughout Diane’s writing career.

In all transparency, I have never heard of Diane Mott Davidson nor any of her books. I say that because the idea of this cookbook seems pretty novel to me. Another reason that I mention it is because I came into this with no bias whatsoever.

Another admission, I did not read every word. I read the anecdote that goes along with the recipe and scan the ingredient list. I want to understand the pulse of a cookbook. How much diversity is there within the book? Can I possibly make what is in the book with the ingredients listed? Do I even care about what is offered?

Usually, I pick out a couple of things that I would like to try. And typically those are recipes that are unique. I say this because after reading this cookbook, I don’t plan on making anything immediately. Nearly 1/3 of the recipes are desserts, nothing wrong with that but it is just not a cornerstone in my kitchen.

What is the pulse of this cookbook? Clearly, I would say desserts but I already said that. There is an entire chapter on egg and cheese, think quiche, omelets, frittata etc. This was apparently driven by the author’s editor being vegetarian and asking for more recipes that fit that definition. That was a novel stance as well but I noticed that many of the recipes were different assemblies of the same ingredients.

The author had spent most of her life in Colorado and the cookbook has strong leaning toward TexMex flavors. I don’t have anything specific against TexMex but I have a true affinity toward Mexican food and to me TexMex is like saying McDonalds represents hamburgers. No, it is a derivation and interpretation made for a specific purpose.

Before I am too hard on Diane, she makes a statement early on that says her character is a caterer and that is a business. If a shortcut can be made to get to the end, then it should be considered. I giver her credit that she has done her homework on learning and understanding the business. I think the disconnect is between catering as a business and cooking as a craft.

Just one quick example in the chicken broth recipe. This is the only recipe I have ever seen that uses prepared chicken broth as the liquid to make chicken broth. I subscribe to Samine Nosrat – If you cant use broth you have made, use water. So, I see the broth recipe as more of a hack than an actual technique. I could certainly see this work for catering, like I said it is a business.

End Your Programming Routine: Who would like this or be interested in this cookbook? I think fans of Diane Mott Davidson certainly. But, if you have a sweet tooth or lack a cookbook to make a lot of cookies with dried fruit or chocolate in them, this may be your thing. This will probably be one that I never open again but that is OK. I didn’t know there was a mystery series with hundreds of recipes contained.

September 25, 2023 – The Day I Knew I Wasn’t Normal

Another introspective podcast. I cant help that the person I know the best is myself. That being said, I am a good mentor and I want people to know that it is OK to be yourself. I would rather have people be happy who they are than something that they are not. That of course does not resonate with everyone, Just like freedom. ‘I want you to be who you are until it is something that I don’t agree with’. That take maturity…

September 22, 2023 – We, Records 21-25

We are still advancing and yet still in the dark. The bizarre train just keeps rolling along. We have fish face and electro-whipped prisoners. Then we have Unification Day celebration for universal approval of the Benefactor who is apparently the leader of the United State. The story is definitely going in the science fiction direction.

The first thing that caught my eye was in Record 22. This was just after the outburst from D-503 when he thought that I-330 had been captured and he was going to try and break free to save her. The doctor intervened in the situation saying that D-503 was not well and D-503 swears his allegiance to the Well Doer. There is talk about how Unification Day has some comparisons to Easter. This quote follows.

“In the ancient days the Christians understood this feeling; they are our only (though very imperfect) direct forerunners. The greatness of the ‘Church of the United Flock’ was known to them. They knew that resignation is virtue, and pride – a vice; that ‘We’ is from God and ‘I’ is from the devil.”

I think what is interesting about this is that D-503 is using this passage as justification for his behavior within the collective. When the juxtaposition is a collection of individuals acting on their own behalf. Because of that, it appears that actions of the citizens of the United State are benevolent and moral when in fact, it seems the opposite in the context of Christian thought.

What I found more relevant was the idea that elections were predetermined. There was even a comment about how in the past, indeterminate elections caused chaos. Bingo, one of the core tenants of modern political dysfunction has just been identified. Or should I say, modern philosophy.

How does capitalism flourish in modern China or Vietnam? It is all about stability, not the form of government. Stability allows foreign investment into these countries which in turn makes some rich. Those begin their own endeavors and they make more people rich. This is not something that is seen in South Sudan or Syria because no matter what the rules are, stability is far greater than how you identify your politics.

It is my argument that those that have figured out this premise are the ones that prosper the most from it. Turn the camera back to my own country and we have relative stability. This is why the truly rich and powerful don’t care which political party is running the country. The most damaging event that could possibly happen would be destabilization. Believe it or not, this is the politician game too. Don’t forget that when one person get rich, others get opportunity as well.

We have truly become a nation that values stability over freedom. Just this week, I saw the California governor arguing that citizens have a right to safety. I see safety as a proxy for for stability because it is all about limiting freedom to do so. Of course, his reference was ‘gun safety’ which certainly is taking aim at freedom. But, it could be speed limits or curfews or any other scheme that is for our own good.

Of course, our version of stability is a little messier than the United State. The ultimate case would be a society without descent which is what we have in the book. Or do we? Things are starting to show some cracks. More on that next week.

End Your Programming Routine: I’ll admit, I am getting a little lost in some of the weirdness. I am having to read things multiple times to get it. That being said, Zamyatin was exiled to France for a reason. He was dangerous to the Bolsheviks because he saw through some of their thin ploys on happiness and prosperity.

September 21, 2023 – Heavy For Caliber

You know that I am a scientist and that I like to do things just for the heck of it. An experiment if you like. Well, this is an experiment. I found some .177 pellets online that I purchased a few years ago. They are 16.4 grains in weight which would be double the normal weight of run-of-the mill air rifle pellet. For reference, that would be in the 5-9 grain range.

In my quest to find the best pest elimination combination i.e. energy, I thought that I would give these things a try. Because of the weight of these pellets, they are not able to achieve the velocity of the lighter pellets and therefore, they make less energy than the other pellets I have tested. But what about accuracy?

I was reluctant to shoot these because the label said for PCP (Pneumatically Charged Pellet) rifles only. These are rifles that are filled with SCUBA tanks or air compressors like Lewis and Clark used (did you know that?). PCP rifles are becoming a thing because they are not considered firearms and are made all the way up to 50 caliber making them suitable for hunting large game.

When I put these pellets in my break barrel Crossman, they stuck out about 1/16″ of an inch of the chamber. A normal lead pellet would compress to be forced all the way into the chamber. This was my hesitation to trying them in the first place. But I closed the barrel anyway and gave it a shot (literally). It worked. OK, now I am going to zero the scope. And here is where the problem was manifested.

The picture above shows 10 and 50 shots with no scope changes at ten yards; the rifle is on a rest. My rifle cannot shoot these pellets with any degree of precision. The reason is that these pellets are heavy for caliber and why I think they were marked PCP rifle only. I will explain the phenomenom.

Heavy for caliber means that the projectile does not match the rifling groves in the barrel. In this case, the rate of twist is not significant enough to stabilize the projectile in flight and therefore accuracy suffers. For instance a .223 Remington typically shoots a 50-60 grain bullet in a barrel that is 1:9 or sometimes 1:8. The translation of those ratios are one full revolution in 9 (or 8) inches of barrel. The faster the rate of twist, the better heavier bullets will be accurate and fly true.

This is all fine until you look at the 22-250 which uses the same bullet as the .223 Remington. Those rifles come out in the 1:8 to 1:14 rates of twist with the typical being either 1:10 or 1:12. The primary difference between the two cartridges is velocity with the 22-250 being 33-50% faster. The same rate of twist equation doesn’t apply equally between these two calibers. Here is a link to an article that goes more in depth on the subject.

Generally speaking, the heavier the bullet, the faster rate of twist you want in your rifle. Like all compromises, the better you are on the heavy end of the scale, the more likely you are going to struggle on the light end of the scale. Somewhere out there, there is an optimum ammunition and barrel combination. This one is not it for me.

Now, contrast that to this target. This is 10, 10.5gr pellets at the same distance on the same rest as the picture above. I would estimate this to be about a one inch group. I fired these cold for the first time.

End Your Programming Routine: As I say all the time, know your equipment. Now that I know, I am going to burn up these heavy pellets to get to more productive practice. The truth will be that I won’t get much out of the rest of those pellets, maybe I will work on trigger and breathing discipline. I almost thought of trying to buy another PCP rifle for this fact. But then I also need a way to charge it and the rifles are pretty expensive, in a lot of cases more than a real rifle. So, maybe sometime in the future. For now, I am going to keep going to see if I can find the inflection point.

September 20, 2023 – Better… For Who?

This year, my wife has been pushing for attending more sporting events. She has often said that ‘if I had girls, they would be in travelling sports.’ Fortunately for me, we have boys, which ironically are not really into sports at all. I say that because my wife and I are both fans, I just like it to be on in the background rather than spending my time at the events.

As we are nearing the end of September, eventually the good weather is going to run out. That wasn’t so last weekend as we went to the OSU Beaver’s football game with a sunny high of 82 degrees. I haven’t been to a lot of games, but there has been at least two with torrential downpours. I have to say that even winning both of those games, it was pretty miserable. That being said, we already have tickets to the Friday night game against Utah.

We are novices at this. I have been around long enough to know that season tickets are a commitment. Not only are you paying face value for the tickets but also the university wants a $5000 donation. That is pretty much a no go for us. Not only are we taxpayers but it isn’t even our alma mater. So, we are buying tickets on the open market. The university has affiliated with a company called SeatGeek. This is where I become a boomer.

Remember when you had cash and you bought a ticket? The price didn’t really change and you got what was available. I will say that the best part of today’s world is that you can filter by the number of seats that you want, see what options are available and pay anytime of the day. But, that is where the good parts end.

Despite the last game having the cheapest possible ticket prices at $15/each, the best possible weather for football in Oregon, a team worth watching and a projected lopsided victory, the stadium was still about half full by my estimation. It is true that school is not in session until the next home game, but the student section was nearly full. It wasn’t the lack of students that didn’t fill the stadium, I have to believe that it is the complications on how to do it playing a factor.

To be fully transparent, our tickets were not $15 but $30. The next game against Utah in the very same seats are now $70. They say that they are $70 but that is actually before the 50% handling fee which you find out about at check-out. I know that it is peeing into the wind, but SeatGeek is just another account that you have to create login credentials and manage. Such is life.

Once you pay for the tickets, they have to be moved to Google Wallet to be presented at the stadium. In my case as a Apple user, I have to download another app. That is to say that fortunately, I already have a Gmail account. But, searching through the Apple app store, there is no such thing as Google Wallet. It turns out that it is actually named Google Pay.

Before I could send them to my Google account, I had to login on my own computer. It seems like everyone else at this house has done this type of thing before but me. That was fine, but each ticket that you wanted to send to a wallet defaulted to the first user so I sent one ticket to my son in Taiwan first. Fortunately, I was also able to revoke it from the screen and select myself as a user. To verify, even finding them in Google Pay is buried under the menu structure. It is no wonder that people don’t want to mess with this stuff.

End Your Programming Routine: In the old days of general admissions, you might end up with the only seats behind the structural pole (ask me how I know). But it was cash, ticket, entry. This system markets to us that it is better because we can choose our seats any time of day. This also gives them the ability to price games by the market demand and because a third party is involved, the prices become higher because of handling and their margins. Then, you have to deal with the technological hassle. I will struggle through it, but you can’t convince me it is better.

September 19, 2023 – A Banner Year For Apples

Everywhere I go, I see apple trees and apples. A lot of them I have seen for the first time. It is amazing how many are along the road, presumably because someone through a core out the window. Unfortunately for me, my tree has a cluster of five apples on it. I had a good year last year, by all accounts, I don’t know what my problem is.

Fortunately for me, I have sources to other apples. My dad gave me a crate of them. I decided that this year, I needed to make some apple sauce since last year I turned it all into cider. So, that is what I set out to do.

Ideally, I would do this work in an evening. That way I have my weekends for things that require larger blocks of time. To me, even a late night canning is better than a whole afternoon or morning on Saturday. But, I couldn’t quite work out the timing of getting dinner completed and having enough time to can. I remind you that I start work early so I go to bed early. I would have stayed up late to complete, but starting late is really a no go.

The most important thing is getting everything gathered up unless you want to spend all day doing it. The first thing I do when I start is getting the canner going because it takes a lot of time to get the water to boil. So, I start the canner then I start doing everything else.

These are pretty natural apples, so I spend prep time cutting around worms, rot and scab. The apple parts are scalded for several minutes and then I put them through the juicer (as it is called). The juicer separates the flesh of the apple from the skin of the apple. Had I not spent a bunch of time trimming out the bad parts, it would also remove the seeds and other undesirable parts.

I add a little sugar and sometimes water depending on the consistency of the sauce. Then I start filling the jars. Once I have enough jars to fill the canner and the water is boiling, I just boil the jars for 20 minutes and done. If everything is in sync, then you should have the next batch to add to the canner when the first one is done.

My yield was 12 quarts. One jar broke, so I actually got 11 quarts. A bit on that, I am not very careful with my jars. The training says to temper your jars by first putting them in the dishwasher. What this does is heat up the glass so that when it cools, the crystal structure is in alignment, and therefore stronger. If I do that, then I am adding more time to the process plus it is really hard to find an empty dishwasher. So, this would mean washing what is in there, then my canning jars before I use them. I just chance the breakage instead. The good news is that my break was just a split in the jar, so we will just eat that one.

End Your Programming Routine: My canning waxes and wanes. I think 12 quarts is plenty for this year. The primary consumer of applesauce is my son in Taiwan this year. I think that when he moves on, I would probably can pints, not quarts in the future. But, you do you. If I happen to any more apples, it will go into cider.

September 18, 2023 – Bugging Out

This is the last of the mini-series on preparedness. As I have stated before, there are literally thousands of different podcast episodes about this topic. So, I am encouraging you to do more thinking and research as there is no way I can cover such a topic extensively.