The last major component has been added to my office. Something that started in the winter of 2021 is done… almost. The actual last thing that I want to do is replace my chair with something more becoming of sitting in it all day long. I have decided that my chair sucks a lot.

My chair is not new. Technically that is an upgrade. But the TV is new (to me). This is the component that knits all of my techno junk together. It acts as a second monitor, I have it connected to the VCR, the Blue-Ray player and the X-Box 360. All of those qualify as techno junk in my book.

If you recall three years ago, I actually wired my office for surround sound. My thought was that I was going to finally put those speakers in a home they deserve. I did mess around with them early on but unfortunately, the space does not totally work. My speakers are way too large for the space.

Thinking back retrospectively, I could have built my office differently to accommodate for the speakers I have. That would have involved moving the door more centrally in the space.. But, I would have lost out on some of my usable space for my couch and that does get used.

Like everything in life, it is a compromise. I have considered purchasing some micro speakers like the Bose brand and then I really could make it happen. After all, everything is wired and ready to go. I haven’t totally ruled that out but that would then violate one of my tenants. That is putting to use the techno junk that I have lying around.

Sometimes I turn on the local news on mute while I am working. I enjoy it and it makes me feel more connected. Like this is some kind or war room or control center. Technically, it is the home of AltF4 and is probably the single place I spend time in my life. Nine hours of working beats 6 hours of sleeping. That is actually my justification for the chair.

Like all done projects, it is not totally done. I need to wire the TV output to the receiver. I am still on the lookout for a subwoofer. I occasionally see one at a good price but the timing is not right. I want it to be both cheap and easy. I am weighing the real want for surround sound. I don’t have an actual remote for the TV. We have another Panasonic TV. I can use that remote for the advanced functions. It will cease to be a goal and more like a ‘some day’ desire.

End Your Programming Routine: I feel good that all the old misfit toys now have a home. I don’t know if I will ever sit down and watch a VCR tape in full surround sound, but I could. I feel like one of those TV shows where I can hack into any piece of data and solve a crime or get information. Yeah, it is a fantasy but it is done with a $12.50 TV and a bunch of cast off electronics (including the computer).