The calm before the storm in the book and in life. While I am riding out the storm, better days will be ahead not so much on what is happening in the book. The tribe has clearly split now and the recognition that they participated in the killing of Simon is in the recent past. Also, the asset of Piggy’s eyeglasses are the only means by which they can start a new fire figures to play a role coming up. The other tribe wants those glasses and they figure that it is their right to take them by force, because they can.

Bloodlust is what many critics say about what happened to Simon. I tend to think of it more like manipulation. I have a hard time believing that a bunch of 12 and under form any sort of mature society. By mature I also mean that they can tackle emotional topics. Kids can be cruel, but often it is because of ignorance or peer pressure.

Kids will be driven by primal desire as well. It is why they will not perform chores or eat candy until they are sick. But to say bloodlust to me suggests that this is our basest form as humans. I have a hard time believing that.

Some people are psychopaths or sociopaths. When my grandparents generation was alive, I heard story after story how they joined the Army or the Navy to fight the Japanese. Sure enough, when the true horror of war was revealed they wanted no part of it. There is guilt and a whole host of emotional issues like PTSD to prove that otherwise. Watch the movie ‘Flags of Our Fathers’ to get a little sense of how life is different that it is portrayed in popular history.

In my opinion, people are driven to do horrible things not because it is our native state but because we are confused about truth. When someone says your problems are caused by this party, we react out of perceived self defense. It is only the true sociopaths that derive pleasure from inflicting displeasure on others.

This chapter makes a deal about the interaction between Ralph and Piggy over their roles in the killing of Simon. It seems the Piggy cant or wont believe the results and his role in it while Ralph seems to accept it. The truth is, I don’t know what the role of this conversation is other than to acknowledge the fact that it happened. I reread the previous chapter text several times and the events were cryptic and described as highly nuanced.

Another aspect that supports my point is when the hunters are discussing the same subject. Jack insists that they just hit Simon and somehow he just died or that this was some unfortunate event. I say that this is classic sociopathic behavior. It is justifying other’s violence for his own gain.

End Your Programming Routine: I feel like I am running out of things to say and talking a bit in circles. Like I said in the beginning, this chapter is the calm before the storm. Yes, the hunters steel the glasses which setup the climax but a lot of this is just biding time. By my response over the last couple of reviews, I am foreshadowing here. I am probably not going to side with critics by the end of the book.