Finally, we are into Purgatory proper. Honestly, it wasn’t exactly as I thought it would be. I guess knowing nothing, I probably should have had no expectations. But, it seemed like a kinder and gentler hell. Maybe that was just my prospective. I was expecting a holding area until you served your time; kind of like jail.

If I understand Purgatory correctly, it is a place to atone for your sins before advancing. This is the first cornice and it is pride. On this cornice, souls will be penalized equal to their sin. As an example, the soul was proud for 40 years, therefore there is 40 years of cornice one. I presume that someone does not have just one sin and therefore once the soul advances, he will continue with the punishment regime for that amount of time until all sin is expunged.

Interestingly enough, when Dante entered purgatory, his forehead was marked with seven ‘P’s. This apparently weighed him down to the point where he could not proceed. Once Pride is atoned, one ‘P’ is removed and so is the weight for him to advance. The punishment for pride is carrying a giant bolder around. It was said that the souls were ground to dust by the weight of what they were carrying. It is as if the lesson of pride is the weight of the attitude will crush them.

One other key distinction between Purgatory proper and all of the previous levels is that temptation is no longer an issue. It seems that if you make it through the gates, you are guaranteed to move forward after you served your time. I don’t recall that being a subject earlier, but it was mentioned here.

Another feature of each cornice is a relief on entry and on leaving. In both of those cases, they are featuring characters through history and mythology that show the cause and effect of pride. I suppose it is a reminder of why you are here and the price paid for worldly behavior, specifically sin.

I have to admit, when it comes to a lot of names, I kind of zone out. First of all, I know next to nothing about mythology. I am uninterested in local, recent history as well. As a result, I have a very difficult time with who is who and what the backstory is on all of the relief figures or even conversations.

I think that I have evolved into a bigger picture person. When I was young, I was all about details. That saying ‘see the forest from the trees’ comes to mind. The world needs both types of people. But for me, it causes me to try and get to the point of things. I suspect that I was always this way but didn’t know how to analyze or distill all the data into something actionable. Therefore, when presented lists of names, I kind of glaze over or even skim. There needs to be a point of reference for perspective otherwise it is just a factoid that has little future bearing.

End Your Programming Routine: Next week is onto the second cornice for Envy. That would be Cantos XIII – XV. It is also worthy of noting that the climbing gets easier for Dante and Virgil. So far, there has been a lot of surprises in Purgatory. I guess that is what it means to be naïve.