Happy Friday. Maybe this is how parables are written or maybe it is just this one that is packed full of little things. This chapter is no exception. But, it could also be that it is just the way things go and not just a story. I don’t know, all I can say is that this story just seems to be giving truths.

I will keep it short because the chapter is only ten pages or so. It does seem to get a little old saying every other sentence is a validation of the world the way that it is too. I guess I would be remised if I didn’t acknowledge the significant number of truths and parallels that are in the chapter. So, let’s get into it.

Now that the animals have all been unified under Napoleon and the project focus is building the windmill, it seems like that takes all the focus at the expense of everything else in the world. We might not all remember or were around after 9/11 but I am pretty sure everyone reading this were around during Covid. So, let’s use that example even thought I want to eventually evolve away from that period.

We as a society did everything we could possibly do to focus on Covid. Never mind that people were still getting the flu let alone cancer or having their own personal disasters (and to be fair triumphs too) that happened in the midst of this. In our effort to combat the common cold, we destroyed our economy and nearly ourselves because we couldn’t see the forest from the trees. This is animal farm. Every bit of effort went to build the windmill and so the harvest suffered along with the people.

Spoiler alert: If you haven’t read this book a storm ruins the work. Wouldn’t you know it we have to find someone to blame. In the case of the book it was Snowball. But, we can find plenty of other patsies in our recent history. It was Osama bin Laden, well actually it was Saddam Hussein, no I think it was Muhammar Khadhafi. I don’t know, kill ’em all. Whatever we can do to transplant anger from our own administration and questionable decisions keeps the heat of our own problems.

Regardless of our problems with the boogie man, a modern society has a desire to trade outside of the internal economy. Even North Korean and Iran have limited trade partners. I think that it is arguable that an actual animal farm would need to go outside the farm, but when members want more than what is offered they need to look outside. Because animals are now building a windmill, they need supplies to finish the project and increase the overall comfort.

Finally, when the leaders find it advantageous, they are willing to change principal for their own gain. In this chapter, the pigs are living in the house and sleeping in the beds. If you remember, that violates the forth rule. Because the animals aren’t very literate they cant read the actual rule and can’t remember the actual rule. They are easily manipulated into what was wrong is now right.

This is the problem that we have today. We are actually moving the needle from what was wrong to now there is no longer a wrong and right. We are doing this by denying actual biology by men can be women and women can be men. It only matters if we feel like being called or acting however we feel. Don’t you dare question the should or shouldn’t of the situation.

Actually I misstated the above. What is actually wrong is not acknowledging that people can be whatever gender they want. We no longer read the rules (of morality) and we no longer remember the rules. The more absurd statements that are made, the more when you retract halfway between where we are and what was said becomes reasonable.

End Your Programming Routine: You know that I don’t really care if people feel strongly about becoming another gender. What I can’t really believe is all the mindless dolt’s who don’t see this happening. But then again, I suppose that these are the same people that thought that once we get Hussein or wear masks for the rest of our lives, things will be alright. I am not for condemnation, just stop getting hoodwinked.