Today is the 250th post. Just a warning, I am going to be all over the place today and not very Tacticool. First of all, when I was planning what I wanted to write about earlier this week, I was having trouble coming up with a relevant topic, or at least one that I wanted to write about. Part of the reason is that I have been actively out of the scene for several months now. With the ammunition and component shortages everywhere, I have moved my focus into other things for time being.

Second and more recently, Covid has struck the house. We are in quarantine but even more so, I am needed to perform all of the caretaking duties. I am finding it difficult to have any free time with all of the activities that the kids are involved in and where I am needed the most. I have plans and I have ammo, but I don’t have time. For all of you wondering, my wife was already vaccinated.

When I look at my families’ schedule (outside of work), every other Monday is a local youth group, Tuesday is Boy Scouts, Wednesday is another youth group, Friday I am playing city league softball with my wife, Saturday morning is trap and Sunday is church. One of my sons has been given the lead in a play to happen this summer, so we will see what commitment that entails. The other week he said, I need to find something to do on Thursday and I said as long as it doesn’t involve me having to drive you to get there or participate in some manner.

To be honest, not all of those things require active participation. It does however require planning and coordination of transportation and meals to be done on time as well as active management of the household on other fronts like chores, homework and pets. My silver lining is that Softball ends in two more weeks and Trap is officially over we are practicing until the state tournament at the end of June.

I should also like to mention that I am extremely bad about planning activities, like Mother’s Day. I have been thinking about it for a month but still haven’t gotten anything done. So, I guess tacticool is far from the mind. And I think that is how I want to end today.

End Your Programming Routine: I thought what I was going to say when I was going into this was that no one should be a one trick pony with interests because if it ever became non-accessible, you become crazy. I still think that is true, but now I am thinking that also evaluate your commitments to make sure they fall in line with your values and interest.