Tag: Vacation

August 15, 2023 – How to Entertain an Exchange Student

I guess that we have become exchange student hosts. For me, it goes way back to my youth where we first hosted a Japanese exchange student for a couple of weeks. A few years later, we had a French exchange student. Later in my married life, we had another Japanese exchange student for a few weeks. Then we had our Spanish exchange student for a year 2019-2020. And finally, we sent off our German exchange student a couple weeks ago (with my son).

It is hard to build connection when they are only with you a couple of weeks. Generally speaking we have lost touch with all of our short term students. Granted those were all pre-social media experiences. I am relatively sure that we have a lifetime bond with our Spanish student. It is because we were able to spend enough time to really build a relationship. Since he left, we have visited Spain and he has visited us.

I am not sure how I feel like hosting without kids. Plenty of people do it; we are already on the Rotary hit list for the next long term exchange. This year didn’t work out because the targeted student has pet allergies and one of the program coordinators is a veterinarian. But kids are able to relate at their level. They often have the same schedule (like summer vacations) and are likely open to showing off to make a new buddy.

When we were kids, we didn’t have a lot of means but we had kid ingenuity. We built forts, picked blackberries, rode bicycles around, shot basketball and sword fought with sticks. Our French student was a Boy Scout so he joined us for a week at summer camp. Those weeks really flew by and it was over before we knew it.

Our second Japanese exchange student had daily classes. That meant that we had to take her to school during the week so that part kind of took care of itself. But, what would you do if you only had three weeks to provide a crash course in your culture? Easy, do what you do.

First of all, all those kitschy or things you have seen a million times are new to an exchange student. So, while on any given weekend you may not pick these places spend your time, they are easy targets. For instance, we usually plan a trip to the beach which is only an hour away. A whale watching trip is $25/person and two hours long. That makes it economically approachable and even the motion sensitive people can bear that duration. And even if people are from some tropical location, our beach is very different.

Speaking of different. you usually get some sort of profile before accepting the student. It is a good if you can match some of your entertaining with their interests. If they like hiking, you can walk the dog around the neighborhood if you are not a hiker, but it is pretty likely you can find some sort of short arboretum trail or city park. If you interest are congruent, you need to consider that these are kids. I wouldn’t recommend a two week backpacking trip because you don’t know if their idea of hiking matches your hard core pursuit.

McDonald’s is not the novelty it used to be. I remember that we got a tour at the local McDonald’s with our first exchange student but now it is really everywhere in the world. Culinary experiences are great gateways however. Have them help cook, pick berries or even just suggest recipes that you can try to make. I also suggest planning meals that bring out Americana like barbeque and fruit pies. Since I like to cook, I am up for anything but I also try to focus on things that I think are American (or Mexican because my wife is Latino).

I would highly recommend not always cooking at home nor eating out. You want a mix of what is a restaurant experience and what is a home experience. When our Spanish student came a month or so ago, he had a list of all the places that he wanted to eat. Sadly, nothing on his list was our food, but it sure made the busy time go easier.

If permitted, I like to play into the world stereotype. A lot of people have visions of America being cowboys, especially in the west. That is running around and shooting things. Most programs have restrictions against any kind of risk behavior (this is for insurance reasons). But the Rotary does not. So we went on a boys camping trip that featured some target shooting. This is one of the few things that is nearly uniquely American.

Go to the Friday night concert in the park or the county fair. It is not all about creating one of a kind, whiz-bang experiences but the ability to compare and contrast what they think of pizza versus what we think it is. Especially sensory experiences such as food leave lifetime impressions whereas the history of the Alamo gets forgotten within months. Don’t not do the Alamo if it is close and convenient but just know that they are not likely recall every detail.

End Your Programming Routine: The Rotary program says don’t go out of your way to pack every day with fun. Do what you do. That being said, I would say that you want to try and make things a little special. A couple road trips and some local events provide a well rounded peak in a short term exposure. Hosting an exchange student is a very enriching process and I highly encourage doing it.

August 7, 2023 – 69, The Real Story

I don’t really want to give away the real story here, you will just have to listen to find out. That would ruin the schtick. Needless to say I talk about planning and balance and the fight for self-satisfaction.

End Your Programming Routine: The key is balance. Balance is the way to reduce stress and be happy. I believe that balance requires planning and planning requires decision making and priorities. That in and of itself can be stressful. Hence the yin and yang to make the chi flow in the right direction and 69 is one representation of yin and yang. Now we have come full circle.

March 30, 2023 – I want this… but it is not there

As badly as I want this, it is not going to happen today. My original topic was going to be electricity preparedness. I ran out of time to get the necessary photos last week before I left. As a fallback, I thought I would find some internet images but I spent all my free time trying to get my podcast published.

As an alternative, read a book, listen to a podcast or do some other stimulation to change your programing. It is always good to get another perspective even if it is contrary to your own. If you don’t periodically challenge your beliefs then how do you know that they are still valid?

I remember that when I was a freshman in college, a friend asked me that if I was drafted, would I serve? At that point, I was fresh out of my programming in Boy Scouts so of course I said I would because it was the right thing to do. Today, I would almost assuredly have a different answer. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my country, but my perspective has changed. I love what it could be, not what it is.

That change in opinion came around because I kept challenging myself on what the implications were for believing or supporting one side or the other. As an example, the ‘Trump Tax Cuts’ has at least tripled my annual tax obligations. I have heard from others that it was a huge benefit. My financial position was based on the old rules and now with new ones I am at a severe disadvantage. From my perspective, this was a tax increase.

Fine, I know how to eventually move to take advantage of the new rules. But how can a party that supposedly has a platform of tax cuts create tax increases? Easy, it is because they don’t really stand for tax cuts. They stand for saying what they think will appeal to a wide group and create new rules by which they will benefit. Now I am teetering into being angry at bad guys so I will leave it at that.

March 20, 2023 – My World Tour

Sometimes we joke that we are going on a Griswold Family Vacation. That is partially based on where we are going and how we are going to achieve it. I myself have some additional business travel that I am not really looking forward to as well as us driving all over the southwestern United States.

I also spend a lot of time talking about the types of trips that I took throughout my life during the Spring Break period. This is to give an idea about the things that we have done and provide inspiration for you to make your own memories.

End Your Programming Routine: Time seems to be accelerating. By the time we get to the Summer, my family is starting to scatter to the wind. I talk about some of the reasons we are taking this trip in the podcast. I am definitely not getting sentimental, but my kid’s futures are starting to get real. Enjoy your time while you have it.

June 27, 2022 – Back to Reality

It is strange sitting in the Barcelona airport and typing this message. We are about board the plane for the first leg home. I had all of my posts staged for the last week and a half (with the exception of last Tuesday’s). So, I haven’t given much thought to the beginning of the work week.

So much of my future has been pegged to this trip. It seems like everything was categorized as ’Needs to Get Done Before’ or ’Needs to Wait Until After’. Now, the trip is over, so there is only what comes next. For instance, It is truly time to get to work on my siding project before I actually run out of summer.

I am sure I will probably talk about my trip most of the week, so I don’t have to get it all in today. Plus, I am in kind of a mental fog right now. I don’t know exactly how to name it, but I will attempt to describe it. It is not a hangover, that is the next day pain from the party. It is not the intoxication from the trip, I guess that I would call it the afterglow? You just want to be and nothing really else.

I don’t always feel like every vacation is over. I suppose that it is more like the vacation never started. Maybe it is a function of the duration of the time and maybe distance. In this case, having 10 days in Spain is probably enough time and disconnection from reality that it worked. In contrast, my last day off was a drive to Texas and back in a week. That was definitely not relaxing.

I don’t know if there is a proper formula for a successful. It very well could be different for each person. I know for me, I don’t want to just lay by the pool or in the sand. However, I don’t know if a constant touring format is enough downtime. This vacation had a bit of each.

I was able to finish my pretty substantial book “The Lost Symbol” on the trip as well as see Barcelona multiple days. If I had full control of the itinerary, I probably would have tried to take advantage of the fact that this was my first time in Spain and try to see as much as possible like it was my one opportunity. But, in retrospect I think leaving something for later as well as not filling every minute made it successful.

I am a creature of habit. My days are filled with doing the same things every day. I listen to my podcast list, I check my usual blogs, social media, news and information aggregators. None of these things I did on the trip. The instinctual part of me wants to catch up but a larger part of me want’s to leave it where it lies. That is probably part of a successful vacation as well. It is so difficult for me but probably worth it.

End Your Programming Routine: A lot of this I wrote before we got home. I definitely had some major surprises when we got home. However, I am not going to take today down with those specifics. Let me just say, it was definitely back to reality on Sunday and hopefully another trip to Spain someday.

June 21, 2022 – Hola desde Espana

This is a mobile update from Spain today. I will have plenty of time to unpack any lesson’s learned or anecdotes when I get back. I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures that I have taken so far.

Food is very important here. Our first night was dinner with ‘the family’ purchased with items from the market. I am positive that I will be talking more about food and eating habits coming up, since they play such an important prominence in life.

Our first trip was west to a nearby city called Tarragona. Roman influence dates all the way back to 200 BC. Consequently, there were many interesting things to learn about and see. Having been to Rome before, this is kind of small potatoes by comparison, but everything was lovely. I wish we could have seen some of the re-enactments while we were there.

Then, we learned about Gaudi. I should say re-learned because I remember his work from art history class in college. We spent several days looking at his work throughout the city. My pictures are not nearly as great as my wife’s. Maybe I will get them after the trip.

End Your Programming Routine: So far, so good. We are enjoying our trip so much. Today we are off to another adventure (and part of Spain). Look forward to more about Spain next week.

June 17, 2022 – Looking for a Quick Win

I want to start building some rigor into podcasting and unfortunately, the timing is poor with me being in Spain. I thought maybe I would talk about some travel tips today since I have flown quite a bit. In addition, I have flown internationally many more times that I would like and this all fits into what I have up to lately.

At one time, I was a Delta Platinum frequent flyer (back when that was the highest tier) and I even got a Christmas card from a hotel one year. I know a bit about travelling. What I am trying to convey is not the nuts and bolts of travelling or packing tips or how to get the best deals or the most out of travel but best practices.

The Merriam Webster definition of best practices are as follows: a procedure that has been shown by research and experience to produce optimal results and that is established or proposed as a standard suitable for widespread adoption. To be clear, these are most typically opinions from subject matter experts (like myself in this case). There is nothing saying that there are not conflicting opinions labelled as best practices from different sources.

Travelling for business and travelling for vacation are not exactly the same thing but they share a lot in common. Primarily, they are both travel. I think most people in the business world pack and orient toward speed. Meaning ‘How can I get off the plane and get home as fast as possible’? This means no checking bags and keeping things as compact as possible. I am going to let the the podcast speak for itself for the rest of this.

End Your Programming Routine: Bear with me, this is the beginning. I have listened several times and heard the smacks and uh’s too. I mean, I don’t think it is too bad considering these are off the cuff and I don’t have much practice. I anticipate adding some bumper music and working on a more standard intro and exit. But overall, I am pretty happy with what I have here.

June 15, 2022 – Spain Bound

I know, security experts say not to broadcast your absence over the internet. To that, I say that is good advice particularly for social media. But, either the people closest to us know that we are going or people on this site do not know precisely where we live. It is not that the house is going to be empty anyway.

Today, we are off to eight days in Spain (plus two travel days). I am probably going to do some degree of writing ahead here. But, I don’t think I will do eight days worth. I may opt to post some while I am travelling, but that is not likely. What I am saying is… be prepared for a gap.

This is an important trip. For one thing, the airplane tickets were almost $2000 a piece. This is my first vacation since 2019. Not that taking two years off wasn’t restful, it definitely was. This is my kid’s first time in Europe and leaving the continent. This will be all of our first time in Spain.

We are going to visit our exchange student and his family. We are going to stay pretty close to Barcelona except for a couple days in Majorica with no real agenda. We will see the sights in Barcelona, but most of it is going to be seeing the beach and re-connecting.

There is some anxiety on for the trip as well. From what I have read, for entry we need a passport and a vaccine card within the last 270 days. In order to come home, we will need a Covid test to be negative. I really don’t know what the mask situation or anything like that is currently.

End Your Programming Routine: I don’t want to dwell on the potential negatives. I am looking forward to taking some time off and an adventure. I am sure I will get some content out of this so, look forward to some insight from Spain later in the month. Until then, I am off!