Tag: treatment

June 24, 2024 – What Is a Stem Cell Transplant?

Am I at the beginning, middle or end of this? Well, if you don’t understand or know the process then it might be difficult to figure out. I am talking about the high level process and some of the gotchas in the Stem Cell Transplant process. Hopefully you will never have to be involved in it, but if you do then give this a listen.

July 18, 2023 – About ADHD

I have been a skeptic of ADHD. When I see statistics that say 13% of Americans are on some sort of mood altering medication, it makes me skeptical of the entire system. After wrestling with my son over some important issues, I have begun to look into what ADHD really is. I still am skeptical of the overall discipline but not as much ADHD. I have to say that my mind is open.

End Your Programming Routine: My son is a good kid. He rarely gets into trouble. But, he also rarely follows through with things that need to get done as well and that is cause for concern. I don’t think any amount of yelling or punishment is going to change that. This is a journey, so we will see where it goes. Today was the basics.