Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I have been creating very short videos with tips on siding. I don’t know what it is going to amount to, but I was looking and my nail gun repair video got 41 views in the last 24 hours (when I am writing this). So, that platform is getting some degree of engagement. That means I am taking the cheap route here and linking to my recent YouTube work.

I think that you get the idea. All of them I am putting into a single playlist. You can find that here if you want to keep up or watch them all at once.

End Your Programming Routine: There is that saying ‘the heart wants what the heart wants’. I have often thought that if something that I work on ever takes off, I would need to shift from writing or doing whatever I want to something more focused (more like a job). I know that siding tips are not everyone’s cup of tea but it makes sense to foster something that is getting engagement like YouTube.