Tag: Remodel 2020

August 19, 2020 – The final accounting

First off, I had a great retreat with my wife. We don’t get a lot of quality alone time these days. And it was nice to spend quiet time, just us. It has been a long haul through this project. When I present my final numbers, I think that you will see why.

Since I didn’t keep an exact time sheet, my time contribution is an estimate. What I do know are the days that I did not work at all. Off the top of my head they were Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July and a couple days of camping in July and August. I also didn’t work a lot of extra hours or weekends in April. The switch turned on in May.

Total Hours est.1098

I gave my labor rate at $25/hour so I would say that was worth $27,450. The hours estimate does not include any help that I got. From April to June, my nephew periodically helped with demo and paint for 2-4 hours at a time up to three times a week. My kids did some painting in July and helped on the roof as well. At the very end in August, my wife helped with cleanup, trim paint, and fixture hanging.

There was some rework here and there but overall, very little. The bedroom doors were replaced after completion. I had to work on the pantry door twice, once to straighten it and once for the new floors. The living room trim was completed and then replaced. There was some re-roofing to accommodate for the new skylight in the bathroom. Those were very small in comparison to the overall project.

As to the material costs, I have receipts for $7030. I suspect that I am missing a few because I was keeping an eye out for some particular purchases that I did not see. Maybe I just missed it in haste to total the receipts, but I don’t think so since I summarized each purchase as well.

I want to be up front here as well. I don’t have the final bill for the bathroom. The original quote was $7000 for the total bathroom and flooring. Since I did the roof, siding and bought most of the fixtures, I hope that we are still in that ballpark because it certainly took more than the two week estimate.

Finally, I didn’t get the ‘complete’ photos, because the tenants were very anxious to move in being that the project was seven weeks late. However, I got enough to show the comparison. Move the slider to see either picture better.

There you have it, at least $40,000 complete remodel of the apartment. What happened to the slumlord?

August 4, 2020 – Progress Report

I will be signing off for another round of family time. I think that I will be back Friday, I would guess early afternoon. But with all of the stuff that will need to be done I suspect this is the last post of the week.

It pains me to put this aside when progress is rapidly happening. In addition, there is still a lot of punchlist items to do. There is nothing I can really do about it but be in the moment.

To summarize this weeks progress, floors are going in, the shower enclosure is up, the bathroom door is installed, new counter tops with a refurbished sink, all electrical is done, rough in plumbing is complete and waiting for fixtures and half of the remaining siding is up.

So what is left? Paint and install remaining siding, final exterior touch up, hang gutters, landscape grading, data wiring, finish the floors, paint and install all trim, install cabinets and fixtures in the bathroom and kitchen, add hot water heater, back splash in bathroom and kitchen. That is it you say? I know that it might seem like a daunting list, but each one of them is closing a phase with visible progress.

As much as I have enjoyed the process and the time, I am ready for completion. I have felt the pressure to finish since I started and now that we are six weeks past the planned finish date, this is the largest stressor for leaving for another three days. For the most part, my scope of work is complete – that is the exterior work. None of that prevents move in. But, I have taken up the torch to help wherever I can on the inside, because that will ultimately save money and time in the end.