Tag: random

September 15, 2022 – ‘Taticool’ Thursday

I finally made it to the range last weekend. It has been a long time, too long. I decided that I was going to measure some of my reloads now that I have a chronograph. The truth is, I have withheld doing any further reloading due to lack of data. I didn’t think that it made any sense to keep plowing through and loading blindly. I did get some really valuable information that I will share that next week as I have a lot of data to crunch.

Today is just going to be a grab bag of random range anecdotes. I was shooting a batch of .357 Magnum loads that I made at different powder levels through my Rossi 92 rifle. I thought that I would also bring a box of .38 specials to compare. Since I have started reloading, my inventory strategy has been to reload range ammunition and replace what I have shot with higher performance ammunition, like personal defense loads.

I also try to shoot the oldest stuff first. Realistically, I only have a few boxes of factory loaded range ammunition left (in 38 special). This was one of the boxes I had. You will notice that it is stamped from the store I purchased from.

This tells me that I bought this around 2011. If you remember the first Obama ammunition scare in 2010, things were starting to get back to normal in 2011. The store was marking ammunition to cut down on resale markups. For a while and before e-commerce really was working well, people would buy ammunition at stores and then re-sell it at gun shows and other want ad type venues. Today, people are just going to pay inflated prices online or break cases.

It was a lovely day at the range, aren’t they all? It was supposed to be 98 degrees that day but the whole world around us was on fire. That meant that there was smoke in the air and the temperatures were not nearly as hot as they were forecasted because the smoke blocks the sun like clouds do. This was the moon when I got home.

Friday night we had red flag warnings, forced evacuations and local road closures. By Sunday we had our first measurable rainfall. A sure sign that the seasons are changing. This wasn’t before the fire season made it’s presence felt.

That transition usually means that the rifle range is super busy. People are getting ready for hunting season. On this day, the range was hosting it’s ‘sight-in days’. A public fundraiser where people can get help sighting in their rifles. I haven’t ever done this, but if it like any other Saturday it would be hopping busy. I decided to go late in the afternoon, usually the slowest time of the day. I was actually surprised to see that the entire range was a ghost town. I got to pick my bay of choice. That was nice.

Finally, they say that shooting sports are for everyone. You don’t have to tell her twice.

I was picking up my targets to get ready to leave and there was a doe standing on top of the berm that I had been shooting at. She was directly above my target but I had left my phone on the bench. So, by the time I went back to get it, she moved over to the left. I was trying to get a picture that included the deer and the target in it.

End Your Programming Routine: Summer time is a great time to go to the range. It is not always fun holding onto cold steel or having your shoes caked with mud. Not to mention as the light quickly dwindles, the practical hours at the range are cut down. Maybe this will be the year that I spend time gathering data instead of focusing on hitting the target. In which case, I can pretty much setup anywhere on the range.

April 13, 2021- Tuesday Quickie

Today I am had some technical as well as time issues. I ran across a couple of interesting articles that might be fun and maybe interesting.

This article compares the risk of sanitizer versus the catching Covid. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/another-covid-myth-dies-death

And, this article makes an argument that drinking a bottle of wine a day may not be that bad for you.

Finally, I am making a little progress on my project.

June 1, 2020 – Aghhh… to many things going on!

I know that it seems like I dart around from subject to subject. And to a large degree that is true. But, this is a creative outlet that will eventually pushing to something larger. This is why I make it a priority every weekday to post. As everyone is influenced, my favorite podcasts are ones that are not strictly business but intermingle personal life into the subject matter. That is why I do it.

First and foremost, this is my mom’s birthday. Happy birthday mom. It is sometimes difficult to step back and see your parents move from “senior citizens” to very near elderly. My dad is moving toward mid seventies now. I am starting to keep an eye on them more to make sure that they can continue to be healthy and active, but behaving age appropriate. As the years move on, I need to be more involved as I am definitely the closest geographic child.

Friday night, my wife and I took a class in hosting a small group in our church. The idea is that people are allowed to gather in small groups at this time and it harkens back to a format of early church where people met in their homes. Additionally, relationship is the foundation of strong spiritual connection and growth. This is supposed to start next Sunday, I am thinking of writing more about our plans on Friday.

Saturday marked the much anticipated opening of Tractor Supply. This is the biggest retail opening in nearly thirty years in this town. It was the mid-nineties when the last grocery store (one of two) was built and a complimentary establishment to other businesses in town. I do believe that it will impact other businesses in the area, but we didnt have great options to buy things like pet food in town. I am not sure about their hours, but for a town that starts to roll-up after five, I can see myself frequenting them because other hardware options are closed.

After we inventoried Tractor Supply, we headed to Costco for our major monthly, grocery shop. I picked up a new laptop, an HP Pavillion 15.6″. This is my first experience with HP as my last three home computers and six business computers have been Dell. I am not going to try a completely justify the purchase, but in these days of school and working from home, having a device that I can use to build my site will be nice. I have been wanting to start podcasting and more video editing and now I feel like I have a dedicated home to work.

After the chores have been done, back to work on my apartment. I wont talk about it too much now, but a photo grid from the weekend.

And now, back to work.