I only have a couple hours a day permitted in my schedule to explore, learn, post and market and then life starts to move in. It is part of the reason why things move slower than I would like. It also means that I need to use my time as effectively as possible.

Today, I have started with researching and adding some new plug-ins. The choices are wide to a point where this is an ala carte endeavor. Each thing can add a couple dollars a month, but what is the return on investment? For instance, I am researching adding a mail client to get more in line with the ‘true fan’ structure. The suggested option from my hosting service is free for the first 500 email addresses and is tiered from there in cost/month.

I can surely get down with free. But will five hundred interested people translate into meaningful revenue to be worth the cost? I don’t know and I don’t want to get locked into something only to switch and lose what is already started. So, I guess I will take it slow.

Another feature I need to explore is the ability to post to other platforms. I am almost a zero adopter of social media, for a good reason I will talk about some other time. But, that being said it definitely has inhibited the ability to leverage some of the most popular and low cost marketing out there. I am lightly active on LinkedIn and Nextdoor but that is really it.

From a principle standpoint, I want to start and grow into spaces that are more concerned about privacy and security. So, using the the platforms that are in line with those concepts are much more appealing to me and I would be much more likely to participate. I have held back a bit as well because I don’t want every post going to LinkedIn for example. They are not appropriate to the landscape of the platform.

Again, today’s post is another snorer. I am testing some features that I added this morning. I promise that I will get back into a better rhythm as the dust starts to settle here. I probably need to set some smaller and more structured goals like adding one feature a week so I can stop writing about dry and technical details and making excuses.