Since I have been the primary caretaker for several weeks, it is no surprise that I got sick. I started having symptoms last Thursday. There was an increase of phlegm, not a lot, but it was like I needed to keep drinking water because I felt something in the back of my throat.

Friday, I started noticing my nose was running a little bit. It wasn’t terrible and it wasn’t even to debilitating, just wet. I started feeling a little achy that night. Again, I could tell that something wasn’t right but it wasn’t enough to slow me down. Saturday, I had a mild fever all day. I measured it at 99.5 several times in the day.

I had planned on working on the apartment on Saturday because the garbage disposal has stopped working. But, I have stated multiple times that everyone has a different comfort level with this and I respect peoples rights to limit exposure, so the tenants declined to have me come in the house. That goes to show how I was feeling, good enough to handle non-emergency physical work.

The county has asked that we quarantine until May 18. I had already scaled back all of our social interactions so I worked on my office project instead. Sunday, my son (who has also been sick) and I went to get a Covid test. I didn’t have a fever, but I was sweating a lot. That was kind of weird. It was also Mother’s Day so I carried on the best we could with our circumstances but I felt better than Saturday.

Yesterday, being Monday, I felt good for most of the day. I carried out the workday, I made dinner and all through the day assisted my wife. After work, I did some framing and I played catch with my son. By about 8PM I was starting to feel achy. When I woke up today, I was congested but still feeling OK.

My son’s Covid test results came back negative. As I am writing this, I just got my results – Positive. My point to all of this is that this effects people in different ways. My experience, while not complete has been very mild. My wife’s has been more severe for instance she has not worked in the last week. I know several people that required hospitalization and I am acquainted with several people that died from Covid.

I wish that I could predict what will happen, but I cant. Based on the trend of things, I suspect that this illness is going to progress in the way that it has been going, mild. Not wanting to jinx it or anything, but I have definitely been sicker and felt worse. In fact, most of the time I get sick, I feel worse than how I feel today.

End Your Programming Routine: Getting Covid is a personal experience and people are effected differently. Unless you have co-morbidities, like advance age, obesity, or one of millions of other afflictions, there is not much to worry about. I will comment again when it has run it’s course, but don’t be afraid to live life.