Tag: office space

July 23, 2024 – Are We Done Yet?

The last major component has been added to my office. Something that started in the winter of 2021 is done… almost. The actual last thing that I want to do is replace my chair with something more becoming of sitting in it all day long. I have decided that my chair sucks a lot.

My chair is not new. Technically that is an upgrade. But the TV is new (to me). This is the component that knits all of my techno junk together. It acts as a second monitor, I have it connected to the VCR, the Blue-Ray player and the X-Box 360. All of those qualify as techno junk in my book.

If you recall three years ago, I actually wired my office for surround sound. My thought was that I was going to finally put those speakers in a home they deserve. I did mess around with them early on but unfortunately, the space does not totally work. My speakers are way too large for the space.

Thinking back retrospectively, I could have built my office differently to accommodate for the speakers I have. That would have involved moving the door more centrally in the space.. But, I would have lost out on some of my usable space for my couch and that does get used.

Like everything in life, it is a compromise. I have considered purchasing some micro speakers like the Bose brand and then I really could make it happen. After all, everything is wired and ready to go. I haven’t totally ruled that out but that would then violate one of my tenants. That is putting to use the techno junk that I have lying around.

Sometimes I turn on the local news on mute while I am working. I enjoy it and it makes me feel more connected. Like this is some kind or war room or control center. Technically, it is the home of AltF4 and is probably the single place I spend time in my life. Nine hours of working beats 6 hours of sleeping. That is actually my justification for the chair.

Like all done projects, it is not totally done. I need to wire the TV output to the receiver. I am still on the lookout for a subwoofer. I occasionally see one at a good price but the timing is not right. I want it to be both cheap and easy. I am weighing the real want for surround sound. I don’t have an actual remote for the TV. We have another Panasonic TV. I can use that remote for the advanced functions. It will cease to be a goal and more like a ‘some day’ desire.

End Your Programming Routine: I feel good that all the old misfit toys now have a home. I don’t know if I will ever sit down and watch a VCR tape in full surround sound, but I could. I feel like one of those TV shows where I can hack into any piece of data and solve a crime or get information. Yeah, it is a fantasy but it is done with a $12.50 TV and a bunch of cast off electronics (including the computer).

June 4, 2024 – Man, Americans Love Cheap TVs

I include myself in that statement as well. I have been looking for the final piece for my office and I found it at a second hand store a couple of weeks ago. It is a Panasonic 32″ LCD TV. The best part is that I paid $12.50 for it. I plan on using it for a second monitor as well as connecting techno junk to it. I have a VCR, Blu-ray player and an X-Box 360.

It is not something that I do a lot, but every so often I stop into second hand stores looking for techno junk. I had hoped that I would be farther along but I am looking for to build my younger son a hi-fi system. I want a receiver that has a phono input and a turntable first. The trick is, it has to be a reasonable price. I see them for $75-100 occasionally but that is too much in my mind when I can buy them on eBay for $50.

It seems like two or three years ago, I saw many to fit my criteria. But, it seems like the market caught onto the steal of a deal these $25 receivers were. Phono inputs disappeared from about 2000 to 2020. The point of those is that they are amplified inputs whereas plugging into one of the other choices are not. That means that you can put a DVD into a CD input and the only harm would be the label not matching. But, you cant plug a traditional record player into a CD input, it sounds bad.

The point of all of that is receivers became ubiquitous in the same time that phono inputs were phased out. Now, audio/visual systems are out of vogue to be replaced by sound bars. We did the same ourselves which is why I ended up with the system in my office. But, this also makes finding the right receiver significantly difficult to find.

I should be writing about TVs and not audio equipment. I have considered buying several different TVs. What made this one different was the price. The sticker said $25 and it was half off. It doesn’t hurt that it is a Panasonic.

We have three different brands in our house. We have two Samsungs that are LED TVs. We have a Magnavox that is an LCD TV and a Panasonic that is a Plasma TV. I say all of the time that I don’t watch much TV and I truly don’t. But, the one I watch the most is the smallest (32″ Magnavox). I turn on the news while I am cooking or a game while I am canning.

The TV that I like the most is the Plasma TV. It was our first flat screen. I appreciate the color of TV. I find it to be the brightest in all lighting conditions. It is big enough but it seems like it is not compensating for something else. I hate the washed out LED screens. I don’t like the bluish cast that they make either.

I have been a longtime fan of the brand Panasonic. It is sad that they lost out in the TV wars because I think that they made some of the best electronics around. Our last TV we replaced around Super Bowl I was about to throw a brick through it. It would turn off while watching, it would fail to turn on and the software was garbage. It was one of those Chinese brands not allowed in the government buildings out of spyware concerns.

One downside of buying used is often things are missing. In this case it is the remote control. That will likely cost more than the TV itself. But, the good news is that since I already have a Panasonic TV, VCR and DVD player plus a universal remote for my receiver, I will not rush out and buy one. I will look for one second hand and if I never find one, it wont be a big deal.

End Your Programming Routine: My techno junk pursuit is all about opportunity. I am only willing to buy it if it is cheap. Anybody can plunk down a chunk of change and setup a shiny system. I am all about keeping good old equipment running, even if it is out of vogue. It is doubly exciting when it is a bargain.

February 15, 2024 – Along the Lines of Yesterday

Yesterday I talked about waffling about whether I should invest in a garden space and things like fruit trees and bushes if I am planning on moving. The same is true with all home projects. The wisdom in the space is to be careful about changes that are made so that you don’t overspend compared to value of the house.

This project that I have been picking away at is not one of them. I cannot say how much improvement there is in my basement by tucking ducts up into the floor joists. It hardly costs any money and it make the space so much more open and accessible. I used to have to duck under two ducts each time I entered and left my office. That has all changed.

Not only is it easier to get to my office, having the duct tucked up in the ceiling allows more light over the whole space. There are two windows in the basement, more natural light is coming in as well as the electrical fixtures. Because the ducts were hanging down, they were constantly in the way of moving decorations and other storage items around. All of that is going away with each duct I move.

I won’t be able to do all of them because they don’t all run parallel with the floor joists. But, doing the major pathways has paid major dividends on the usability of the space. It looks better too, not just an after thought or the laziest installation possible.

To date, I have spent about $100 on materials. I have never worked with duct work before since this is typically a one and done type job. That being said, I am kind of liking it. I ended up buying a crimping tool so I can make my own custom lengths or rigid pipe. The truth is that the original installers taped the flex duct to the rigid fixtures and over time, that tape has failed. I have already had to fiddle with trying to re-attach ductwork that is in my way over the years.

This is one of those projects that fits into the do it regardless of how it effects value. In my opinion, there is no way that it could hurt and it is so little initial outlay of time and money, I should have done this years ago (it should have been done this way originally). So, I will pick away at it a couple hours at a time until I have done what I can do.

End Your Programming Routine: If it was simple, I would be done already. I have to delicately pick my way through different things like re-enforcing structure or wires in the way that have to be reconfigured etc. But, I am doing this purposefully and carefully and each one of those things adds a little dimension to the puzzle without having heat all day. It is a new kind of challenge.

March 28, 2023 – I Never Thought of That

As the title says…. Back when I was putting the major pieces of my office together, I had a problem and an idea. I also had some options. I have a cabinet that I removed from the apartment that I wasn’t sure whether I was going to paint and install it back in the apartment or what. The thought crossed my mind to put it back into my office.

Ultimately, I chose to do something different. I was going to build a sliding drawer that fit between the legs of the couch and under it. This drawer was on casters. I made measurements and did the quick woodwork to build this,

As I was taking out all of the items to install my sofa table, my son was preparing for a correspondence math course test. I left the drawer out while I took a break and he continued to work. As I was making breakfast, my wife said “Did you build that, it is amazing”, Of course, I had no idea what she was talking about because it was out of context.

At first. I thought it was my sofa table. I had been talking it up to her and I was proud of my work. But, she said no it was my drawer. I was a bit dumbfounded. I built this on a whim and it had been installed in office for months.

She said that I could sell these things. People would buy them for under the bed storage as an example. I had no idea. This was a solution to my problem, not necessarily a market problem. She said that I could have a booth at a flea market or something like that. And, her friends would like things like this.

I had no idea nor was this my intent. I suppose that is the way of the world. Entrepreneurs that are successful channel this accident into something successful. I myself haven’t done anything with this, nor do I know if I will. That being said, it doesn’t mean that I don’t recognize opportunity,

End Your Programming Routine: I would love to be my own boss, I just don’t know if this is the right place. Knowing what I want, riskier people might jump on this idea. I just know if this is the way to go. I suppose that keeping it slow, I can see where it goes. Let me know if you want one.

March 22, 2023 – Finally, After Several Years…

I have been professionally employed now since February 2021.  It took about one day to realize that working at the dining table wasn’t going to be adequate for a forever location.  After setting up a temporary table in the basement, It only took me about two or three days to realize that I was going to have to build something more permanent.  It was cold in with the temperatures in the mid-forties and that was with a heater running under the table.  

Quickly I added a propane heater that my wife had won at a local high school auction.  Those two were not enough.  I had to build an office.  Once I realized that this was a blank canvas and this space could be my own, I wanted to move my long orphaned stereo system in there.  

In fact, the stereo was the first thing that I moved in.  I had it setting on an old night stand.  If you look at some of my first pictures inside my office, you will see it.  Soon after I moved my desk in, my wife wanted to jettison a small couch that the cat had adopted as a scratching post and I actually wanted another seat in my office.  So, the stereo system only lasted a couple of weeks before it was moved back out of the office.

But, I had plans.  I was going to build a table that fit the space and the stereo would have a home behind the couch.  The trick was, I needed to spend the time to build it.  The wood I had.  In fact, a leftover slab of wood from my cabinets I built in January 2020 was in my way in the shop since I finished that project.  The slab was originally slated to be made into another pantry shelf at my wife’s insistence.  I persuaded her to try out the pantry first so there it sat.

My first efforts to get started on this table began in the spring of 2022.  Yet, I didn’t have a plan and I didn’t have a deadline.  Two of the rough cut legs sat for six more months still in my way.  It was my realization that I was getting up three or four hours before everyone on the weekends that got me motivated in December 2022.  That is when I got serious about measurements and a design.

I wanted to practice my skills at fine woodworking.  That means a piece that is built without fasteners.  There is mortise and tenon joinery and all made from solid wood.  Fine woodworking also means staying away from engineered materials like plywood as well.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not a purist I don’t care if people use those mechanisms but this was for me.  I want to be confident that I could build anything, anytime any way.

It is definitely not perfect. I don’t know if Douglas Fir is the best choice for wood and it is not as defect free as I would like.  But it was the wood I had and I still have a pile of it in the basement.  Free is a pretty good motivator.  All that to say, I think it looks pretty good and I am proud of the work that I did.  My wife wanted it too when I started to put the dry assembly together.  This one however was custom sized for the height, width and length to fit my space.  Looks like I might be building another one soon.

Now with the stereo in place, I can finally say that I am done, kind of.  My experiment with the AM antenna was done to ultimately also connect to the receiver.  You all know that I am an audiophile.  Maybe not so much about quality, but consistently consuming it.  I wanted the ability to listen to the local college games through the receiver and this was all done well after I built my office unfortunately.  So, I still need to run the AM antenna wire.

While I was building my office, I had visions of bringing the surround sound back to life as well.  I ran all the wires and did all the terminations for that.  But at this point, I can’t justify the space.  My speakers are from the 1990s and too bulky. My wife and I have talked about building an ‘adult space’ in the basement to go along with the keezer and wine cellar.  Maybe those speakers will find their way to that someday.

End Your Programming Routine: Any similar version I make, I assume will be quicker.  I stalled out a little on this project because I was going to build tapered legs but I had to figure out how to do that.  I kind of waffled at that point, and it was close to Christmas too.  I want to say that the builder is always the harshest critic.  I know where my flaws are and I see them.  The good news is that you won’t unless you are really giving it the third degree.   

October 8, 2021 – Still Piecing Together My Office

One of the ways of working that I have discovered is that I cant afford to spend my entire working day in the office. Between kids that need to get out the door and animals that need to be in and out to answering the door, I need to take my computer out of the office for parts of the day. For that reason, I don’t want to plug in 5 or 6 cables several times a day.

Because of that, I bought one docking station to try out. You can see it under my monitor on the upper left. It is meant to have the laptop sit on edge on top of the docking station. If you look closely, you can see that I have two (work) laptops and so I have tried both with the new docking station, so I am looking to get one more.

A word about docking stations. Five years ago, docks were a proprietary device that mated with specific brands and models of computer. These days, there is less of that but beware when looking at them as they are not all the same. For instance, most of them are termed USB-C port extenders and do not power the laptop at all defeating the purpose of one connection. Also, many of them support only one monitor, so if you are using a multiple monitor setup as I am, then you need to verify that will work with the docking station you are looking at.

To me, the power of docking stations gives you the flexibility to unplug and move the location you are working and then come back and pickup. If you do not work in that manner and your computer mostly stays put, then you probably don’t even need a docking station. Also, note the power requirements for your machine. I found several that didn’t output enough watts to adequately charge the battery. It is OK if is putting out more power, but not less. One last thing, if your computer is a consumer grade machine it may not be able to power through USB-C and you can get most of the features with a port extender.

To then use these optimally, I am in the market for a KVM switch. That is an acronym that stands for Keyboard, Video and Mouse switch which allows me to use the same keyboard and video setup to switch between the two computers with the click of a button. Once I have those two additional items, I can go about cleaning up all of the cable mess and my desk will be finally setup.

That doesn’t mean that my office is done. I had a couch that I was going to put in but I found out that my baseboard heater didn’t allow for the couch to be put in (so, I guess it is to the dump with that). But, my wife wanted me to take the loveseat that was in the kitchen area. Which I did and Leo thought it was a good decision.

That means that I had to take the stereo receiver out. I have made the measurements and I can build a table that will fit behind the couch and provide the optimum space to bring that back in. The downside is that with everything going on, it will be a while before I get to that project (hopefully this winter).

I still have stuff to hang up and really make it personal and I think that will help with the sound as well. But, overall it is getting close to finishing. Like everything, just money and time to get everything the way that I want it.

End Your Programming Routine: Like every project, there are the ‘wish that you would have known’ things. I wish that I would have anticipated the space the heater consumed I might have sacrificed my re-use principle to something that uses less space. I also wish I would have known how warm just the electronics would get and possibly add a window for ventilation. Those two things aside, I am still very happy with how it came out.

August 23, 2021 – Moving at a Snail’s Pace

This is going to be quick, I hope. Part of my haste is that I have been separated from my computer while I am trying to reconfigure my office. I have worked in it about a week and have already decided to make some changes. I suppose that it is a good thing that I only partially moved in anyway.

First problem, I didn’t like the transition between the carpet and the hard floor. It took some lifting effort to get my chair on a different surface. It seems to roll fine when I am on the carpet, so I want to move the carpet completely under the desk.

That leads me to my second problem. I didn’t like my chair completely in front of the door. It was fine and I could get out, but also see problem one. I needed to tear everything down so I could move the carpet from under the door and other furniture in my office.

The third problem is a little more difficult problem but it relates to problem two as well. I have discovered that with the door closed, the temperature starts to climb up into the eighties. I guess that I got the insulation right, but it means that I crack the door periodically to get a little cooling. For the long term test, we will see what winter temperatures feel like. For now, it is very manageable.

Knowing that I wanted to make these changes has kept me from fully moving in. Not to say that I have had a lot of extra time as I had to work all weekend as well as being a ‘single’ parent.

Not everything is a problem. I have enjoyed having my stereo receiver in the room with quality speakers and good sound playing while I am working all day long. I like the dedicated space and having what I need where I need it. I was able to setup two monitors and use a dedicated keyboard which is really nice. I am looking forward to my final vision of surround sound and adding a couch just for fun.

One month at a time, I plan on adding Thunderbolt 3 docking stations for my two primary work laptops. Then I can add a KVM switch and I can then do all the wire management and clean up all the wires that that are strung all over the place.

End Your Programming Routine: There is no substitution for experience. I am not saying that I foresaw these issues, I just plain wasn’t able to anticipate the problems. Now that I have the foundations set, I am able to finally start moving everything in. Overall first impressions is that I am really happy.

August 17, 2021 – A Time of Transition

Change can be difficult, especially if it has been going a particular way for a long time. I have a lot of changes going on in my life at the moment. One of the biggest one is my office space. This is the first day working in the space.

I received my desk yesterday and got it assembled. But there are new components going into my setup and not everything has made it into the space yet. So, I am half in and half out with everything spread everywhere.

I knew that if I started moving then I would need to keep at it. I still have to work while I am fiddling around with all this stuff. So, last night I got to the point where I could at least be productive during the work day. I will have to tear everything apart and reconfigure a couple of times I assume.

Plus, as of yesterday, I only imagined how it would work. I think that there is going to be some trial and error on how my desk is setup and positioning of everything. I can already see some of the consequences of my decisions but I will save that for another day.

Another transition that has already occurred is that I finished my shed roofing. I can check that off of my list of things to do. That means that I need to start moving into my next project which is cleaning up and organizing the basement and garage.

This is something that I want done, but don’t really want to do it. It is going to involve dump runs, Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity and a lot of decisions. When doing this kind of thing, it is helpful when doing this kind of activity to sequence it properly. For example, going to the dump is last because there are items that Habitat will not accept. I am dragging my feet because it is a big job to tackle.

We have transitioned out of Quarantine. We all got Negative test results last weekend so we are no longer home bound. Unfortunately, we are transitioning into another mask mandate. Honestly, I never believed that this freedom would last. I think that this state has really transitioned into a pseudo Marxist government. What does that actually mean? It means that the government is making decisions for what they think is best and the people are not allowed to proceed as they see fit.

I think by now everyone knows that we are transitioning as a family. I don’t want to say too much more at the moment other than the circumstances are difficult. Not only are we coping with grief but also trying to do it in a manner where part of those most affected are unable to join us.

There is a sociological theory called the ‘Four Turnings‘. The concept goes that there are four types of generations that repeat on a cycle. I’ll try to explain briefly but it might be helpful to read the article (see link above) yourself.

HighHigh societal cohesion, calm from previous strife Baby Boomers
AwakeningLow institutional faith, personal exploration Generation X
UnravellingInstitutions are weak, individuals are strong Millennials
Crisis/HeroEra of destructionWWII generation

If you follow the theory, we are somewhere between the Unravelling and the Crisis stage as a society. It should also be said that it is not quite enough to just be born into a particular era but you need to be able to do something about it. So nearly all of the World War II people are now gone and we haven’t quite had enough of the Generation Y/Z or whatever we are naming it ascend to a place of relevancy yet.

End Your Programming Routine: Be on the lookout for the next crisis event. It very well may be on the horizon or even already has happened. As I am moving through projects and life events, the world is still moving too. You have to get your head up from time to time so that these transitions don’t occur without your knowledge.

August 5, 2021 – If I Only Had a Desk

As I was milling around trying to figure out what I wanted to write about today, I was looking at a laser sight that I have had ready to mount for over a year. My next planned range trip was supposed to be in March and now it is August. So what I am saying is that I am going to skip ‘Tacticool’ Thursday.

Today, I am going to wrap up the office project with some numbers. I am deep into re-roofing my shed at the moment. That means that I am slowly moving stuff into the office and tinkering. What I am trying to say is that I am moving on here so it is time to get the results published.

What is currently missing is a desk, which is on order and a couch which is upstairs but we need to get a replacement. If I have all my plans come true, then I will build a table to fit behind the couch where the stereo system will sit. The rear speakers would be mounted. I am on the lookout for a inexpensive flatscreen TV that will sit behind the door and I could also project from the computer onto it. Regardless of all that, as soon as my desk arrives, I can move in.

Below is a breakdown of my hours on the project.

24clear out holiday area
22remove west floor system, cleanup
42remove south side drywall
44install sheeting
88build floor
48frame east wall
48frame west wall
3.58frame south wall
48frame north wall
248interior drywall
3.58exterior drywall
148install door

I talked about my expected overages earlier so that is not a surprise. It shouldn’t be a revelation but I am a little shocked at how much time the finish work took versus the overall build. By that I mean sheetrock, paint, trim. In my first vision, I wasn’t even going to do any of that.

Now, here is the real shocker to me. The little things that add up. What if I put down an finished floor? What if I didn’t have fasteners or a baseboard heater laying around or didn’t buy a used door or common lumber? I suspect that the cost could have been double what it was.

3/30/21Monmouth Hardware$6.44Electrical boxes
4/11/21Home Depot$64.97Lumber, Felt
4/11/21Home Depot$69.03PT lumber
4/17/21Home Depot$156.50Insulation, screws
4/18/21True Value$19.10Lockset, shims
4/23/21Rickreall Bargain Shed$150Plywood
5/3/21Rickreall Bargain Shed$110Framing lumber
5/9/21Home Depot$56.60Lumber, Insulation
5/16/21Home Depot$128.18Insulation
5/29/21Home Depot177.96Drywall, Electrical
6/8/21True Value27.4Adhesive, Primer
6/13/21One Stop$17.18Joint tape, snips
6/15/21Home Depot$91.24texture, painting supplies
7/21/15Amazon$19.76Router bit

Places where I cut corners on the cost were

  1. Reused existing drywall
  2. Reused 12/2 cable, outlets and etc
  3. Recycled door, heater, light fixture
  4. Paint was on hand with the exception of drywall primer
  5. No finished floor

The one place that I splurged at minimal cost. It was largely labor in the electrical category.

  1. Surround sound wiring
  2. Wired Phone, Data, TV and FM signal

Overall, I am happy with the outcome and feel reasonably satisfied with the execution. I can always do better but it takes practice, analysis and a plan. One thing that I wish I did better was drywall finishing. My joints and corners are rough. If I was doing this professionally, I would have to pay someone to feel good about the results without a lot more practice or instruction.

End Your Programming Routine: I think one of the intangibles with how I have been working is that the project is literally right next to me. The number of times things came to mind either fiddling around with something or planning is not factored into the hours estimate. If this were a job, conceivably more time per task may have taken because I wouldn’t have the luxury of seeing it all day long. I am looking forward to moving in within the next few weeks.

July 20, 2021 – Slowly Moving In

Today is a quick update as time is flying by. I still have door fitting and painting to do but everything else is done. That means that I can start moving in because I don’t need a door for that.

Since I had to cut the door and I know that the floor is out of level I want to do the work on any door fitting before I start painting. Once the door is up, this project is finished!

The plan is to put a desk under the black shelf (second picture). I am looking for the right size (nominally 2’x6′) because the room will be tight and every inch counts. I would love to build it so it would be exactly what I want, but I don’t think I will have time to do that now.

Originally, I was going to put a couch against the west wall (third picture). The measurements fit in the room but the couch does not because I didn’t factor the baseboard heater into the picture. I don’t think it would be a good idea to put the couch up against the heater. So, I am still working that out.

After this is done, the bigger work needs to get done and that is going through all of the junk and reorganizing the basement and garage where everything has been piled up while this process has been going on.

End Your Programming Routine: I am excited and sad to finish this project. I am looking forward to moving in and use the new space. I have lots of things stacked up waiting for this to finish so that would be positive, But, I will be done staring longingly at my project all day and think about my next move when I get a chance.