Tag: introspective

August 12, 2024 – From the Heart

Perspective is always valuable. It is really hard to get perspective alone unless you have a mirror or a camera to see what you are doing. In order for me to get it, I need to get some air, maybe even get out of the pool and watch my video using a swimming analogy. I am not going to spoil the podcast, but I do a little self analysis today. You may be surprised at what I am thinking.

September 25, 2023 – The Day I Knew I Wasn’t Normal

Another introspective podcast. I cant help that the person I know the best is myself. That being said, I am a good mentor and I want people to know that it is OK to be yourself. I would rather have people be happy who they are than something that they are not. That of course does not resonate with everyone, Just like freedom. ‘I want you to be who you are until it is something that I don’t agree with’. That take maturity…