This is one of those recipes that I don’t make often. The biggest reason that I make it is usually to use up old bread before it becomes inedible. How many of you bake bread? My observation is that a whole loaf can last several days if the crust stays intact. Once the loaf is cut in any way it will start to become stale overnight.

This time I had half a loaf of the pumpkin bread left and half a loaf of gluten free bread that has been sitting for two weeks. Another nice thing about this recipe is that is prepared ahead of time so it can all you have to do is pop it in the oven in the morning. As long as you have an hour to wait, you don’t have to do any work to make it.

  • 2 tablespoons Butter
  • 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
  • 4 slices of Bread
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/4 cup Cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
  • 2 Apples or Pears

I cook a lot by ‘feel’. Meaning I am dynamically sizing and scaling ingredients as I go. For instance, I may add more or less egg depending on the initial moistness of the bread and the size of the pan. Pumpkin bread was pretty moist to begin with so it shouldn’t need a lot of egg. Unfortunately in this case, I had eight pieces of bread to begin with of which the dog ate four while my back was turned and I was melting the butter and scrambling the eggs. So all that is to say my pictures don’t really match what I should have done.

Start by melting the butter and spread across your baking pan. Then, add the brown sugar on top of the butter in an even layer. Put the bread on top of the sugar/butter layer. Next, mix eggs, cream, vanilla and nutmeg. Pour over bread. Finally, slice apples and put on top. Cover the dish in foil and put in the refrigerator overnight.

When ready to cook, start the oven at 350 deg F. Leave the foil on the dish and bake for 45 minutes. Take the foil off for ten minutes and it is done. Serve with maple syrup or whip cream or we usually eat it alone and enjoy.

Enjoy some french toast and enjoy the weekend.