Tag: election

November 18, 2024 – Finally Something To Be Excited About

Trump has wasted no time getting ready to start. I believe that this is something that comes from his non-governmental background. Successful projects are always planning to have the best and fastest possible results. I am still on the fence about him or any other politician for that matter but from what I have heard so far, this has the possibility to actually Make America Great Again. I will reserve judgement, but the marketing is great.

Link for referenced Op Ed: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/one-reason-trump-won-democrats-cannot-admit

November 5, 2024 – Happy Election Day, We Are Living 1984

I have been looking forward to this day for quite a while. I have been getting phone calls and text messages heavily since our primary in May. No matter what the results are, it will be over. That is something to celebrate.

I hope that you enjoyed yesterday’s podcast. I have linked to other podcasts before but this is the first time I have featured someone else’s work. This is a podcast that I subscribe to so the message was not new to me. In previous references, the host never referred to such specifics like the uniform, when and where to wear etc.

Read the story here.

Today we are going to go back to an old friend, George Orwell and 1984. If you remember, the main character Winston worked for the Records Department at the Ministry of Truth. His job primarily was to read through published work and look for words, slogans etc that do not conform with Newspeak. Newspeak was the official, approved language of the regime. Secondarily, if the work he was reviewing was somehow non-conforming in other ways, for instance economic news that was inaccurate, Winston was in charge of modification and document control.

This practice led Winston to change the copy and then go back into the archives and modify any existing documents. Anything that was now obsolete was thrown away in a device called the ‘Memory Hole’ which ostensibly was destroyed and gone forever.

What makes this tactic useful is not that it is accurate but that it frequently changes. This makes it impossible to actually know what the truth is. As you can imagine, it is not easy to recall all of the published newspapers so that one day it might state that we are at war with country A and another day, it might stat that we are allied with country A and at war with country B.

If this practice goes on long enough, it is like playing a shell game. If you didn’t come in from the start and pay attention all along, you will never know what is happening. Combine that with stiff penalties for descent or even questioning, there is no point in trying to guess the truth.

Circle back to today. Based on this story I have linked to, we are living 1984. Honestly, I don’t really care what Biden said. I do believe that he spoke his truth. What is more concerning is that fact that the record was changed. Not only that, the administration is in on the cabal. Karine Jean-Pierre is quoted as saying “… just to clarify, he was not calling Trump supporters garbage…” But in fact Biden did. If he really meant something different, then the proper action is an apology with clarification, not clarification with a changed record. Everybody know that is wrong.

This is dangerous precedent. They will get away with this and a few more times and this will become routine. It is convenient to rail against it when the situation is in favor but both sides now have a new technique to deal with uncomfortable situations.

Do you honestly not know why healthcare mandate was not repealed or government will never stop getting bigger? It will never have to as long as people are willing to accept lies. They don’t care. They don’t care about deficit spending, they don’t care about the environment, they don’t care about LGBTQ+ rights or voter fraud or unions or anything else because we are stuck in our positions and cannot see the forest from the trees.

End Your Programming Routine: You know what they say about sexual assault in therapy? Being angry continues to give the abuser the power. Do you not see the correlation here? Be as mad as you want about your pet issues but I am telling you now that this is a watershed moment. We just took another step toward totality of autocratic rule. Just change the record and deny it happened.

October 21, 2024 – Trick or Treat 2024

I sure had a lot to say for not know what to talk about. I had forgot that I had a Trick or Treat 2023 until I was checking to see if I had used that title already. So, I thought I would do it again after I check in on how those little treats played out from last year. I go of in a new direction this year primarily relating Halloween symbols to current events. That is all I am going to say, tune in for more.

November 9, 2020 – How the election results prove the left right dichotomy and is making conservatives look like fools

This past week has been a strange and sad week. If you have followed me for some time, you can probably guess my political orientations by my life outlook. Over the years I have become much more apolitical because I don’t believe that either party has my best interest at heart.

My view of voting has really changed as well. I went from red blooded, eagle scout to non-participant. I got in a ‘light’ debate with one of my family members about the fact that I wasn’t going to vote. Her attempted position was that I was setting a bad example for my kids. In fact, I believe the exact opposite, I am not brain washing my kids to believe every vote matters.

Take my state, Oregon. I actually voted as an experiment. I voted a ballot where every candidate of the choices best represented my values. Only one out of the entire ballot won their election and that was on the county commissioner position. Almost all of them lost by a landslide, it wasn’t even close except for state senator and state representative. You tell me that my vote mattered.

I want to go back to the dichotomy. I know people that are refusing to except the presidential election results. I didn’t know them at the time, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they thought Obama was not a citizen.

I also know people that called to rejoice that their candidate won, how great and historical this was, etc. These were the people that claimed Trump stole the election and cried when George W Bush was elected.

None of these people are bad people. I know them all, but they are blinded by their beliefs to the point that they are willing to hold fast to out and out nonsense. Don’t get me wrong, With hundreds of millions of votes, a few are bound to be erroneous, fake or suspicious. But what everyone is missing is that the system is getting over on them regardless of who wins.

This may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I want to use some other examples of how this works. Take a person like Rush Limbaugh, he is a master of the same craft that Trump has used. Say something outrageous, let everyone get into their galvanized camp and use your supporters to make you more money. I do believe that Rush is sincere in his general positions but he is a master at manipulating his strong supporters and detractors for his own gain.

This is almost every politician on the national level and it is definitely pushing down to the state level. At the lower level it is often not monetary, but policy.

Has anyone been to a restaurant or bar lately? How foolish is it that you are required to wear a mask to enter but as soon as you sit at the table you are now in some sort of bubble where masks can be removed. It has got to be one way or the other. The mask needs to be on or it needs to be off.

Notice what is happening from a political standpoint. Both sides know that they cannot strangle the social aspect of the economy. They have made rules that make no sense and are not effective to appease the mask vs. no mask crowds.

Take football. Why is it that the NFL is fining coaching staff when caught with their masks off and the players are playing like normal? Could it be virtue signaling? Don’t the coaches go through the same testing regimen as the players? Is there such a thing as acceptable risk? It all makes no sense to me. We have another half in and half out situation here.

If you think that INS is keeping kids in cages or that dead people swung this election, you need to slap yourself in the face. Trump out trumped himself. He turned off people that were lukewarm in the last election and he certainly motivated people that weren’t engaged in the last election and lost by a very slim margin. Now, slap yourself again because regardless of the election results, we are just going to stand around while we lose our freedom at an accelerated pace. That is where the outrage should be.

I will leave with one more thought. Why do you think Trump did not want to release his tax information? Because if he did, the general public would find out that he is not ‘paying his fair share’. Meaning, the people that write the rules don’t write them for themselves, they write them for everyone else. Why else would insider trading be illegal for everyone but congress people? It is the most egregious and in your face example of a double standard as there is. They literally make the government contracts that can legally enrich there own pockets that is illegal for a citizen to do so.

You have heard of the saying ‘What is good for the goose is good for the gander’? There has been a lot of show over not releasing tax returns, but in the end none of them want the real game exposed – at least while people are paying attention.