Back in March 2020, I ordered a root beer extract bottle. I was thinking as a family we would make root beer for something to do while we were in quarantine. It was one of those things that we never quite got around to. I think it came shortly before Sergio was to leave, after that my work on the apartment was going to get hot and heavy.

At some point, I do have some interest in making real root beer, not out of an extract bottle. I have done some investigation into this but I thought this was a good starting point. The way this works is that you add dry ice to the liquid for carbonation. That has been the long lag on actually doing this project.

My son that is half vegan and half vegetarian orders food from Thrive. They send dry ice with the frozen or liquids requiring refrigeration. So, I seized the opportunity when the order came yesterday. My son and I quickly mixed up the root beer.

You need to have some volume available in the pitcher because this gets violent when the dry ice hits the liquid. After the dry ice was gone, it was ready. It tasted good, a little too sweet for me, so maybe back off on the sugar next time. It was also a little flat unless you took a big gulp.

Finally, if you are not going to drink this all in one setting, you may want to add more dry ice when you pour again (like the next day). But, the good news of dry ice is that it doesn’t dilute or effect the volume because the temperature is too warm to keep it liquid.


  1. 2 1/2 cups Sugar
  2. 2 tbs root beer extract
  3. 3 qts water
  4. 3/4 pound dry ice

End Your Programming Routine: After sampling, we made root beer floats for desert. It was kind a fun thing to do and we will probably do this once a month until the extract is gone. It is something really easy to do with young kids and it is definitely unique.