Tag: continuous improvement

February 20, 2023 – Continuous Improvement

Whoops, I kind of flubbed this one. I miscounted how many podcasts I actually needed and how many I had. So, you get one more short. I promise that I really didn’t mean to do this. I guess that proves that my mental clarity is somewhat questionable. But, at least I am home now.

End Your Programming Routine: You don’t get better if you don’t push the limits of your capability. But, even then you don’t improve if you don’t analyze how it went and try to make improvements. I know that there are things that could be better, hopefully you will se that next time.

October 17, 2022 – Revisiting Hardware and Software

I knew that I wrote about this once. I looked it up and it was April 13, 2020. In that context, I was talking about spending money on things that accessorize my shop equipment rather than another tool. Today, I am taking about having experiences versus stuff primarily. I some ways, the two are closely related.

End Your Programming Routine: This is something that I battle with. I am stuck in the ‘how can I use this’ mentality of what would make this experience better the next time I do it. The challenge is tempering the exuberance of getting better with the reality of investing for future experiences.