Tag: College football

December 18, 2023 – Festivus 2023

I’ve got a lot of problems with you people; welcome to Festivus 2023. Unfortunately, this year contains some dark subject matter but it is truly my feelings on the subject and I want to be nothing but genuine. Despite that, We have some ridiculous commentary as well. Enjoy.

December 5, 2023 – Real, Real Disappointment

I wrote and recorded yesterday’s podcast over a week ago. Since that time, more saga has developed. It was enough with enough to say that I didn’t want to go another week or have two weeks in a row of college football as the primary discussion point. So, you get two podcasts this week.

December 4, 2023 – Real Disappointment

Sports fans like to fanaticize that there are so many life lessons in participation. Sure, I agree on the surface level that those can be the case. But, sports fans also like to fanaticize that their support of a team does something as well. Don’t get caught up in that trap, this is almost where I went too. Belief is a powerful thing when it comes to fighting cancer or making your way in the world but it can sometimes lead to nowhere fast as well.