Tag: boundaries

December 12, 2022 – My 2022 Christmas List

I admit, I am bad at this. It is not like I don’t have good ideas but I either I can’t execute or I don’t have time. I talk about the some today, so I will skip this. I guess the main reason that I did this podcast was to provide helpful information on gift buying before it is too late – from a decidedly male standpoint.

Ultimately, I feel like too many people Christmas shop to check the box. That is just as it is written shopping rather than gift giving. Like all things, the value is not in the doing but the intent. If your intent is to finish then you end up justifying to yourself your decisions. Those end up being disappointing gifts.

End Your Programming Routine: In these times, I wish that I was the kind of guy that was into this holiday. Some people think and plan long before the middle of December about how they want to approach things and what they are going to do. I am just not wired that way. Is is selfish. maybe. I don’t know, but I have to work with what I am.

July 25, 2022 – Reconciling Boundaries and Christianity

As I eluded, last week was a tough week. I am not going to air my dirty laundry however I will provide some details in this podcast for context. For that reason, you will have to take my information at face value. As nasty as some people have been, I have nothing to gain by naming names or releasing the full details.

I made serious consideration before doing what I did. I spoke with my pastor and I spoke with another devout friend. I did not give them options but provided my facts and asked for advice on how to proceed. Both essentially gave me the same suggestion, I needed to make a tough and firm stance on boundaries.

I am not holier than though or a devout pray-er. The fact that I sought pastoral and Christian oriented advice followed by serious prayer, I got an answer. Both of those are new for me. I was never one to ask for anything in prayer, only to offer thanks. It has definitely strengthened my resolve that this is a moment. Not only do I need the support but also the validation that this was the best course of action.

End Your Programming Routine: I have heard this phrase before “It is not up to us to wonder why”. I don’t know why this was the circumstances had to come to this. I don’t know why I had to be the ‘bad guy’. But it is the first step in moving on. For that, I am grateful.