I have alluded to this recently that I have been babysitting occasionally. Again, I am not going to get into the whys. What is important is that what does a nearly fifty year old man do to entertain a five year old girl? I certainly don’t want to play with dolls for an extended period of time nor do I want either of us sitting in front of the TV all day. My answer is go on an adventure.

Now, would it be an adventure if the result was guaranteed? The answer has to be no. We had nice weather and my mind has wandered to get out fishing somewhere. I know enough that hunkering down all day with a five year old is not going to work. My plan was to find this lake I had never been to, fish for thirty minutes (or more if possible) and then head back home. It sounds like Win-Win to me.

I have listened to Meateater and talking about getting kids out into the outdoors. Clearly you want to have a good experience to build on. That means that if you only spend thirty minutes out fishing, then it is an investment in the future. You want to slowly build kids into the activity, not cause them to dread it. This is why I picked a destination that I had never been to. The adventure was really finding it and testing it out, not hauling out a good catch.

Friday, we had a temperature in the upper eighties. Saturday, the day of my trip we were expecting high seventies. Mind you, Monday of that week the high temperature was 47 degrees. So, we just barely left winter this weekend. I knew the risk of encountering snow was high if the elevation got high enough. But again, this was an adventure.

As we started climbing in elevation, I started noticing that the ferns were all matted down. This was a sign that they had been compressed with weight. So, I started to get the sense that we were going to find snow. Within another minute, I started to see snow on the side of the road. Another minute and then there were ruts in the road. Finally, I saw that the tracks that I was following stopped and so did I.

I was hoping that this was just a shady spot, so I hiked up around the bend to see what it looked like. It was snow as far as I could see and the road was still climbing. I learned my lesson years ago that a vehicle can get stuck and with it, comes a long walk. A five year old, a dog and no cell service was a risk too high for me to chance. I made the call to turn around. There was another route to take, but it was another hour around. So, I thought that I would try it.

It turned out that about ten miles up the second route there was too much snow as well. So, we had to bag it for the day. I headed back toward home. This wasn’t quite the trip that I had hoped for, but I packed snacks and turned on the DVD player in the car and so it allowed for about a four hour car ride to seem bearable for all of us.

I say that adventure has to have risks because otherwise it is an outing. Now, probably to a five year old adventure/outing are semantics. I didn’t even realize the context until I was explaining that we were heading back home. I didn’t mean to have a philosophical conversation in my head but that is how it turned out.

The day wasn’t a total bust. I learned that some new roads existed and renewed my desire to go back to the lake and get my pole in the water. I built a campfire when we got home and we made smores and popcorn over the fire. I survived another full day watching a child and I think that she had fun.

End Your Programming Routine: I have tried to find this lake twice. Once, I was blocked by a gate and now this time I was stopped by snow. I am going to get there. I enjoyed my day regardless of the outcome. Isn’t that the most important thing? The purpose was to entertain, get out of the house, enjoy some warm spring weather and be home safely. It just leaves next time to find the lake.