Tag: audio experiment

August 24, 2020 – Finally installed the dipole antenna

After the months of slogging through my remodeling project, I finally freed up enough time to finish this project and get it installed. The antenna has been built since May, but there was always too much to do to get it installed.

Some of my excuses were that I was too busy (which was true). I didn’t want to get on the roof when it was too hot, it seems like this summer has been warm late into the evening. The roof is very steep, so I needed to install roof jacks in order to safely get up to the top. In short, a five minute job took a couple hours to do safely and properly.

I can’t really say how well it works. There is quite a bit better reception just plugging the cable into the receiver. It is my perception that adding the antenna made the reception stronger, of the existing stations I got before the antenna. It seems to mitigate the night/day difference in reception (better at night than during the day).

Given how steep the roof is and that I already removed all of the safety staging, I am going to leave things as is without moving the antenna directionally to test reception. I know that this is kind of a ‘meh’ ending, but I really do think that this made a difference for me because the stations that I like seem to be stable. I guess we will see if seasonal differences mitigated as well.

I thought that I kept all of the receipts, but it seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle. I can give a rough breakdown or guess

  1. 1/2″ copper pipe, approximately 5′ – already had
  2. 2, 1/2″ pipe caps – $1 ea
  3. 1/2″ tee junction box – $3
  4. 1/2″ conduit – $4
  5. Antenna adapter -$5
  6. Simpson 90 – $6
  7. 2, 1/2″ conduit clamps – $2
  8. 2, 1″ conduit clamps, $2 ea
  9. PVC conduit glue – $5
  10. terminals, screws, clamps, cable, unions – already had

So, I have about $30 into the whole thing. Looking online, the cheapest antenna mounts I could find were $50. That didn’t include the antenna either.

I am interested in building an AM antenna in the future. In this case, I do have specific stations that I want to pick up. But, now that our local football season has been postponed, it is something I will do later as the urgency seems lessoned. I hope that you enjoyed this foray into the science and the mechanics of antennas as much as I did.

May 29, 2020 – The Vinyl Experiment

Fridays tend to be the days that I think about music. I think that it is because you are looking forward to the weekend and it is kind of a day to celebrate. Back when I was working, I would create a playlist that would capture my mood or summarize the week. And I would open it up for other team members to add their selections.

I mentioned it previously, but my nephew gave my wife a record player for Mother’s Day (a story for another day). I believe that I have a few records at my parents house, but they were out of town. So last weekend, we looked up a record store in a nearby town. We probably browsed for around an hour.

I have been interested in the vinyl re-revolution. I am old enough to remember and even have records. I started thinking about the format changes and theory of Occam’s razor. I will summarize in that changes tend to go to the extreme. So, vinyl begot 8-track (because it was more potable) back to vinyl to cassette to CD and then digital download. Each change vacillated between clearer audio or more control or more portable formats.

There are still a lot of records around. The problem is that like all album collections, there are two or three songs that I am interested in, the rest I can take or leave. I also dont have a lot of time to sit around and really listen to full albums. So, I think the perfect tests are new releases of ‘best of’ type collections (of old music). I also think that for records, I want music to belong to the era that they were originally produce.

We tried the new record player. It is one of those all in one, suitcase types. It was definitely an nostalgic experience. I had one as a kid that took a lot of abuse. We listened to most of all of our new purchases. We did have some difficulty with all of the used records, When I look at them by eye I dont see a problem, so I suspect that it is the quality of the player itself.

I hooked the player up to the receiver to try and get the full audio experience. Because this is one of the all in one units, the phono amplifier and the record player didn’t get along too well. I could hear the much richer undertones, but a lot of scratches and feedback and noise. I switched the input to the CD port and the sound was much clearer, but there was no low end to the music.

I did a comparison from vinyl to YouTube video and I have to say that I much preferred the sound quality to the digital version versus the record. That being said, I am going to blame all of the problems on the player and not the format or the records themselves. This has lead me into looking for a reasonably priced record player that I can hook up to the receiver for a better test.

I have been thinking about having Friday’s as my music day on this platform. So, today I am going to put together a playlist for my recent vinyl purchases.