Alone on the Friday of Labor Day weekend, I take some time to reflect on being a father and spending family time together. We spent most of our weekend at the beach as and extended family to honor my wife’s father. As promised in the podcast, the picture below is the view from our rented beach house. Pretty nice to have a full oceanfront view.

At the time that I recorded this, the weekend had just started (for me). It turned out to be a beautiful weekend and the worst days weather wise were in the past. You couldn’t ask for much better weather on the Oregon Coast.

End Your Programming Routine: For me, it is probably best to have some sort of outline before podcasting. As I listened to this for editing, I realized that I spent the most time talking about father’s imparting information to their children and less so on family time. Nevertheless, both are covered and I think that the entire podcast still contains useful information and transition context.