After I did my last podcast, I did some more research on the local candidates and issues that were not documented in the voter’s guide. This week. I also do some analysis of election results.

Truthfully, I was hoping to see the political wave change. Not because it would make a difference in policy but delay the inevitable five to ten years. With all of the problems we have, I have no hope that we can actually change course, specifically in this state. I don’t have the energy or the resources to fight them all.

End Your Programming Routine: I voted like a good citizen. If you listen, you can hear the results of my effort. I think it is time to start exploring the concept of ‘Galt’s Gulch’ because the looters are fully in charge. They are just going to keep voting themselves more power, money and inventing new rights. Remember that we all belong to each other – I just don’t have anymore words.