Not really. I knew it was there. I just didn’t have the proper motivation. After reading Far Eastern Cookery, I saw a recipe that intrigued me Filipino Menudo. My wife loves Mexican menudo. When we do it, it is an event and I have written about this before. There were several things that intrigued me about this. One was the name and the second was that it used beef liver.

I am always looking for ideas to do with liver. Traditionally, liver is one of the things that would be eaten soon after the kill, not years later. I tried my hand at boudin, that needs a little work. My plan with it was to make a second batch of boudin when I prepped it. So I found what I had written as 4# of liver on the bag when I was cleaning out the freezer.

I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it. I probably should package it in smaller portions if I am going to keep this up in the future. Nevertheless, the proportions in this recipe was 5oz liver to 12oz of pork. Well, I estimate I had three pounds by the time I trimmed off freezer burn. Go big or go home.

Essentially, I quadrupled the recipe. I had an entire stockpot including 4 onions, a whole head of garlic, 8 small potatoes, 2 cans of garbanzo beans and two cans of diced tomatoes and seasonings. What was my final verdict? I was so-so. There was a heavy liver taste. I suspect that my proportions were still off since I was only guessing rather than weighing anything.

I think liver is best when it is undercooked, the distinctive liver taste is much lest pronounced if cooked medium. I think boiling it for 15 minutes is probably overcooking. Again, it wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t great. So, I won’t say that I wont try it again but this quantity is a lot if you are not a liver lover. I will be eating this the rest of the week for lunch.

End Your Programming Routine: As the adventurous cook in the house, I need to sometimes read between the lines. There are items in my house that people claim they like but really they like the idea of it or they like having it once a year with no leftovers. That’s OK because this is how we learn. I guess I would say, don’t be afraid to take risks, just be aware that they don’t always work.