When I started this category a couple of months ago, I had visions of lots of fun. I would measure since the beginning of the year, I have been super involved in two projects that have consumed most of my time seven days a week. However, I have been thinking of this since the fall and that is what is known as the ‘quarter drill’.

Last fall, when my son was on the trap team, the coach had the kids do what she called the quarter drill. The basics of this drill was to put a quarter on the barrel and mount the shotgun without the quarter falling off. They were supposed to do this ten times a day or so with the idea that the mount would become more consistent.

Before we get too far, in trap the shooter generally starts with the gun mounted, so I am not sure what the overall purpose was other than getting used to handling the gun. However, when hunting this can be a very valuable skill. I think that it was also helpful for my son who really didn’t have a lot of firearm familiarity.

I couldn’t quickly find an example video of the quarter drill and I didn’t have time to make one. But I did find this one which uses a flashlight and is of the same end goal of a smooth mount.

Shooting clay targets is fun. I have heard it described as golfing with a shotgun. I won’t go into all of the disciplines today, but it is the kind of activity that you can find a place to rent all of the equipment if you have an interest, but not the gear. There are leagues and tournaments for like minded groups like women or youth.

Just be forewarned that you can get started with a $200 shotgun but there are a lot of $5000 guns out there when you get into these clubs. That being said, don’t be afraid to be and say that you are a new and you will get all the help you want. Have fun and be safe.