I have to say that I don’t totally get the book. I find that it is a slow moving story that may or may not have deeper context. I guess that I will save my analysis for the final book review, but right now I am having my doubts. It feels like we are stretching a bit to make it something that it is not.

This might say more about me than the book but I am struggling with the significance of the book. For that reason, I am finding myself looking at other people’s analysis of the story. I don’t really like to do that because it influences my opinions and analysis of each chapter.

Most of this chapter is the contents at the required general assembly. Ralph is trying to assert that people are not meeting their commitments. Without order, they run the risk of not being able to be seen and ultimately get rescued. I don’t believe that type of organization and cooperation is really within their level of comprehension. There is also an undercurrent of some unseen beast that is causing panic and fear.

Having read several analysis of this chapter, it seems like there is more and more importance of the beast. Of course, I would know for sure, plus have my own opinion if I had read this before. But let’s say that is true for now and let’s focus this week on the beast. From Merriam-Webster:

  • a four-footed mammal as distinguished from a human being, a lower vertebrate, and an invertebrate
    • a lower animal as distinguished from a human being
    •  an animal as distinguished from a plant
    • an animal under human control
  • a contemptible person
  • something formidably difficult to control or deal with

Do you know how polarizing works? Well it gets into chemistry and physics but for the simplicity of this discussion, lets say polarizing is a form of filtering based on how the device you are looking through is constructed. Have you ever flipped your polarized glasses 90 degrees and couldn’t see a screen? That is the filtering that occurs.

What does polarizing and beasts have in common? Well, it is the filtering of the definitions within the book. So far, we don’t know if there is a beast. But, I think that it is certainly implied that the beast is some kind of scary creature. One of the children even says that it comes from the ocean at night.

It is still early in the story development but from the second definition, I think that the readers are still trying to identify which characters might be the contemptible person. Most people probably feel like Ralph is trying to do the right thing and execute the consensus decisions. Whereas Jack seems to move to his own desires. At least on the surface and from the way the story is going, Jack might be the beast. He is also doing a lot of sneaking around in the bushes ‘hunting’.

As a quick aside here. It is my observation that people often agree to things that they don’t actually have conviction to execute. This is particularly true in a public setting like a meeting or a gathering. Countless times as a group leader I would propose solutions or changes that ostensibly were approved only to have nobody execute.

The third definition is the most interesting and I believe the foreshadowing that all of the online analysis are referring to. Fear is primarily born of ignorance. The kids are in a very unenviable position of being stranded on an island without resources and very few skills. There is also the silent battle between Jack and Ralph that is visible to everyone else. Other themes seem probably too mature but nuclear war going on would be one as well.

Since it is graduation time going on, we attended a graduation party this weekend. It was a partial excuse to get together as a family and spend the night at the beach. We hung out, had a fire, drank too much etc. This was the same family that two years ago, we were explicitly not invited to spend time with if we did not have vaccination cards. Whether I did or didn’t, I told my wife that I was not going to go at that time. My stance is pretty clear on the issue but I didn’t like the implications. My how things have changed.

My point was fear is what drove that behavior. The beast, i.e. Covid was raging and all the children were having nightmares. At the center of it all, they are good people. But, good intent and appropriate response, especially when there is ignorance involved are two different things. Ultimately, I cant blame people for not being able to detect truth and lies. A story for another day but they have been believing lies for the whole thirty years I have known them. In that sense, it is forgivable because they are just not capable of analyzing critical data.

The Beast brought great fear in 2020-2. It brought nightmares and irrational behavior. Even as ridiculous as choosing between doing nothing or something that doesn’t work, brought near hysteria. Except for the fact that some people seem to have PTSD from the situation and still are wearing masks, now that we have been ‘rescued’ that has all been forgotten. If I think about it too long, it drives me crazy.

In no way am I saying that I don’t have bias. I absolutely have strong bias. I like to think that presented all of the facts, I could analyze that data and change my opinion. The problem is that all data also has bias as well. Any proper analysis has to consider the source, the intent and the content as well. Vaccinations weren’t a left/right issue, as both were requiring them. It was a freedom and who stands to gain issue.

End Your Programming Routine: This is the life of a true scientist; the science is never settled. That is why there are very few laws in science. They are endlessly fighting about bias and minutia. Fighting only stops when the other side gives up or there is no way to execute an experiment that proves otherwise. Only when we prove the beast does not exist will we collectively accept it. To do that, we will burn the island down. And even when everything is wasted, some people still don’t believe it.