I spent a couple hours on Sunday doing some demo. I was dragging my feet a bit because I was waiting for driveway work to be done. The reason being is that I have stuff in my trailer that I just want to move out of the way and I didn’t want to pile garbage on top of it. Nevertheless, I cannot wait any longer to start. I am going to have to work around the other things and focus on what I can control. That is my project.

I got the lap siding off. Most of it came off in one piece so I am thinking that I can re-use it and save myself some money. The T1-11 siding that was under the lap siding was nearly completely rotten. I also found what I suspected, there is 5/8″ drywall as sheeting. I have some pictures below.

What is that all about? It is definitely not structural. Based on what I was reading, it seems that sometimes drywall is used on the exterior when the setback (distance) between two buildings is too close. In case of fire, it is less likely to spread between the two buildings because of the hour burn drywall.

I think I am going to have to cut the bottom 4 feet off. It has been wet too long and no longer has any integrity to it. Due to the fact that I am changing the construction on the siding, I need to make sure that it doesn’t get wet again. So, I am mulling about how to protect the new drywall and whether building paper will be enough or do I need to go to a rain screen.

Yesterday and today there is rain so that is crimping my plans. This was the weather that was suppose to be here on the 4th, so I guess I can be thankful for that. It does look like summer is coming after this short rain spell. It is dry and temps in the 80’s and 90’s. To top it off, my wife has Covid and I am starting to feel like I have caught some of it too. I hope this doesn’t derail my week.

End Your Programming Routine: I am not saying that I am going to drag this out. But, I might have built up how much work it will be in my head. I still have a couple of sheets T1-11 to remove but I got what I needed to see which was the extent of the damage. I am confident that a couple good weeks of deliberate focus will get this project done.