I feel like going off a little like I did on Memorial Day. It has more to do with people’s ridiculous reaction to recent Supreme Court verdicts. People are so up in arms about things that they really have no idea about what they are talking about.

Normally, I would take today as a holiday. However, I do have some things to say on this subject. In addition to that, I am making a move to switch podcasts to Monday rather than Friday so that Friday’s can be focused more on book analysis. I am getting ready to start a series on Atlas Shrugged. This book is tremendously long. Remember, this forum is about changing your programming.

End Your Programming Routine: I am completely fine if you don’t agree with me. I feel that it is my responsibility to do what I can to create a world that has the potential to be great. In my opinion, freedom and choice are the number one way to do that. Despite what all of the celebrities say, all three of these rulings create both.