As I eluded, last week was a tough week. I am not going to air my dirty laundry however I will provide some details in this podcast for context. For that reason, you will have to take my information at face value. As nasty as some people have been, I have nothing to gain by naming names or releasing the full details.

I made serious consideration before doing what I did. I spoke with my pastor and I spoke with another devout friend. I did not give them options but provided my facts and asked for advice on how to proceed. Both essentially gave me the same suggestion, I needed to make a tough and firm stance on boundaries.

I am not holier than though or a devout pray-er. The fact that I sought pastoral and Christian oriented advice followed by serious prayer, I got an answer. Both of those are new for me. I was never one to ask for anything in prayer, only to offer thanks. It has definitely strengthened my resolve that this is a moment. Not only do I need the support but also the validation that this was the best course of action.

End Your Programming Routine: I have heard this phrase before “It is not up to us to wonder why”. I don’t know why this was the circumstances had to come to this. I don’t know why I had to be the ‘bad guy’. But it is the first step in moving on. For that, I am grateful.