I finished the third cabinet on Monday. So the whole set of bottom cabinets are complete.

The biggest cabinet, with an adjustable shelf

Today, I ripped out the old pantry. With it, there was some hole patching and it got a paint job. Part of my motivation to do this at this time is I am starting to run out of room for the new cabinets and working at the same time. I am also anxious to check my measurements before I start building the uppers.

Ready for paint
Watching paint dry

I didn’t know that there was an outlet hidden behind the exiting cabinetry. I am going to test rearranging the bottom cabinets to see if I can take advantage of the outlet placement for the refrigerator. That will only work if the rifrigerator door will open properly in that position.

I also noticed that tile was placed over the existing floor so there will have to be a small amount of chiseling to do to remove some grout that is in the way for final cabinet placement.

Aside from building the final two cabinets and shelves, I need to build a counter top, a face frame for all of the cabinets to lock them together and a toe kick. So, while I am making good progress overall there is still a lot of work to do.