Category: Projects

March 25, 2025 – You Bast**d

This project has become way too complicated considering my starting point. I already had the wire on both ends of the wireless bridge. One of them was already terminated and powered. It should have been as simple as pointing the two devices at each other, terminate the other and… go.

After I got the one wire terminated (see last week), it was dead. I rebooted and reset each unit and then they connected. So, I plugged my computer in with ethernet cable and things were great. I was done. Two hours later, the router was flashing red. I rebooted them multiple times and no connection.

I moved the wireless router back into the original position and then I spent an evening wiring up the outside router again to try and bridge the lack of reliable connection of mesh routers between buildings. My operating theory was that the overhead, yard light strings were enough of an obstruction that maybe I would need to raise the wireless bridge on my house to clear all of the things in the way.

My Life Below Zero watching has influenced me quite a bit. I realized that I put off a lot of things because of weather. So I went outside and raised one wireless bridge in the rain. I aimed a laser to make sure that they were pointing to each other. Even though I had to re-wire the basement because I stole all the length of the cable to raise it, all the ladder work was done.

The next day, I finished the wiring. I went outside to check the power indicator lights and the hose clamp that was holding the wireless bridge unit to the mounting fixture was snapped. The wireless bridge was dangling by the ethernet cable. Back out came the extension ladder. I had to go to the store to get more hose clamps because I didn’t have any replacements. But, that was OK because my remaining length of cable was 12 feet too short to finish the run as well.

I had to take the significantly longer trip to Home Depot because my local hardware store does not carry bulk Category 6 cable. When I got back, I quickly ginned up the remaining cable and tested for connection. The two bridge units were talking. But, I had committed to making Ramen that night and I needed the time so I had to stop there. I had nothing left after cooking for three hours.

I know the question that you are asking, has this effort been worth it? As of right now, the units have been up for over a week and they are still not working. I have tried to check all the things on my side and am waiting for a response from customer service for various technical reasons. From the reviews I have read, I am suspecting that they will send replacement units.

The manufacturer claims that these units are paired from the factory. Like all things of ignorance, I used the wrong units for each side and so I had to re-program them. All of the issues that have happened made this project much more difficult than it should have been and are possibly part of the connection problem. I doubt it, but I cannot rule it out.

Based on my knowledge and experience, I possibly mis-judged the complexity of the job. While it is a 50/50 probability that you will put up the wrong units like I did, somebody without my experience would be stuck. I could have just as easily picked the right unit with line of sight. This all presupposes that there is nothing wrong with the units (which I highly suspect).

What I am trying to say is that if your networking and troubleshooting skills are low, it very well might work on the first go. If I would have read the user manual more carefully before I started, I would have tested them on the ground before I started. I would have installed the units in the right order. I probably would have placed them where I originally did but I would have eliminated a lot of the noise that is frustrating me. But if they are not, it could be very difficult to do successfully. In that situation, I would recommend professional installation.

I think that I have eliminated all of the wireless complaining in my house now. Aside from getting this wireless bridge working, there are additional touches to add. Are there dead spots that we frequent outside to place the outdoor unit? Does that take the place of another unit indoors? Each ripple causes another smaller one.

End Your Programming Routine: As you can see, this project is probably never done. The range extender I didn’t talk about could be utilized, I am thinking my shop area. Eventually, my wife is going to want another camera in the driveway area where I have no coverage. And so it keeps going. Hopefully the next ones are not nearly as difficult as the one that is basically done.

March 18, 2025 – Resistance Is Futile

I am working on a project that seems to be ever going. That is my network infrastructure. Probably for the past ten years, I have had plans to expand full network capability to the apartment. Various tenants have paid for their own service over the years but ultimately, I want to prepare it for an Air B&B or office or guest house. I don’t want to pay two bills for internet.

I have a box on the outside of the house that I planned to run conduit. I still might but we will get to that later. Back when I had a tenant that had a real phone, the phone company would only run service to my house. It was my responsibility to get the service over to the apartment. I quickly sprang into action and ran a Cat5e cable to the apartment on a cable that had had been run between the two buildings for that purpose.

After the tenant moved out and we started residing the house (2015), the phone line was no longer in use and the hardware was in the way. I cut the line telling myself that I would implement a better solution. I have done all of the easy work but the time never came where I wanted to rent a trencher and dig up the yard. I haven’t given up on the idea though.

The good news is that when I cut the line, I still had the whole cable length. I was going to use that cable to install the wireless bridge. Most of the work was fairly easy, terminating the ends and hanging the units. You never know what you are going to find in the wall though. I wrestled and wrestled with getting the fish tape through the wall to my new jack location.

Sunday evening, I was beat. I could not fish the wire through the wall. You might ask why I couldn’t just re-terminate the phone line? Good question, I cheated the first time and ran the wire on the outside of the house and drilled a hole in the siding. When I redid the house in 2020, I pulled all of that into the attic space because I resided that house as well.

My only option was to cut the wall to get access. I really did not want to do it because it adds a week to the project for additional repair work of the drywall. But, at some point there is a tipping point. After spending two hours trying to fish the wire and only getting halfway through, I had no idea how this was really built.

Once I resigned myself to the extra work, I was done in about two hours. By done I mean I cut the hole, fished the wire, terminated, tested and hole filled again. The work of patching the drywall is only fifteen minutes a day for a week. Initial mud and tape, second coat, texture, prime and paint. My real concern is that the work is disruptive having to move furniture everyday and clean up as I wasn’t there.

I will write one more time about the wireless bridge when I am actually done with the project. It definitely seems temperamental, but that is for a later date. There is still cleanup work to be done in terms of tidying up and optimization. I continue to work on that while I am doing the wall repairs.

End Your Programming Routine: The trick is knowing the right time to change strategies. I don’t regret attempting to fish the wall before cutting. Maybe I should have given up sooner, but then again maybe I was just another attempt from succeeding. All I can really say is that sunk cost fallacy can cause you to give up or double down on a failing path. Be flexible and be willing to change course if things are not going the right way.

March 11, 2025 – Here We Go Again

I have put a lot of effort into my network. It is not because this is my desire, but more out of what others want out of it. I did a lot of work in the fall to try and include the apartment into the Wi-Fi mesh and to try and get all of the cameras and things connected so that the batteries were not constantly drained trying to connect. Both of those I feel like I have generally solved.

The one thing that I have generally ignored is in the attempt to connect all of these ‘things’ is the user factor in all of this. My wife complains about it, my son has complained about it, my exchange student has complained about it and even my tenant has said that there are times it does not work well. Time to do something about it.

Against my knowledge, my wife hired an internet consultant. I am not complaining, I was just surprised that there was anyone out there locally doing that kind of work. So, I listened to what he had to say. He was angling to do the work as well, but I just paid the consulting fee. I am pretty sure that I am more than capable of implementing everything since I made it this far.

One area that I am really risk adverse is gambling. To me, spending $200 on something the might work seems like gambling. When the consultant recommended adding three more units of our existing T-P Link Deco network, that certainly seemed easy. I had the same thought but I didn’t want to spend the money to see if it was an improvement. For this reason, I bought a $20 range extender when I was trying to solve my doorbell connection.

The range extender worked, I should have guessed that adding more wifi mesh capability was the solution. Let me just say that I am a wired guy. In my day to day work, all of the items in my office are wired. I never see any issues related to bandwidth that a network reset doesn’t resolve. I think more of that has to do with whatever the Internet Service Provider is doing rather than my network.

I suspect that my wife and my tenant are experiencing the same problem because they are both in the same geo proximity to the network. But regardless, I talked with the consultant about this as well. It was his recommendation to move from trying to get that unit within the mesh to adding a wireless bridge. A wireless bridge is a device that sends a signal point to point.

The plan is to swap out my outside mesh device with this wireless bridge. Part of the reason is that I already have Power over Ethernet run to it. But, now I will have a spare unit to put somewhere else. That location is TBD at the moment. I haven’t had it installed long enough to enjoy Wi-Fi in the yard yet anyway.

I will have to do some antenna work on the apartment. Another recommendation is to retire my ten year old, gateway router. This means I will have to do some cable rework. What all this means is that this is a process. But it has been one that I have been wanting to do every since I started this mesh experiment.

I am finally going to retire old passwords and general network access in favor of a more secure and segregated network. Guests will get access to the guest network. IOT devices will be on the IOT network and neither will have access to my main network. Careless security or old hardware vulnerability will not have a tunnel into the more sensitive parts of my home network.

End Your Programming Routine: This is all recent developments as I just started last weekend. This means that not all of the work is complete and the user feedback is incomplete. It is funny how something like internet grows from a novelty to a necessity. I am moving units at a time so as not to take everything down for an extended period of time. Despite the fact that I really didn’t want to pay $175 for a consultant, I would not have known about the wireless bridge and I am happy to have a reassuring opinion on what I have already done.

December 12, 2024 – Crimes of Opportunity

Sometimes I have things that I want to do but don’t have the desire to put in all the work to do it. What I mean is that I bought a splitter and some extra cable so that I could split the signal from my AM antenna on the roof. I am thinking of adding an additional input to my scanner.

Right now, the scanner is in my office but in the future I am setting up a radio area elsewhere in the basement. I think the attached antenna to the unit works ok most of the time but given that I am in a basement, I cant help but think that there is an impact on reception. I have found that weather (or something) is giving me significant feedback at times.

I have two places to split the signal. One is outside somewhere along the house and the other is in my office. The best place to split it would be at the source but who wants to get out a ladder and make another penetration in the wall? But there is another devil out there, the penetration into my office is buried behind all of the Christmas decorations. Given all I had going on this summer, I bought the stuff but I didn’t have the desire.

Since I had to drag all the Christmas stuff out last weekend, I thought that would be the perfect time to get access and string the wire I bought over the summer. Like all things, it turned out that the process didn’t go as smoothly or quickly as I hoped. I had to drill another hole and use fish tape and monkey and fiddle around. But I got it.

The point I want to make is, being prepared and taking the opportunity saved me the work of moving all of the bins out of the way. This is not an insignificant task. It was two hours of hauling stuff upstairs last Saturday. Granted, the first time I did this, I just moved everything out of the way in the basement. But, it is still effort and it takes a lot of Tetris to get everything back in its place. I usually have to make several attempts each year as things trickle back in after the season.

The same logic goes when we were re-siding the house. I wanted to add some more energy efficient windows in my wife’s office so I ordered them as soon as the job was starting. I wanted to upgrade the skylight in the upstairs bathroom when the roof was replaced. The best time to do the job is when it is in progress so it can be flashed properly.

Our ancestors were opportunists. Yes, sometimes they set out to hunt because they were hungry. But, it is better to take advantage of a situation when they came across it. As long as they had the capability to process and preserve or hold their fortunes. I think that we have lost some of this recognition with places like always stocked grocery stores or widely open home centers. We don’t recognize opportunity when it occurs.

End Your Programming Routine: I know that our culture values constantly work. I am just as guilty of that myself. But, I don’t think our ancestors thought that way. We have shifted from doing just enough to ‘just do it’. In this case, I don’t think it is a big deal but it is that mindset training that is valuable. Unfortunately, if we don’t practice looking for opportunity then we will think about it after the fact. Then we are stuck in the ‘just do it’ mode.

December 10, 2024 – So True, So True

I finally received my home base CB radio. It was marked as ‘for parts’ on eBay. The seller claimed that it powered up but he did not have an antenna test. It is often the case that when sellers do not have the capabilities or the experience with items that they will mark them as parts only.

So far, I have had pretty good luck buying cheap. My CB works, I think. I am able to transmit and receive. That doesn’t mean that everything is as it should be. When I key the mic, sound also comes out of the speaker. I don’t think I need that and I certainly don’t want that, but maybe that is what it is supposed to do? I am on the path of trying to find out.

There is one other thing that is wrong, the volume button is wobbly. I haven’t gotten into it to the point that I have figured out what is wrong. But, presumably something is wrong with the mount. The volume controls still works fine. Trying to figure out some information, I ran across the video below.

If you watched the video, then you would have seen that the host was trying to encourage people to be adventurous. Using your intuition, there are some problems that can be diagnosed and solved just because you are paying attention. This doesn’t have to be about electronics either. I won’t deny that it would be a lot better to have a little bit of high level theory to go along with your gumption. But, nevertheless electronics could be as simple as a fuse.

When my wife and I were on our honeymoon, we visited some of her family in Mexico. They had a microwave that was not working. I looked at it and found a fuse that was blown. We replaced it and the microwave worked once again. Everywhere we went, I was the hero that fixed the microwave. It was kind of embarrassing actually. To this day, I still do not know anything about microwaves. I didn’t even know that they had fuses. But, I looked around and found a potential problem that turned out to be the fix. All because I had some fundamental knowledge and a willingness to look.

When I look back, I kind of wish that I had studied physics instead of chemistry. In today’s silicon world, I would probably get more use from a better grasp of electronics than chemical reactions. We had a couple of weeks of circuits in general physics. I cant remember much about anything. But, this is all stuff that I can learn, especially if I keep going down the rabbit hole.

The reason I posted this video is because this philosophy applies to much more than radio repair. It just so happens that this is a weak area for me. Car problems, leaks even business problems can be approached this way. What do I know? What doesn’t seem right? Follow the trail and validate each step. If nothing looks wrong, then maybe the problem is too complicated for your knowledge level. As such, there is no harm in escalating the problem to a higher level.

Back in the early 2000s, the check engine light came on. At that point, I had more time than money. I purchased an OBDII scanner (for $450!) and plugged it in. I found out the code suggested that the gas cap was loose. Because Oregon prevented us from pumping our own gas, I had no idea what was going on in that area. I reset the code and tightened the gas cap and the problem was solved.

In many ways, I felt kind of stupid spending that kind of money for a tool that had a no cost fix. But, I still use that scanner today and even though you can buy one for $30 now, I have probably gotten my money’s worth through the years. I would have felt even stupider towing my Volvo an hour away to find out the same results. When you know, you know.

End Your Programming Routine: If something is not working you have my permission to see if you can figure out what is wrong with it. You never know when the problem is a simple fix. Look at it this way, when something is broken how can it get more broken? Just be mindful of what you are doing so you can put things as they were.

November 21, 2024 – Sometimes, Being a Can Do Really Sucks

I have to vent for a minute. I have a garage for a reason. Not only should I be able to park a car in it which it was until the Mustang was sold, but I should also have a place to work on cars out of the weather. That I cannot do. Secretly, I can barely stand to go into the garage because it is so cluttered.

I have been needing to do the brakes on the pickup for a while. It was something I was planning on doing when the weather was nicer. You all know how my summer went and it didn’t get done. I mentioned to my wife that the needed to be done and she immediately helped me prioritize the job.

I should mention that this was not an emergent problem. One of the rotors was warped which caused a terrible vibration. If things are going well, like not metal on metal contact, I am in the habit of just changing the pads. It is faster and cheaper. But, something must have happened since I didn’t change the brakes that long ago (in milage). I have been putting up with it for several years but I drive fairly gingerly. Now that my son is the primary driver of the pickup it was time to do it.

My wife was at a girl’s weekend and I didn’t have to work. I was dreaming of all the things that I wish I was doing besides freezing my hands with cold metal. Worse than that, rain was in the forecast I had no garage. Plus, I was on the clock with only eight hours of daylight. I had a few tasks to do that day including adding the cargo carrier to the Navigator, replacing a taillight lens plus removing the canopy from the pickup.

I devised that I was not going to beat the weather so I had better set up a work space where I could get the job done. I took the time to setup a popup, organize the parts and tools and make my workspace as comfortable as possible. That included a bucket for a seat and the radio for the football game.

After about thirty minutes, the rain started coming down in buckets. As my weather luck was turning bad, so was the football game. It was a miserable time for shade tree mechanics and Beaver’s fans. The total job took me about four hours. I had to go back and forth to find my tools that my son has taken out of my tool box, find the right sockets and the proper tubing for the brake bleed.

A recent brake job at a tire store cost me $750. I was travelling for work and my wife was on a road trip with the kids so it was kind of an emergency. Mind you, I had just paid a mechanic for the same job about two months earlier and I was not happy in the least. I paid about $120 for parts for this job. And I got a $30 rebate to boot that I am waiting for.

Over the years, I think that I have made almost every mistake under the sun doing this job. This includes twice having the bolt holding the calipers on fall out. When that happens, the bracket bangs against the wheel making a heck of a racket and impossible to drive without feeling like major damage was about to happen.

I now know to use thread locker and torque the bolts to the right amount so it won’t happen again, I hope. Experience helps with expediency and proficiency. I think most people with the tools, the space and mechanical aptitude could do it too. I realize that is some major hurdles for some but why have all the stuff and not do it?

End Your Programming Routine: I am glad it is done and despite everything I very well may have saved time but definitely money. Even with bleeding the brakes it is not that difficult of a job. It was more that I just didn’t want to be out in the elements. I am convinced that I could probably do this in half the time if I didn’t have to spend time messing with the popup and setup. I was tired and sore and happy to be inside a warm, dry bed by the time it was over.

November 19, 2024 – Preparations for Travel

We are going on our first ever Thanksgiving road trip. This year, we are headed to Montana for a week. The way the weather is shaping up, this could be a miserable doozy of a trip. It is a long way to go in winter weather and we are expecting feet of snow at the higher elevations this week.

The problem with cold weather is all the additional gear you need. Add to that a dog and two extra passengers, we will be pushing our space even in a full sized Navigator. I had to break out the car carrier for the first time in quite a while. This thing is great for extra space, but it also adds a lot of extra height to an already high vehicle.

At the hospital, we already hit the 6’7″ bar warning that a crash is eminent. I happen to know after years of experience that I am just fine. But, I don’t know how fine I am. So, I don’t push it and keep in mind that I may be a bounce away from some very expensive body work. I can say that my wife has tried to drive into our garage Fortunately, I was outside to stop her. The carrier stays on only as long as it has to be on.

A smart man would have gotten the car to a mechanic before we leave. I really didn’t give it a thought until last weekend. By then, it was pretty much too late. That is not to say that I have done nothing. Recently I started getting a ‘Tire Pressure Fault’. I have checked the tire pressure multiple times and chalked it up to more electronic gremlins that have been plaguing this vehicle its whole life.

But, I wanted to check on chains for our upcoming travel. My wife had been told that chains would not fit on the vehicle due to wheel clearance concerns. So, I asked about the tire sensor. I was educated that it was probably a battery. Who knew, inside the wheel has a sensor that communicated with the computer. After fourteen years, two of the sensors are dead. I always wondered how that was done.

All this being said, I would think that this would be something the tire shop would do with new tires. It turns out, no. Now, I have to break down each wheel and replace the batteries. It was suggested that we could wait until new tires are due, but with the Navigator’s reduced role, it could be years at this point. The best motivation is that my wife want’s it done.

Besides the obvious luggage for a week long stay, it would be good to take some extra precautions. The first is be prepared for extra time. The highway’s may be closed until the storm blows through and the snow plows do their jobs. This can effect the start time and the return time and there is absolutely nothing that you can do. Keep your schedule flexible.

Part and parcel with keeping your schedule flexible, make sure your vehicle is stocked with food and drink. You could spend significant time in slow traffic following a plow, an RV or in a snowbank waiting for a wrecker. If something does happen, stay with the vehicle. Leave a plan with someone you know so that they know where to look for you and having food, water and shelter significantly increases your survival odds.

There is all kinds of recovery gear you might want to have. But, if you don’t have it and likely have never used it, probably best to skip. That being said, stick to major roads for safety purposes. These will be the best plowed and most travelled roads anyway. A much better chance to be found or get help if you need it.

I am going to bring a portable CB. I am not expecting a whole lot but it gives a possible way for secondary communications. My past experiences have been pretty ho-hum, If things get ‘western’ than maybe it will be an option to get ahold of a trucker. Plus, it gives a little more experience on the road with a potential tool. It would be better if I had a permanent mount.

End Your Programming Routine: This is supposed to be fun. It is a week of vacation for me and the first whole week this year. I’ll admit that I have a few doubts but it should be alright. I would much rather gear up and not need it, than need it and not have it. But, you have to go through these what if situations and test them to really be ready for the situations.

October 3, 2024 – And… Finally

My vision is finally complete. I won’t deny that it took so long that I wore out my chair but all the cast-offs and things that I wish I had installed (even some luxuries) are there. I have a new chair coming, just another day or two. The one I picked out got nixed by my wife for cost, but if I don’t like my new chair, I will be pushing for an upgrade.

Since the summer time, I have noticed that I have been having some back soreness. I observed that it went away when I spent several days at the hospital. It could be a number of things but I starting with replacing my office chair. I have sat in it a number of hours every day all summer long. And since it was given to me because it hurt the giver’s back, it is my number one suspect.

I was kind of on the fence about the TV and the surround sound. My thought for the TV is that it is a second monitor. It could be helpful in some group call settings, etc. That is a pretty thin reason. The truth is that I wanted it and when I saw one second hand for $12.50, it was a done deal. Once I had the TV, I had to also add the surround sound. I spent the time and expense to wire it up when I was building the space because that was my plan all along.

My piece de resistance is that I found an inexpensive sub-woofer to connect to the sound system. It is the 30 year long fulfillment. In the late 1990s we were denied credit at Montgomery Wards to purchase a full surround sound system. We told my in-laws about it and they immediately purchased it. I was slightly sad every time I looked at it, but the receiver and speakers got moved around and eventually deprecated.

The joke is on Montgomery Wards now, I am doing better than ever financially and they are out of business. I ended up with a much better system anyway. Once I realized that I could buy a subwoofer used at a reasonable price on eBay, it was a matter of the right time and place. Unfortunately, I have been working so much that I haven’t had a chance to really wring it out. The only thing I have done was the Dolby test. But it sounds fantastic with proper rear speaker placement and the subwoofer installed.

The space is truly my happy place. It is where I work (a lot), it is where I record my podcasts and due most of my writing. Now I can turn on football while I am putting in those late nights. It is always the first place I go in the mornings, even on the weekends. I can hide out until people start waking up and then I come upstairs to get the day started officially.

The tapestry on the wall is from my great grandmother. The pillows on the couch were made by my grandmother as part of our wedding quilt (which is now threadbare). The blanket on the couch was actually my wife’s when we first met. The pictures on the wall is my family crest and the other was from my father-in-law’s estate. My coat is an award that I won from a former job for meeting team performance metrics. I am surrounded by heritage, not just cast-offs.

I had visions of promo-ing a movie or reading a book on the couch or beating Need for Speed 2 the second time. That hasn’t come to fruition yet, nor do I think I will spend a lot more time than I already do in there. I would go as far as to say that I already may spend more time in my office than I do in my bed on average.

If I was being honest, I would like to have a little more storage. I would like to have one of those half file cabinets and maybe another under the desk storage drawer. I really don’t think I have any additional room for the file cabinet so that will probably never happen. I could probably add a few more decor items. For the most part, it is done and I am happy.

End Your Programming Routine: Outfitting my office with all of the techno-junk, personal items and do dads has been a pursuit for three years. All of my time building things, research into cables and cards, installing, testing and optimizing has been a lot of fun. In many ways, I am sad to be done but I need to move on. I need to be investing my time and money preparing for my hike next year. I am already feeling behind the gun on my preparedness for this event.

October 1, 2024 – What is a Dupont Connector?

Sometimes it is easier to buy first and then ask questions later. About a year ago, I purchased a wireless network card to add to an old Dell tower that I had. I never even looked to see if there was already a wireless adapter in the computer. I only really noticed when I went to enable the driver only to find out that there was already a wireless device attached to the motherboard.

The card was already installed so I left it until one, I purchased a USB, Bluetooth dongle and two, I opened the case to install one of my numerous upgrades. It was not expensive but it was basically brand new. I don’t use wireless anyway. My thoughts were I would install it in an old computer that the wireless is barely functional, even though I am not going to use it anyway.

Some people I know like to upgrade frequently. I understand the point that typically each generation offers more stability, faster performance and things like that. Like I said above, I just don’t use wireless on some devices. I talked about how to plug in new USB power to your motherboard here. Well unfortunately, to get the wireless card out of the computer, I had to break the Dupont connector. Not a problem until you want to install it again.

I don’t know everything, but I know that most USB ports on the motherboard can accept two inputs. This is because they are basically wired together in the Dupont connector. Many times, if you have never messed with them you have the capability to just plug in the wires into and existing connecter. But, if you want to remove a device then you have to get those wires out of the connector to leave the other ones you want to keep in the computer. That is how I broke the one that was originally on the card.

The reason that I am writing this is the question, how do you find something when you have no idea of the name? I started out searching for USB to motherboard connector. I found a lot of cables, but no straight connectors. I tried USB to motherboard plug, not really. I found items to build your own printer cable, I found items to solder into your own electronics. Finally, I had to read several cable descriptions to get the name.

The next problem is that I only want one or maybe a couple. I would be willing to pay $10 for a couple. I don’t like waste. And buying a kit of all these adapters that I will never, ever use seems like waste to me. But I know me, and as much as I don’t like waste I know that I will never take what I need and throw the rest away. So, now I have a $9 kit that I will never need more that a couple. I guess that is how it goes.

Apparently, Dupont connectors are used in small electronics projects like circuit boards that were assembled in electronics class. It is possible that given my propensity for obscure hobbies and techno-junk that I might some day put this kit into action. But, then again I only wanted one.

End Your Programming Routine: All this carrying on and the point is to install this network card in the computer. I have no idea if a twenty year newer card will work in a 32 bit architecture. It says that it will but then again it is Linux so that is always a crap shoot with me. At least now, I have some spare Dupont connectors if I have to pull this one out and break another again.

September 24, 2024 – Things to Sell…

I find it much easier to buy things then to get rid of them. Much of the time I decide that I am ready to move on, I am willing to give stuff away. We usually have a garage sale every couple of years and I have a propensity to price to sell. Typically, after the garage sale, everything leftover goes to donation. These days, even the donation receipt is worthless because of the new tax deduction rules.

But, every now and then I end up with something that I know has value and would very much like to get better value or trade. The easiest trade is for cash, for sure. But I have some certain items that I would like to move. I have been pretty lazy on getting started but I am starting to feel the urge to get moving.

First of all, these chairs pictured above. After we sold everything to move back from South Carolina, these were the first pieces of furniture that we purchased here. Twenty years ago, we paid $800 each. I looked recently to see if the company was still and business, they are selling for $1500 per chair.

I am under no illusion to get my money back or make a profit. But at those prices, these have to be worth some money. I like the pictured chairs much better then the $150 chairs that replaced them but they didn’t fit in with the ‘décor’. To me, this is a poor way get rich, replace durable goods with lessor ones because they are not in fashion. But, less friction in my marriage is much better than being rich.

I have a rifle case that I bought in college. I have never used it because it is for a 46″ rifle and now I know that mine are 42″. It means that it is extremely floppy and oversized. What did I know that cases come in different lengths. I literally paid $10 for it; I suppose it could be garage sale fodder. After thirty years, I am sure that I will never use it but I would happily to trade it for a similar value shotgun case. With everyone in the family possibly shooting sporting clays, it would be nice to have enough cases.

When my oldest son started shooting trap, I bought a traditional length shotgun barrel that had screw-in chokes. It was cheap because it was an after market maker. What I found with it was that it was not the same quality as OEM (hence why it was cheap). It is not just ammunition finicky, but I have observed many, many misfires on all brands of ammunition. I would like to have an OEM barrel that I feel would be much more reliable. I know that I will never use this barrel again based on my testing.

I can list multiple other items that I think have value and/or would rather have something else. It is just so much easier to not do anything and find a place to stash forever. This is something that I think I want to change. I don’t want my kids to have to figure out what to do with and I don’t really want valuable things just thrown away because nobody wants to put out the effort to clean up after me.

As a result, I am thinking of doing something on eBay. There are better platforms for each specific item, even locally. But, if I had some sort of online account, it could be considered play money. When I sell this, I will do that. I haven’t fully decided yet on a platform but the most important thing is to have stuff that is used and not be owned by stuff.

I hesitate to write about something I am going to do. There is some history about saying something without a lot of follow through from me. But, I am feeling the urge to purge. Part of my ruse was for me to take pictures for this post while at the same time getting the pictures to list. I am crossing my fingers that this is win/win.

End Your Programming Routine: I heard a podcast recently that hoarders start by buying things and then just never doing something with it. Then they buy more and more and it becomes overwhelming. I am not a hoarder by any means but I certainly have things that are in my way or at least are sitting around with little chance of being used. When I have a list a mile long of things that I would like to do, like upgrading my hiking/camping equipment for my trip next year, it makes sense to me to try and wring the value out of things that I no longer want.