Happy Father’s Day to me. We purchased a safe for Father’s Day and it was pretty cheap by all standards. It was already on sale and then we were able to by gift cards at 10% off. We used those gift cards to purchase the safe. So all told we bought the safe for $800. Buying it is one thing, but actually getting it in place is completely another thing. Today, I am going to talk about what to know when hiring a safe mover.

First of all, I never wanted the safe in my shop. This was an alternate choice. I wanted it in the basement where I currently store all of my sporting goods. While negotiating the delivery, I was told by the safe mover that it was too big to negotiate down the stairs and make tight turns. He told me when he showed up for delivery that safes of this size were too big to move up or down stairs (in general). Quite honestly, I don’t believe that. But, you should know that size matters when dealing with some individuals.

I think that if I had known this, I possibly would have purchased a smaller safe. The reason I bought this one was three fold. Conventional wisdom is purchase the biggest safe you can afford. The second was that this size was only $100 more than the one that was 20% smaller. The third is that I had no idea that people would say no. I assumed that I would say I want it here and the price would reflect the effort or manpower.

I wont go through all the gyrations that we went through to negotiate delivery. Suffice to say, I would not recommend this company to do further work. I mean, six weeks for delivery, who runs a business like this? I will comment on some of the more egregious parts of the process.

When he showed up to the store to pickup the safe, he called said that it wasn’t there. Mind you, because this was for Father’s Day my wife started the negotiations. Then he calls back five minutes later and said that she told him the wrong store. I had taken a picture of the receipt and sent it to him. But, my wife had already done that over a month ago. Since I wasn’t involved in the discussion, I don’t know who said what but the fact of the matter was that he already had the correct information. That wasn’t the worst part of it, he charged me an additional mileage fee because he got the wrong information.

He did do his best to position the safe where I wanted. He spent time to level the safe, check the door operation and give me some quick instruction on how to deal with batteries and change the code on the lock. I had assumed that this was full installation so I didn’t ask questions, but when he was done he said that we did not discuss anchoring the safe. He charges $25 per hole (and there are four bolt holes in this safe). By that time, I was so fed up with him that I said no. This is a job that I can easily do.

Another irritating thing was that when he drove off, he left all of the packaging in the driveway. Fortunately, most of it is cardboard and I can recycle it for free. But, I have never had an installation where they left stuff for the customer to deal with. This is poor business practice I would say. Here are my suggestions on what to know:

  • If you are hiring a mover, you might want to check with them before purchasing a safe on what they will or wont do in terms of placement.
  • You might want to look at more than one option if you have any. This was the company that the store recommended. I am sure they have no idea what this experience is like.
  • Make sure you get an itemized list of what you are paying for. I really didn’t appreciated getting sprung with extra costs on the spot.
  • I bought the safe at a farm and ranch store. Maybe you get what you pay for. They are not safe experts, just cheap, safe sellers. Probably had I purchased from a safe specialist, I would not have had all of these experiences.

This was a purchase that was long time coming. While I really don’t own that many guns, the current cabinet was at its full capacity. It is full of ammunition, accessories an all things shooting related. I even modified it when the kids were young adding a gate clasp with padlock for ‘extra’ security. It offered no fire protection and is always a chore getting stuff out that is not in the front. So despite the fact it isn’t totally what I wanted, I am happy for the extra security, protection and room.

End Your Programming Routine: In retrospect, I should have paid the $75 delivery fee and looked for movers that would do what I wanted after it was delivered, especially when I didn’t get a good feeling early on. I my case, I paid a third of the overall cost to have the safe delivered and positioned. I did learn a few things watching and so I will definitely not pay for this service again, especially to not get what I wanted. I have a few more things to accessorize before I start seeing how everything looks. I am eager to get started.