Originally, I wrote this show outline in May 2019. This was about a month after I had left my job and there has been a lot of water under the bridge since that time. When I first started, I was writing topics ahead in preparation to build a podcast. I didn’t really ever get around to it. As I have started podcasting weekly, I have those old outlines in the queue for weeks when I need a quick win.

At that point, I was thinking that this endeavor was going to be called ‘Polymath Daily’. My focus was going to be a classically oriented approach where I was going to integrate freedom, history, business and leadership, and other things like I am currently doing. I do talk about things like this occasionally but the original idea required too much daily research.

End Your Programming Routine: The reason I chose this one to do today is that I think it goes along with my current string of deeper and more personal podcasts. There is definitely some self analysis that needs to happen as a result of all my personal events recently. I will take my own advice and give it some time. Right now, it is too raw.