As a trained scientist, I suppose that experimentation is in my DNA. It comes to me naturally. At least part of what I do is to see if I can figure things out or do them just out of curiosity. Part and parcel with experimentation is observation. Data needs to be collected to support the experiment and make conclusions.

Since I started working again, I have noticed that as the day wore on, I was getting very fatigued, like ready for bed by the time the work day was over. Interestingly, I didn’t necessarily feel the same way on the weekends. My hypothesis of the situation is that my office usually starts at 60-65 degrees and will heat up to nearly 80 most days if I don’t crack the door. I was thinking that the increase in temperature was causing me to become more sleepy as the day progressed.

Recently, I was at the eye doctor. We talked about the fact that I could get computer glasses if I wanted to, but if it was not a problem then it wasn’t necessary. I asked him about the fatigue and he said most likely. I decided to perform an experiment on my favorite subject, myself.

I picked up my glasses Friday afternoon. The first thing I noticed is that things are definitely clearer close up. When I look beyond a couple of feet, things are definitely worse than with the glasses off. So, these are to be truly worn for reading and screen work. I put them aside to be tried on Monday.

I have two days under my belt now and I have to say that I have not experienced the fatigue and the temperature is 80 while I type this. Two days of data is not conclusive but it is definitely a nod toward a positive conclusion. I should probably document my experience for a week wearing the glasses and go back another week without them.

I am very aware of the placebo effect. When I first started taking Vitamin D, I was very skeptical. I have been taking it for probably 10 years now and I can actually see physical changes when I am not diligent about being consistent. I will be watching this experiment as well. I can see fine without them, I just can see much better with them on.

A proper experiment would have a control and a statistically appropriate sample size. So this will never be anything other than anecdotal observation. But, the principles remain the same. The main emphasis are propose a hypothesis, define the experiment, measure the data and make a conclusion with the data.

End Your Programming Routine: Not everything is rosy. I think I have to push these glasses up every minute of the day. So, it would seem like adjustment would be in order. I am happy that my vision is good enough that I can get by without glasses. I am also glad that at the end of the work day I am not ready to go to bed.