I was thinking that I spent a bunch of time taking video about the process and that maybe I would get some feedback on how to make it better if I posted it.  So, that is what I did.

Not having done this a ton, I am always surprised at how much work creating videos are.   Whether it is holding the phone the wrong orientation or trimming beginning and end of clips to make good transitions, this five minute video took a couple of hours to edit (and that is with very little actual editing).

I suppose that if I am going to do more of this, I should invest in a few items to produce better quality.  I need a tripod so I can get action shots as there is only so much you can do one handed.  I may need another camera for better angles as well, like a GoPro for head mountability, I don’t know.  Part of my hesitation is that is I am not terribly interested in creating a lot of video.  What I do, I want to do well.  

I was thinking about my interest in antennas and old tech and I started thinking about radios.  I think I could get into amateur radio.  I like approachable tech, science and DIY that seems tailor made.  Plus, at least traditionally these were the ‘good guys’ in disasters like Hurricane Katrina.  That seems right up my ally as well.

I don’t know yet, I need to do more research.  I certainly don’t need another expensive or gear and time intensive hobby.  I think preferably where I would start is a secondhand CB and a DIY antenna project.  

End Your Programming Routine:  I am keeping it short today.  The whole point of spending time on the video was to use it.  Since this video has been up a couple of days, I have already gotten some tips, so there may be another version in the works.  I can probably reuse many of the components making this faster yet to do.