This is going to be short. I have been lost in all the technical junk getting this site going. I have to admit that this isn’t my strong suit as I have never done anything quite like this before. I have spent some time in the Microsoft world of websites and this seems much easier.

I had some trouble getting my domain going. Apparently, there was some issue with the registration information. I had to get tech support to resolve this for me. I am not really sure what the problem was however I suspect that it had to do with the .co domain name because I registered a .net and it was working within the hour that I paid for it.

To get the importing of the old site working, I had to go in the way back machine and modify my host file so that I didn’t need DNS resolution to keep working. It did keep me from generating content however. I think most everything got over to the site reasonably. I did notice that some of the fancier stuff didn’t port across directly like my photo slides from August. I don’t think that it is worth trying to fix at this point.

Another thing I have realized is that I am on my own now. I had to upgrade WordPress and python to get some of the content to render properly. Some of those things are handled automatically when you are on a platform.

My most recent problems have been with getting security working. The SSL certificate was not installed and so people navigating to my site (from work computers) got blocked. I have just enabled that finally after a couple of days reading help files and banging my head. I had to get technical support on that as well as it seems like a cached version of the SSL was installed.

So, that is all to say, I think that I am ready to start moving ahead and putting this public. I can start changing links in my various profiles and maybe I will get some real content this week.