Month: December 2022

December 16, 2022 – Atlas Shrugged 3:4

I kind of go off today. I sat down and just started writing because what is happening in the book holds such a mirror up to our own society. I guess that I can only say how ironic that the parallels of the 1950s are matching the 2020s so many times. It just has to be that they are not parallels but truths because that is the only justification that would make logical sense.

Jim Taggert’s wife confronts him after listening to the radio program that Dabny spilled the beans on her affair with Hank Reardon. The nature of the conversation was more about who was really in control of Taggert Transportation. This is a night that Jim was supposed to be at a party whereby he was celebrating that he would acquire d’Anconia Copper by government takeover. Incidentally, I thought a person could only own one business? OK, so there is a story gap or things are so broken now that it doesn’t matter.

A series of arguments occur in this chapter. The last one being that Jim has an affair on the very night that all of this takes place with Lillian Reardon. What I really want to talk about is the language that Jim uses during the argument. “Who the hell are you, you cheap little nobody? I’ll do as I please, and you will keep your mouth shut and go through the right tricks in public, like everybody else”.

Here is the mindset of the well healed and better than you liberal. I don’t actually like the term liberal because it does the term injustice. In the days of communism, this is the Politburo. This is the upper class of the party that is not bound by the same rules as the rest of 99.9% party members. While the entire country is standing in soup lines, the party leaders are eating caviar every night.

I don’t usually name drop, but in this case I think that it helps illustrate what I am am saying. You have the Jeffery Epstein/Prince Andrew types that operated above the law for so many years. They must have crossed some unknown line to move from a position of privilege to outcast. These people were born into positions of unknown wealth. But they believed that they could have/do whatever they wanted. In some cases, I guess the consequences are still not realized. I suspect that there are many more of these type people, I just don’t know who they are.

There is a huge list of liberal loudmouths like Whoopi Goldberg/Michael Moore and the likes. These people earned a voice by acquiring wealth and fame. Make no mistake, they are not in the politburo class but they are the useful idiots. By continuing to spout off and act like they represent a class they continue to keep focus on themselves allowing the real puppet masters to continue with the play, unseen and unknown. They are continued access and pretending that they are part of the class as long as they perform their useful activities. I do believe that when the chips are down, we will see them sniveling and begging like the rest of the country.

There are some that have entered the scene by luck like AOC. Again, I would put her into the useful idiot category. She is not there, but may end up in charge by a series of calculating political moves. Everyone knows Gorbachev/Yeltsin/Jung Un. Some on that list left their mark by changing their ways and some never will. These are the public/political figures that enjoyed the life of politburo while the majority of the country was living a different standard.

I am not sure yet how to categorize those that move between the politburo and the spotlight. Maybe they are the true ruling class and I just cant see it. The Bill Gates/Zuckerberg/Bloomberg silicon valley types. These are the ‘do-gooders’. They want to censor your speech because it is potentially harmful. They want you to stop eating meat because of potential links to climate change. They want to limit your portion size for your own good.

I was reading an article when I was working on this post titled ‘How did the Democratic Party become the party of the billionaire?’ It really didn’t answer the question but the answer seemed very clear. It is the party that wants to limit other peoples freedoms so that others can get rich. Using a populist platform i.e. unions and welfare, it is so much easier to dupe people into thinking they are doing the right thing while they are getting screwed. All you have to do is write some entitlements for some while taking more for yourself. All they see is the free pizza for life, meanwhile I am also getting all you can eat salad bar, open bar, chicken wings and you get the point.

As long as this Ponzi scheme will last my useful working life, that is all that matters. It is why communism failed in the USSR, Vietnam, Cuba and China. North Korea only exists at the whim of China because it is another useful idiot in global politics. The brand of socialism that we are building will eventually fail, it has to. But, whether it will ultimately persevere is irrelevant, I only live one life and this is it – minimum viable product of government so that I can get mine.

I probably haven’t done a good job linking my rant to the story here. What got me thinking about all of this was Jim’s behavior. He thinks that he is capable of doing or having whatever he wants. This got me thinking about what I call people in the ruling class doing whatever they wanted despite the laws (i.e. Epstein). Not being a very public figure, I had to link public figures to the ruling class specifically media stars etc. I had to justify the behavior of the other figures in relation to the politburo to be clear in the structure.

The truth is, I don’t know. Every time we find out about living lives above the law, they go just like we expect. The thing is, we don’t know what is happening until after it happens. So, I suppose you can call this accusation, but it is my truth.

End Your Programming Routine: I spoke only about people associated visibly with the democratic party. Make not mistake I think people on the other side are just as vile. I tell myself that George W Bush was a rube. But then, how does an idiot graduate from Yale, own a professional baseball team, become governor and then president? No, pure evil. There is a reason that no-names like myself speak of altruistic principals. We are not getting anything from the system. If I was would I be so cavalier to denounce it? I’d like to think so

December 15, 2022 – A Bench Story

Unless you are a coastal steelhead fisherman, the time to tie flies is the winter time. The theory is that you stock up in the down time to get ready for fishing time. At least this is what I hear from the podcasts that I listen to. Fortunately for me, I do live in coastal steelhead country so I really have no excuse to not fish or tie flies.

This is not what I wanted to actually talk about today. I have a secret. My bench in the basement began life as a fly-tying bench. The top was specifically sized so that my vise would be able to clamp onto the top. In fact, I planed down the thickness so that this would work because I had planned on making it thicker. So, this is the story of my bench.

Back in 2011, I started this project of building a bench for my basement. I needed a sturdy space to do stuff. I thought that I would use it to do house projects but also tie flies. I spent a couple weekends milling stock and planning the design. This was an evolutionary effort where I had a rough idea about what my requirements were but the design changed as the wood revealed defects and my mistakes changed things as I went. My progress ended after the first couple of weekends because the cat decided to take up residence with kittens.

That time in my life was a whirlwind. Much of my work week was spent on the road from 2010-2015. I was travelling and working and my woodworking project languished. When you live like that and have toddler aged children, you don’t have the energy or the social capitol to do non-essential things like hobbies. But, I was making some side money in the form of travel bonuses so in 2012, I decided to buy a reloading setup.

The reloading equipment stayed in the box and my bench stayed in parts. When I got my range membership in 2016, then I really started recreationally shooting. I had been carrying empty brass around with me my whole life because my dad was a reloader but it really started piling up when I started shooting monthly. I decided to get back in gear and clean up my shop by finishing this project finally in the summer of 2017.

The reloading press got center stage when I mounted it. My original intention was to remove the press when I wasn’t using it allowing me to tie flies in the center of the bench. I did a lot of reloading but not a lot of fly tying so the press stayed. At this point reloading is here to stay and so is the press. There is room to move the vise somewhere else along the edge.

It was always my plan to have storage underneath the bench. I just didn’t know how I was going to manifest it until I got near the end. The large drawer was re-purposed from a previous workpiece, my home built router table, miter bench that didn’t make the journey back from SC. Before that, the drawer was part of a dog house that I recycled.

This bench is not that old, but it certainly has seen action. Currently, I use it almost daily as the stand for my pellet trap. Guns get cleaned on the bench and a lot of reloading has been done. I have wrapped presents, soldering, chopping and a lot of junk piling too.

I had this vision of using an old computer to stream music and look-up a few things now and then, but I think that machine has entered the end of its life because it doesn’t have the memory to stream larger format items. Right now, it is not really hurting anything where it is, so it will stay there for now. There are other things you cannot see or are not worth much but a mention like a cordless battery charger, a test phone, etc.

End Your Programming Routine: Sometimes things don’t end the way that you expect and sometimes they just take a long time to get there. This has some of both. At this point, I cant really imagine life without this bench, it plays a pivotal role in so many things that I do with content generation and hobbies. I doubt that it will make a move if and when that happens but I guess that is an excuse to build one based on the lessons of this one.

December 14, 2022 – 952 Cider

I gave my cider a name. Often times I just use the page number in my brewing logbook. But sometimes, it is fun just to do things for the heck of it. 952 is my street address because this cider is exclusively from apples on my tree (and only apples).

A lot of times in wine there are adjuncts added for various purposes. There is sugar for alcohol, yeast nutrient for successful takeoff and pH buffering for final taste. This is nothing but apple juice and yeast. What I wanted with this was to understand what the component of fruit would do.

The person I purchased the apple press from also gave me a refractometer. This is a device that measures sugar by looking at how much light is bent in the juice. I measured 13 Brix. As a home brewer, I am used to looking at specific gravity so this translates to about 1.059 or more importantly about 7% finished alcohol content. This was the reason that I didn’t add any sugar.

I used a small bit of cider to make my turkey brine for Thanksgiving. It was at that time I noticed some mold growing on the top. Before that point, I was on the fence for whether I would brew it or drink it. Turns out, my mind was made pretty quickly once I realized that I needed to act or lose it all. Maybe in the future, I will freeze gallons to keep some non-alcoholic on hand.

I have one text on cider making. It doesn’t come with a lot of instructions or starter recipes. If I had an actual pH meter, I could figure out whether my actual acid content was where I wanted. For now, I am going to just benchmark with taste. A pH meter is on my list but there are a lot of other things in front of it at this point.

I am also trying something new this time. Another reason why I dislike bottling is that there is a differential between different bottles. My theory is that the density of the bottling sugar causes it to settle to the bottom when added to a minimal stirred and ready to bottle beer. Another thing I got with my cider press were some sugar pellets. The idea is that a pellet is added to each 12oz bottle. This ensures the same amount of sugar is in each bottle. And, that translates into uniform carbonation in each bottle.

I am going to use 22oz bottles so that is two pellets per bottle. I am really interested to see how this is going to work. I find it irritating when one bottle starts bubbling over and another bottle is nearly flat. It also effects taste as well, clearly not my preference.

End Your Programming Routine: I don’t know exactly what the programming is today. Decision is better than analysis paralysis? I am especially prone to that when I invest a significant amount of effort into something. I want to justify that my effort was the best possible outcome or something like that. My prediction is that this effort will be inferior to what you can buy. But, I will learn some things and at least it is going to be saved for consumption.

December 13, 2022 – Better Late Than Never

I know Thanksgiving is over by a long way but Christmas is coming up and this strategy works no matter whether it is a holiday or not. I am talking about repurposing leftovers.

I find it particularly troublesome when there is leftover stuffing/dressing but the turkey is all gone. So, we need a way to get everything over with at the same time. Here is what I did.

Day Zero: After boning out all of the carcass, it went back into the stock pot. This was really just a waste elimination maneuver. I made turkey stock that a portion became Tortilla soup. But ultimately, it can be used interchangeably with chicken stock throughout the year so the balance went into the freezer.

Day One: It was Thanksgiving dinner again for lunch, we had the Tortilla Soup for dinner.

Day Two: Leftover rolls, cranberry sauce, turkey, stuffing, etc were turned into Thanksgiving sliders. This was a big day for college football so the sliders accompanied a litany of dips and other appetizers. A key note as well, this wasn’t just a reassembly of Thanksgiving but other flavors were added like mustard mixed into the cranberry sauce and a glaze over the whole thing. I chose not to add cheese but something like Havarti would have been appropriate as well.

Day Four: Cleaning up the rest of things, we were out of Turkey so I made a casserole. I bought a rotisserie chicken at the store, used some frozen green beans and mixed some mushroom soup with the beans and chicken. The whole thing was topped with the remaining stuffing and we were done with leftovers.

For Christmas, we are planning a prime rib. Meat is the easiest thing to reuse because as long as it isn’t overly sauced or seasoned, it can simply be thrown into casserole or sandwich or tacos etc. Who knows how much if any leftover we will have, I will try to be more timely if I have as large of a stack as I did with Thanksgiving.

If you are really stuck on things, I find that you can do an internet search like ‘what to do with…’ or ‘recipe ideas using…’ often times use some sort of stimulating results. You may not want to make the suggestions but from the search you can start getting ideas about where you may want to go instead.

End Your Programming Routine: I heard on the radio that Thanksgiving officially expired on Monday after the holiday. I find this to be bunk to be honest. How old is that turkey really? Use your eyes, nose and common sense here but re-cooking things also extend the shelf life. Of course, you could also just pre-portion meals and freeze for later just like you own hungry man.

December 12, 2022 – My 2022 Christmas List

I admit, I am bad at this. It is not like I don’t have good ideas but I either I can’t execute or I don’t have time. I talk about the some today, so I will skip this. I guess the main reason that I did this podcast was to provide helpful information on gift buying before it is too late – from a decidedly male standpoint.

Ultimately, I feel like too many people Christmas shop to check the box. That is just as it is written shopping rather than gift giving. Like all things, the value is not in the doing but the intent. If your intent is to finish then you end up justifying to yourself your decisions. Those end up being disappointing gifts.

End Your Programming Routine: In these times, I wish that I was the kind of guy that was into this holiday. Some people think and plan long before the middle of December about how they want to approach things and what they are going to do. I am just not wired that way. Is is selfish. maybe. I don’t know, but I have to work with what I am.

December 9, 2022 – Atlas Shrugged 3:3

I suppose that you could say that we are becoming fast friends: Friday’s with Ayn Rand. We started this journey July 8 so that makes us five months in with still nearly two months to go. Crazy because on one hand, it seems like it is just wizzing by but on the other hand, it seems like this had been going on forever.

I am not sure why Rand does this. Within this chapter, there are three distinct things going on and really could have been three chapters. At least the second sequence leads to the third and is loosely associated, but they really are three separate happenings. Once again, I am not going to give a plot synopsis but talk about it.

This chapter is titled ‘Anti-Greed’ which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for once. I think I would have titled it ‘Truth is a Choice’ or maybe ‘Choices have Consequences’. At the beginning of the chapter, Dr. Robert Stadler is whisked away for a demonstration. It turns out the demonstration is a new weapon. A weapon to end all wars and bring peace forever (sound familiar?). It is Stadler’s science and experimentation that provided the basis of this new weapon even though the research was allegedly unrelated.

The weasel that is Dr. Floyd Ferris has been working with the government to create this new weapon without the knowledge of Sadler. When it comes time to do the Public Relations after the demonstration, Ferris essentially blackmails Sadler to either stand for the new weapon as a show of unity or face the consequences. Sadler, being a prototypical liberal turns out to be spineless and goes with the flow.

Later in the same chapter, James Taggart informs Dabny that she is booked on the Bertram Scudder radio program. Her survival for over a month is cause for national celebration and an event to promote unity. Dabny refuses to do it until she is called on by Lillian Reardon. At such time Mrs Reardon threatens Dabny with blackmail about her affair with Hank Reardon unless she goes on the radio show. Dabny does go on, but it is not a repeat of the Sadler affair.

I am a believer in Social morals and codes. I think they are necessary for well functioning society. I guess to me that those are really derived from a higher power and not necessarily an obligation to a peer. For instance, do not lie is not in the 10 commandments.

8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Notice that this is not written as Thou shalt not lie, it is more circumstantial than that. Do not lie at the expense of someone else. When it comes to the truth, some truth’s are not earned when they are purely for someone else’s gain. As an example “Do you own firearms?” Now, I ask you what business is it of yours? What are you going to do with this information? Who really wants to know? To me, this is baseless questioning where the worthiness of the truth is subjective.

I am not naïve. The fact of the matter is that most lies do harm someone else. I am merely pointing out that we are not biblically commanded to always tell the truth. Ironically, when I read the biblical analysis this is all in reference to business type proceedings be court or trade. I think that if we look at the other related commandments.

2. Thou shalt not have any other gods before me

4. Honor thy mother and father

10. Though shalt not covet

These are all directing us to remain faithful and have a form of lying associated. I do find it interesting that they are directed at specific people God, parents and peers. There really is no code of conduct for spouses, children, slaves or extended family. If you are taking the Christian approach, extended family could be neighbors but I certainly don’t see people within the nuclear family impacted by these commandments. My wife is not my neighbor – you get the point.

How did we get here you ask? If I quote Hank Reardon from the chapter “People think that a liar gains victory over his victim. What I have learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one’s master, condemning oneself to then on to faking the sort of reality that person’s view requires to be faked.” From a biblical lie, even in the case where someone ‘gets away with lying’, they are still trapped in that alternate reality.

End Your Programming Routine: This chapter actually had another theme in it that I completely ignored. But what I wrote about was so much bigger. Tom Gresham is famous for saying ‘a lie is only a lie if you deserve the truth’. Sometimes, it takes guts to tell the truth and sometimes a lie is completely justified. You just have to know when is the right time for either.

December 8, 2022 – D-Day is Here and We Are on the Ledge

Today is the day that Oregon Measure 114 is supposed to go into effect. Boy, has it been a ride. Most of this I have written as time elapsed through this process. As the calendar neared the end of November, the instant background checks were backed up as high as a 20,000 person waiting list. Things were so congested that gun stores started crumbling by mid-November. I saw posts as early as November 17 that stores were no longer accepting orders as they had more than they could fill before this date.

In my local store, there are no firearms for sale. Everything that was on the walls and in the display cabinet is gone. They also are not taking online orders due to volume at this time. Some stores are choosing to follow the letter of the law and release firearms after three days of back-up. That is assuming that they have inventory to sell.

On December 5, we now have 42,000 background checks waiting with Oregon State Police (OSP). They are predicting that many of these will not be cleared before December 8. Once the measure goes into effect, applicants will have to start over with the new process. This means that any person wishing to purchase a firearm will have to be licensed by the county sheriff.

There are at least four lawsuits filed waiting to be heard The first one that had an initial hearing December 2 was sponsored by Oregon Firearms Federation (OFF). National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) along with National Rifle Association – Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) has filed another. The 2nd Amendment Foundation in conjunction with two county Sheriffs have filed a third. Even Sportsman’s Warehouse and Yamhill County Sheriff have filed a lawsuit.

Each lawsuit has a different bend to it. We have the constitutionality of the premise in the first place, questions about magazine capacity being banned while in ‘common use’ and effectively a defacto ban on firearms because there is no such permitting process in place. We are waiting to see if a temporary injunction will be issued by December 8 until a full hearing is in place.

I am going to make a prediction here. I think that the law is eventually going to stand. As long as the criteria is uniformly understood and applied, it is going to hold up. The reason that Bruen lost in the supreme court was that there was no practical way of exercising 2nd amendment rights. I don’t see regulating to a large extent as removing the right. I hope I am wrong, but that is my prediction.

I have been taking some temperatures on local forums. The overwhelming attitude (90%) is non-compliance. Or said another way, most people are not standing in line to get training to purchase another firearm. This is one slice and one look, but I really don’t see how this is going to work out for them. The talk has been get what you can get now and forget the rest. I am not going to share much in the way of strategy because people can look that up for themselves. I am not going to be the one that spoils the dish so to speak.

Given that most of the forum members are not signing up for ‘training’ there have been several discussions about moving. Again, the prevailing opinion is that this is going to go everywhere. I am afraid that they are right. While I do believe that the ‘Red’ states are going to be the last to fall, the overall trend is freedom is not valued. If it were, how could we even have half of the national debates that we actually have?

To make matters more complicated, the Secretary of State is saying that Measure 114 is legitimate from a vote count an legal standpoint while the Attorney General is saying that the measure is currently unenforceable. The Secretary of State is asking for a two month extension while all signs point to the measure going into effect.

As of December 7, at least two preliminary injections have been ruled. The first was dismissed; this was the lawsuit brought by OFF. The second was approved for a one month stay. The purpose of this delay is because the state is not ready to enact the measure at this point. Once again, we are marching toward enactment.

End Your Programming Routine: Maybe I should have read the measure more closely. I have now come to realize that there is no provision for confiscation or outright barring of magazines which I previously believed (this is akin to bumpstocks, once deemed illegal they were forbidden, period). That being said, I have plenty of range work to do in the next couple of years where I don’t have the desire to purchase a new firearm until I get done gathering data with what I currently have. I do have some desires to trade up but that can also wait. This leaves me in a position that I can probably wait out my kids final couple years in school before moving. So, I am taking everything day by day at this point.

December 7, 2022 – Are Two Things Worth It?

It is not everyday that I actually learn something. Most of the non-fiction type entertainment ends up being a perspective rather than actually something new. I can’t say that I actually know everything, that would be ridiculous but I do get surprised when I come across something that is new.

As I continue to evaluate the Backwoods Home universe, I keep getting surprised on what I learn. Since this issue was dubbed the ‘potato issue’ I knew that it was going to be pretty spud heavy. My dad quit growing potatoes in the early 1980s as a result of blight in the soil. To be frank, potatoes were cheap and readily available.

I guess in my head, I thought that growing potatoes was really impossible as a result of my upbringing. But, from this issue I learned that there are many (possibly 1000’s) of different varieties, some much more resistant than others. Unless I move somewhere more rural, I doubt that I will dedicate space to grow potatoes, so this was interesting but didn’t really change my perspective.

The first thing that I really learned was that there are two types of potatoes waxy and starchy. I guess I always knew that there was such a thing as boiling potatoes but I had never considered that there were two distinct categories. From this I also learned that there are some in-betweens like Yukon Gold that share properties of both (must be why it is so popular).

Of course, I have cooked with both but to me a potato was a potato. It is 95% likely that we would have a Russet (or starchy) potato on hand rather than a waxy variety. Now that distinction is clearly made, it is much more likely that I will consider the variety for the recipe. It would seem like the in-between varieties would be the best to keep in the pantry.

The second article in this issue that really opened my eyes was about coffee. I have always prided myself on not being a coffee snob. I don’t like cream or sugar and am not big on ‘mixed’ drinks. The fanciest I usually go is Americano – black.

But, the truth is that I think a fresh cup of Folgers can be quite good. I have ran a pot of Folgers after a Starbucks French Roast and found it just as appealing. I am not a rube when it comes to coffee, but I would say that I am ignorant. Let us get a little technical.

Green coffee beans need to be roasted to be brewed. The amount of roasting determine the darkness of the bean and therefore the coffee. Green beans hold freshness for a long time (I would say years, but I don’t know for sure). It is oxidation that effects the flavor. Apparently, oxidation doesn’t occur until after roasting and is significantly increased after grinding because of the exponential increase of surface area.

Long story short, for the best coffee leave your beans green until ready to be used. Here is my ignorance kicking in. I thought roasting coffee was an exotic process requiring expensive equipment. It turns out that this can be done on a skillet over the stove or even in a hot air popcorn popper. This is where my revelation began.

I just did a quick check at it seems like 3 lbs of raw coffee can be purchased for $21 from Amazon. I have no idea whether this is a good price or not, but it definitely seems like a price that can justify trying it. I can’t speak to quality of outcome but generally speaking, it is a pretty inexpensive experiment.

End Your Programming Routine: It does seem like I am getting value out of these magazines. I am leaning more strongly each episode to subscribing. It is nice to be pleasantly surprised. I think what else makes a difference is that I can see myself doing these things. Don’t get me wrong I love Fine Woodworking, but most of those projects I will never attempt. It is mostly inspiration (and desire) when I read it. Hence, I stopped subscribing years ago (but I do read it at the library every time I go).

December 6, 2022 – It Is Good To Have Stuff

Have you heard that you can be owned by your stuff? As a preparedness minded person, I definitely have more stuff than I need because I have duplicates of a lot of tools and an inventory of supplies and consumables. That being said, I am also frugal when it comes to many things.

So for instance both of my vehicles have been paid off for five years. I am not looking forward to another car payment. Just looking, it seems like we will have significant payments for a reasonably new car ($800/mo). I am delaying as long as possible. But, my Lincoln Navigator is showing some problems. There is some sort of electric draw that is killing the battery overnight.

As a good preparedness person, I have a battery jumper, jumper cables, battery chargers etc. My first go to is the jumper. It requires the least amount of effort to start the car. But, my jumper is anemic. I think I looked up and it only has 300 cold cranking amps. My car battery is 700 cold cranking amps, so a true dead battery isn’t touched by the jump pack. Having dawdled around with this for a number of situations, I really need to get a bigger jump pack.

When I went to go plug this unit back in to keep the battery charged, the cord arced. Upon closer inspection, the molded plug was severed nearly in half. On closer inspection, both sides had visible wire when the cord was bend ninety degrees to the attached end.. This wasn’t sabotage, but cheap materials. I think in the cold shop, the plastic insulation on the outside of the wire cracked to the point that the wires were exposed. In the photo below, if you look carefully you can see the exposed wires on the male end of the plug.

Now what? Good luck finding a replacement cord for a no-name jump pack that is 8-10 years old. I know, I will repair it if I can. Fortunately, I found the right male/female replacement ends for a total of $7. Incidentally, while browsing for an upgraded jump pack, I found a replacement cord for $10. The advantage to my strategy (repair) is that I know these parts will fit because I have already tested them.

This is not a hard process but there are a couple of tricks. The hardest part is figuring out how to disassemble the replacement plugs. But the first thing is to keep the polarity of the plug on the right (or same) side. Some cords have a stripe down one of the wires, this one has a rib. Said another way, in this cable one wire is ribbed the other is smooth.

It doesn’t matter which side you pick but stay consistent, especially if you are only replacing one plug. The neutral on a two wire setup is the bigger of the two prongs (or holes). The neutral on the male end should end up as the neutral on the female end of the plug.

There is a saying in electrical ‘Black on Brass’. Black is the typical color of the hot wire. White is the typical color of the neutral. If there is a choice of materials, the hot wire should land on the brass connector. I don’t know this as a fact but I think that brass probably has better heat resistance and therefore resists a screw backing out better than aluminum or steel.

With these particular replacements, they came with two different colored connectors. So, I chose the ribbed wire as the neutral and connected each end to the silver side. The other side were connected to the brass terminals. That is it, the cord is repaired.

End Your Programming Routine: Since this unit has proven nearly useless as a jumper (on my vehicles), it doesn’t mean it can’t be useful. For instance, it makes a hell of a phone/tablet/computer charger. So, I am in the market for a more appropriately sized jumper but now that this is going again I am going to keep it around as two are one.

December 5, 2022 – A Podcast About Nothing

It is sometimes the little things that move us from one thing to another. I walk through Black Friday to spending some time in the shop. I started work on my sofa table to ultimately hold my Hi-Fi system. This is the final piece in my office setup, but it is a big one.

End Your Programming Routine: Ultimately, we will see if I am right or feel the same way later in life. There a lot of philosophical choices I discuss in this episode. My biggest thing to battle is going to be maintaining progress. Unfortunately, this is a difficult time of year to really do that But, I need to keep pushing every day/week even if it is only 30 minutes a day.