I kind of go off today. I sat down and just started writing because what is happening in the book holds such a mirror up to our own society. I guess that I can only say how ironic that the parallels of the 1950s are matching the 2020s so many times. It just has to be that they are not parallels but truths because that is the only justification that would make logical sense.
Jim Taggert’s wife confronts him after listening to the radio program that Dabny spilled the beans on her affair with Hank Reardon. The nature of the conversation was more about who was really in control of Taggert Transportation. This is a night that Jim was supposed to be at a party whereby he was celebrating that he would acquire d’Anconia Copper by government takeover. Incidentally, I thought a person could only own one business? OK, so there is a story gap or things are so broken now that it doesn’t matter.
A series of arguments occur in this chapter. The last one being that Jim has an affair on the very night that all of this takes place with Lillian Reardon. What I really want to talk about is the language that Jim uses during the argument. “Who the hell are you, you cheap little nobody? I’ll do as I please, and you will keep your mouth shut and go through the right tricks in public, like everybody else”.
Here is the mindset of the well healed and better than you liberal. I don’t actually like the term liberal because it does the term injustice. In the days of communism, this is the Politburo. This is the upper class of the party that is not bound by the same rules as the rest of 99.9% party members. While the entire country is standing in soup lines, the party leaders are eating caviar every night.
I don’t usually name drop, but in this case I think that it helps illustrate what I am am saying. You have the Jeffery Epstein/Prince Andrew types that operated above the law for so many years. They must have crossed some unknown line to move from a position of privilege to outcast. These people were born into positions of unknown wealth. But they believed that they could have/do whatever they wanted. In some cases, I guess the consequences are still not realized. I suspect that there are many more of these type people, I just don’t know who they are.
There is a huge list of liberal loudmouths like Whoopi Goldberg/Michael Moore and the likes. These people earned a voice by acquiring wealth and fame. Make no mistake, they are not in the politburo class but they are the useful idiots. By continuing to spout off and act like they represent a class they continue to keep focus on themselves allowing the real puppet masters to continue with the play, unseen and unknown. They are continued access and pretending that they are part of the class as long as they perform their useful activities. I do believe that when the chips are down, we will see them sniveling and begging like the rest of the country.
There are some that have entered the scene by luck like AOC. Again, I would put her into the useful idiot category. She is not there, but may end up in charge by a series of calculating political moves. Everyone knows Gorbachev/Yeltsin/Jung Un. Some on that list left their mark by changing their ways and some never will. These are the public/political figures that enjoyed the life of politburo while the majority of the country was living a different standard.
I am not sure yet how to categorize those that move between the politburo and the spotlight. Maybe they are the true ruling class and I just cant see it. The Bill Gates/Zuckerberg/Bloomberg silicon valley types. These are the ‘do-gooders’. They want to censor your speech because it is potentially harmful. They want you to stop eating meat because of potential links to climate change. They want to limit your portion size for your own good.
I was reading an article when I was working on this post titled ‘How did the Democratic Party become the party of the billionaire?’ It really didn’t answer the question but the answer seemed very clear. It is the party that wants to limit other peoples freedoms so that others can get rich. Using a populist platform i.e. unions and welfare, it is so much easier to dupe people into thinking they are doing the right thing while they are getting screwed. All you have to do is write some entitlements for some while taking more for yourself. All they see is the free pizza for life, meanwhile I am also getting all you can eat salad bar, open bar, chicken wings and you get the point.
As long as this Ponzi scheme will last my useful working life, that is all that matters. It is why communism failed in the USSR, Vietnam, Cuba and China. North Korea only exists at the whim of China because it is another useful idiot in global politics. The brand of socialism that we are building will eventually fail, it has to. But, whether it will ultimately persevere is irrelevant, I only live one life and this is it – minimum viable product of government so that I can get mine.
I probably haven’t done a good job linking my rant to the story here. What got me thinking about all of this was Jim’s behavior. He thinks that he is capable of doing or having whatever he wants. This got me thinking about what I call people in the ruling class doing whatever they wanted despite the laws (i.e. Epstein). Not being a very public figure, I had to link public figures to the ruling class specifically media stars etc. I had to justify the behavior of the other figures in relation to the politburo to be clear in the structure.
The truth is, I don’t know. Every time we find out about living lives above the law, they go just like we expect. The thing is, we don’t know what is happening until after it happens. So, I suppose you can call this accusation, but it is my truth.
End Your Programming Routine: I spoke only about people associated visibly with the democratic party. Make not mistake I think people on the other side are just as vile. I tell myself that George W Bush was a rube. But then, how does an idiot graduate from Yale, own a professional baseball team, become governor and then president? No, pure evil. There is a reason that no-names like myself speak of altruistic principals. We are not getting anything from the system. If I was would I be so cavalier to denounce it? I’d like to think so
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