Month: April 2021

April 5, 2021- The Wire Monster

I am trying to figure out where to go from here. It is increasingly difficult to prioritize the time to write, balance family time with work and accomplish all the other tasks that need to get done in life. More specifically, to what end? I didn’t start this because I was bored in life, I started to try and build a career replacement.

Maybe I didn’t use my time as effectively as I could have when I had it. I certainly was slow to get my domain started and branch out. I am not aggressive about the business aspects. The truth is, I have discovered that I really don’t want to participate in social media. I find the interaction a chore and somewhat detestable.

I guess that I would compare social media to shopping at Costco. Many people I know like to shop at Costco. There are some nice things about it, but high on my list is consistency of availability. I never know if what I want is available. I never know if what I want to see on social media is available and I don’t want to spend my time ‘shopping’ just to see.

Just like other social media, my branding has been a little all over the place. I suppose what I was trying to accomplish was interweaving life with skills. I have not been consistent with my delivery of good skills based content and have wandered quite a bit, particularly since I finished my remodel. I am making no promises here, but since I have a project going on, I should take advantage of the fact.

Since I spend a lot of my workday being cold, getting heat is a priority. I was looking at my subpanel trying to figure out what the unmarked breakers were and what space I had available. The upper left 20A 240V breaker was wired to a baseboard heater that is no longer installed and the target of my interest. But further to that, why did I have so many 240V breakers?

I found that I had one 20A 240V breakers un-used and one 30A 240V breaker empty. On top of that, there was some curious wiring. One leg of the bottom right 20A 240V circuit was tied to a relay and two 12V transformers that didn’t go anywhere. My speculation is that this has been an electrical free for all.

The DC wiring I think was for an internal vacuum system but I really don’t know. There is also heat tracing on all of the piping in the basement has not been connected since I have lived here. Maybe that is the reason? I was going to cleanup everything, but ultimately I decided to disconnect and remove all of the low voltage stuff. I have lived here over sixteen years and never knew or needed it, it is not likely I was going to miss it.

So, I have my circuit for my heater and I have space to add an office specific 20A circuit and I simplified my panel. I have built my Bill of Materials and made my cost estimate. It is almost time to really get started.

April 2, 2021- Gone But Not Forgotten

Today I received an interesting e-mail from the Boy Scouts of America. They still keep track of their alumni. They seem to do a better job than my schools.

I seem to remember getting one of these last year. I suspect that it has to do with my kids being part of the program and me putting my contact information in.

I have talked about some of my experiences before. I may be closer than others who do not have kids in the program or still remain in touch with local resources. So, I do get frequent reminders of the values and benefits from that standpoint.

Even though things have changed a lot, some for the better and some for the worse I still think that it an organization that provides value. One of the things that I find interesting is the growth and development the boys have throughout the tenure. The come in as fifth graders and leave when eighteen, if they stay the whole tenure. Most of them come in as children and leave as a true adult. There is a transition from a timid grade schooler interacting with high schoolers to leading a small organization over time.

When I listen to them talk amongst themselves I can still hear youthful optimism and naivete but to see them in action, the training pays dividends. It’s nice to learn skills and have fun but to be able to practice the fundamentals of leadership is the experience that I see valuable.

This is Easter and celebrating that Jesus died for our new covenant with God. We have eternal salvation if we want it. I hope that you have a great weekend.

April 1, 2021- ‘Tacticool’ Thursday

It is April Fool’s Day; there can be some real fools in the Tacticool space. I thought that it would be fun to identify some of them today.

The Mall Ninja– The mall ninja type is a person that gets kitted up to go out in public. My definition would include swords and trench coats, tactical dress with the bat belt on and wearing a full on backpack out in public. It is not clear to me if they are wearing all that gear because they think it might be useful or whether they are trying to drive a reaction.

One time, I saw a guy in a local grocery store wearing a kilt with a bush knife and handgun on his belt. The kilt was obviously a statement, but then to be decorated with weapons I couldn’t help but wonder if that was provocative or not. I averted my eyes one so they didn’t get burned but also I didn’t want to get into any issues.

The Keyboard Warrior- I suppose this category isn’t limited to the Tacticool space, but to the internet in general. The keyboard warrior is someone that knows it all or done it all and likes to post about it. The majority of their time and experience is spent within the virtual realm. In reality, we are seeing the highs and not the lows (if it is in fact true). They may have an encyclopedic knowledge of firearms or weapons with little practical experience.

The Role-player- I am not one to judge ones interests but I think sometimes these people end up trying to live their fantasy. This category is on the fringe of Tacticool, maybe more like wannabes. They can also bridge into the Mall Ninja category as well.

The (un)Prepper- This is the person that calls themselves a prepper, but the only preparation they have made is buying firearms and ammunition. The so called plan when the Shit Hits The Fan is to take what they need, hence all the firepower. This person will likely end up dead in the first week or join a band of renegades.

Not Internalizing the Rules of Gun Safety- This is the adage of becoming familiar enough to be dangerous or familiarity breeds complacency. There are so many stories about this especially if you have been around this space for a while. Anyone can have an accident or even an equipment failure but if you are properly following the rules, a violation of one rule but not the others can have a safe outcome.

I went deer hunting with a guy one time and I heard a shot from his direction. When we got back together, he said I heard something and so I shot, it turned out to be a person. That scared the crap out of me and I never went out with him again.

There are others in the woods, at the range and in public like that. It is why I prefer to skip chances at deer hunting in preference of safety. Keep your eyes open for for other Tacticool fools, they roam among us.